Looks do matter



  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    In....to read later.

    My opinion to the OP (haven't read any posts yet)

    I am married been together 17yrs and my husband or I will both tell you...yes looks matter, I would have never given him the time of day if I didn't like the way he looked and he would not have persued me if he didn't like what he saw. I love my husband but I would never have known how great he is, if I wasn't attracted to him.

    So after 17 years, bodies change but we do both put value on physical appearance still, we both still find each other sexy but we both always want to improve (I have had a 3 yr slump I'm am working my way out of). For some it may not be that important, but I met my husband at 20, never had an issue getting male attention and honestly could be shallow. When my husband asked me out, the place had low lights. I told him I couldn't answer him because I had no clue of his eye color....I then told him, "you never know who you will meet, fall in love with, get married, have kids and I want blue eyed kids". He flicked a lighter to show me he had crystal deep blue eyes. Funny thing is had never said anything like that before and it was prophetic... I have 2 beautiful blue eyed daughters :smile:

    So to me yes looks matter, would I still love my husband if something happened to his looks, of course. If he neglected himself though and caused drastic change, I could see that lowering my sex drive and desire. He feels the same and I am fine with that. I will say though with my weight gain he has never said 1 negative word and has only ever complimented me....if I had gained enough to change my body shape drastically though, he might have then become sexually distant.

    As I have matured though I do find myself finding traits and body shapes attractive that I never did in the past. I was bad when young, you could line any guy I dated into a straight line and if you wrote their description down, they would all match, so I definitely had a type.

    When single and young I think looks matter the most in the sense of meeting someone, most people don't go out and say " Gosh that guy/woman looks really smart and nice!"....Nope they say "Damn, I have got to meet him/her...look at that *physical feature*"
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,717 Member
    I'm afraid people are superficial.

    I was drop dead gorgeous in my teens and twenties when I was working internationally as a fashion model. It is only when I lost my looks due to age and weight gain that I realized I had been naive thinking that people were kind to strangers and interested in their opinions. I had just been getting special treatment because of my looks.
  • hellosay
    hellosay Posts: 76 Member
    kpost323 - Aww, I love the story of how you met your husband!

    Yes, we are all superficial and vain about looks. It's a survival mechanism, no one wants ugly kids.

    I tell my husband that he's lucky I am cute since my son looks a lot like me. :wink:
  • burning2much
    burning2much Posts: 4,846 Member
    First glance that catches the eye, that's when you notice the person. Everyone notices beauty before anything else. Is it important? No, however it does attract and get recognition. In the long run the person with good looks may have the first advantage, but in the end they are still just people.
  • MuscleHeadNerd74
    MuscleHeadNerd74 Posts: 1,930 Member
    looks only go so far a woman can be absoulty gorgeous and a ****ed up personality straight stuck up ***** then shes ugly to me, just my opinion,

    Ofcourse we all day first attraction is the outter shell so it does play a part on both genders.... So on side looks do matter however if the inneshell is ugly so is the outter
  • cctorrez
    cctorrez Posts: 15
    But they can't have bigger boobs than me.

    hahahaha i feel this girl
  • MuscleHeadNerd74
    MuscleHeadNerd74 Posts: 1,930 Member
    Looks matter to me, in the sense that how I look really matters to me and I care about the way I look, but I don't care what others think of me. For instance, if someone doesn't like the way I look then I don't care - as long as I like the way I look. My personality is much harder to like because I'm so weird and "out there" (apparently).

    Also if someone has a horrible personality, they instantly become unattractive to me.

    I agree with you on this... Idc either what people think I do this for me to look and feel good, Im kinda weird too Im a perfectionist and refuse to take my shirt off in public even tho I been told Im crazy and i should have it off all the time, i looking for a certain look to perfect, so yeah I get what your saying and excatly what I mentioned before if they ugly on the inside yeah very unattractive then
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I don't know. Just felt like rambling a bit. But I'm just going to post a question for single people. Heck, even married if you want to comment.

    Do looks matter?

    I think they do. I've heard countless times again and again "Looks don't matter if they have a good personality." Sure.... Let's be real. Let's be honest. If as a man or a woman and they're fit do you take a second look? Yeah you do. I'm sure they get approached more often. At least the women. And if some guy talks to a girl with a ripped body, I'm sure women pay more attention to him than if there was a chubby looking guy with a keg instead of a six pack.

    What's your guys thoughts?

    Looks matter to a point, but if you told me I had to choose between a super sexy guy who was a total jerk or an average looking guy who was funny and sweet, then I am going to choose that average looking guy. I can't stand men who are self-centered and act like idiots and are immature. I don't need that in my life no matter how much like Joe Manganiello they look.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Looks doesn't matter but personality does.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Sadly, yes, it does impact a lot.

    I've been single my entire life. A date here and there, but never had a relationship.

    I KNOW it's how I look, because I know I'm a good person (I often have friends say I'm a nice and genuine person).

    You have a very pretty face. Get thee to a GOOD hair stylist, get some blonde highlights and a sexy hair style, get a hotter pair of glasses and ... well ... no pics of your body, so I don't know how to dress you. You have a great base. Work it better.

    Disagree. I'm sure the glasses have something to do with it, but I think she's got the hot librarian thing going on, and all that artificial meddling your talking about would only spoil it. She looks genuine as is. Artificiality would only detract.

    But that's just me. I'm male and hairy and unexfoliated. What do I know? :D

    I ship it.