Looks do matter



  • sc003ro
    sc003ro Posts: 227 Member
    looks do matter ..chemistry is key ...

    there is an *kitten* for every seat...Not all women want a ripped jacked guy....I sit next to a women at work that is really intimadated by workout guys and wont date them.....

    So just be you but be the best you ..you can be
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Physical attraction (sexual chemistry in other words) does matter.

    Looks are a subset of physical attraction but not the only component of the same or even the biggest component.

    You can look like you've fallen out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down and still get laid like a rockstar if you have other *cough* things going for you.
  • rocklion
    rocklion Posts: 69 Member
    Well let me ask the ladies this. How much does confidence play a role? If an overweight, but confident guy came up and started talking to you and asked for your number would you give it? I've always heard that confidence is key.

    Maybe it is. Maybe the guy who is physically fit has a better upper hand on that because he has more confidence than the dude who is carrying a keginator on the belly.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Well let me ask the ladies this. How much does confidence play a role? If an overweight, but confident guy came up and started talking to you and asked for your number would you give it? I've always heard that confidence is key.

    Maybe it is. Maybe the guy who is physically fit has a better upper hand on that because he has more confidence than the dude who is carrying a keginator on the belly.

    If I were single, I'd totally give an overweight guy that shined with confidence my number. Then again, I have very little self-confidence, so I find confident people totally awesome, regardless of the size. Also, sometimes the guy with the "keginator" has more self confidence because he's accepted his body the way it is, as opposed to the guy that's fit but wants to get fitter and doesn't quite accept his body yet
  • shimmerNsparkle
    Yes they do matter, Looks are what first makes you want to go talk to someone, its personality that makes you stay though, lets face if we have all been SOOO Attracted to someone but as soon as they open there mouth it was like WHOMP WHOMP and suddenly they no longer looked so good.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Maybe it is. Maybe the guy who is physically fit has a better upper hand on that because he has more confidence than the dude who is carrying a keginator on the belly.

    I think it is more about self worth and value (or particularly the perception by the object of your desire that you have some.)

    Good "looks" are highly valued in society therefore the physically fit guy has to work less hard to get attention because he is automatically assigned a high worth. In reality, the guy may have no real confidence at all (and therefore be a bit of a jerk) but this unconscious desire to seek out worth is stronger than reason in many cases.

    The less good looking guy may show worth in other ways (risk taking, wealthy, sexually confident) which puts him on a par or higher than the good looking bloke and therefore he commands a lot of interest as well. However, it may take him a little longer to show this value as good looks have an immediate impact.

    Fundamentally you must either believe in yourself and your worth strongly or give the impression of doing so I believe.

    Obviously this is highly generalised.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    Well let me ask the ladies this. How much does confidence play a role? If an overweight, but confident guy came up and started talking to you and asked for your number would you give it? I've always heard that confidence is key.

    Maybe it is. Maybe the guy who is physically fit has a better upper hand on that because he has more confidence than the dude who is carrying a keginator on the belly.

    If I am not physically attracted no amount of confidence is going to change that
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Well let me ask the ladies this. How much does confidence play a role? If an overweight, but confident guy came up and started talking to you and asked for your number would you give it? I've always heard that confidence is key.
    Let me put it this way:
    With that being said, assuming there's nothing majorly wrong with you, a variable but non-zero percentage of the female population will think you're cute.

    To echo what someone said earlier, venues aiming specifically at helping people hook up, be they of the virtual or alcohol-serving kind, will typically be sausage-fests and stack the odds in the lasses' favour. Have fun but don't take it to heart.
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    OF COURSE looks matter! Let's be serious.

    I fell in love with my boyfriend for his heart, not his looks. But, it sure does not hurt that I find him incredibly handsome!

    & I'm know it's the same for him. He loves me b/c of who I am, not what I look like. But, it sure helps that he finds me attractive. Lolz.

    It can be selfish, or shallow, but you have to look at this person for the rest of your life, why not be looking at a hottie?!

    Plus, that's the beauty (no pun intended) of coupling up. I could be the most butt-ugly girl to you, but I'm a 10+ to my boyfriend. Beauty is subjective anyway.
  • Bucky83
    Bucky83 Posts: 1,194 Member
    Sadly, yes, it does impact a lot.

    I've been single my entire life. A date here and there, but never had a relationship.

    I KNOW it's how I look, because I know I'm a good person (I often have friends say I'm a nice and genuine person).

    You have a very pretty face. Get thee to a GOOD hair stylist, get some blonde highlights and a sexy hair style, get a hotter pair of glasses and ... well ... no pics of your body, so I don't know how to dress you. You have a great base. Work it better.

    Disagree. I'm sure the glasses have something to do with it, but I think she's got the hot librarian thing going on, and all that artificial meddling your talking about would only spoil it. She looks genuine as is. Artificiality would only detract.

    But that's just me. I'm male and hairy and unexfoliated. What do I know? :D

    Why thank you! How you doin? :laugh:
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Sadly, yes, it does impact a lot.

    I've been single my entire life. A date here and there, but never had a relationship.

    I KNOW it's how I look, because I know I'm a good person (I often have friends say I'm a nice and genuine person).

    You have a very pretty face. Get thee to a GOOD hair stylist, get some blonde highlights and a sexy hair style, get a hotter pair of glasses and ... well ... no pics of your body, so I don't know how to dress you. You have a great base. Work it better.

    Now forgive me if I'm wrong but the "I'm a nice person why does everyone dump me" thing is usually a euphemism for "I'm really clingy." Just make sure you're not.

    I'm saying this because you sound sad, and I would love for your dreams to come true for you. =)

    Nothing wrong with black rimmed glasses. Nothing wrong with her hair either. Bucky is beautiful.
  • sdfkjsadglkj11
    sdfkjsadglkj11 Posts: 211 Member
    I find that some of the most physically attractive people are the most awful personality-wise.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Yes and no. I wouldn't date someone I'm not attracted to, but attraction is much deeper than looks. I've known a lot of really handsome men who turned ugly to me when I met them soley based on their personality. However, physically there are things I find really attractive or sexy, but you can have all the 6 pack you want, if you don't have a personality it's not going to happen lol.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Looks draw me in, but they don't make me stay. Personality makes a world of difference in how attractive I find someone.
  • honeytgb
    honeytgb Posts: 32 Member
    I am disappointed that not a single one of the promised animated gifs have made it. The closest was some random meme, and that too only on the fourth page
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Looks matter...to an extent. But other matters are more important. Of course I want to be with somebody I find physically attractive, but I'm not willing to put up with a bad person or a bad personality in order to get that.
  • Gmtribble90
    Gmtribble90 Posts: 463 Member
    Locked? Seriously? I'm just looking for a good conversation. I think there's been some pretty good responses so far.

    There's something I saw a couple of months ago that I thought was interesting. I'll just go ahead and say I did online dating for awhile. Now the thing is if you ever do online dating then you'll see something that's pretty common. And this is for the guys at least. But as a guy, you see all kinds of profiles where a woman states "don't message me if you have a pic of yourself in the mirror with your shirt off."

    But one online dating service did a study of their members and found that if a guy had hist shirt off and had a good body then he was substantially more likely to get a message back then anyone else. Double entendre I think.

    lmao. yes, online dating is ridiculous. Take their profile preferences with a grain of salt. Reality says otherwise, like you pointed out.

    With online dating, you have to realize that it's basically online window shopping for an attractive woman. They get flooded with messages. It comes down to looks, height, wealth, and a funny profile and good one liners. It does not at all resemble the outside world. Inflated egos abound. Don't take it to heart.

    Oh, I know you're right. After my divorce, I did it for a year and a half. I know exactly. I've sworn off online dating now.

    Hey now....I did online dating and even though it took a few months, I found a great guy online. There were many losers, but then I found a genuinely sweet, caring guy who was just tired of being played and tired of searching for a good mate in his area, so he turned to online dating. I was skeptical at first when he messaged me, but I gave him a shot and glad I did :)
  • BarbieFromHellx
    BarbieFromHellx Posts: 758 Member
    Looks matter to me, in the sense that how I look really matters to me and I care about the way I look, but I don't care what others think of me. For instance, if someone doesn't like the way I look then I don't care - as long as I like the way I look. My personality is much harder to like because I'm so weird and "out there" (apparently).

    Also if someone has a horrible personality, they instantly become unattractive to me.