Silly things that annoy you!



  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    No,not physically but to make you uncomfortable so you would leave.
    Nah. I started the convo and I hadn't been on the machine the max 30 min. Besides, I don't bully well these days.

    You're so overprotective of me, Carl. :smooched:
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Some words specifically annoy me:
    -Expresso instead of Espresso
    -Pitcher instead of 'picture'

    Also the kids that bang on my front door like it's an emergency and someone is dying on the street. They never knock civilly, they ring my doorbell frantically or pound on the front door like it's a home invasion. Once- just because I was so irritated that a boy did this and woke my baby up, I opened the door and pretended like I truly thought it was an emergency "OH MY GAWD ARE YOU OK? Do I need to call 911!!!!!" lol.
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    Other people's kids.

    Other people's kids annoy me too, especially if the kid is being irritating or disrespectful and the parent just stands there. DISCIPLINE YOUR KIDS!
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    Some words specifically annoy me:
    -Expresso instead of Espresso
    -Pitcher instead of 'picture'

    And 'warsh' instead of 'wash'

    OMG and 'costed' example: it only costed 5 dollars...:explode:
  • jammyone
    People who say "Wub-you" when they try to say W.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Other people's kids.

    Other people's kids annoy me too, especially if the kid is being irritating or disrespectful and the parent just stands there. DISCIPLINE YOUR KIDS!
    I heard a kid tell his dad not to "*kitten* it up" on the metro the either day. No reprimand. I was a bit shocked.
  • DJH3
    DJH3 Posts: 243
    People talking to me when I'm listening to music... sometimes I want to say "Give me a sec, this song is WAY more interesting than anything that could possibly come out of your mouth."
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Chest hair growing back in... :tongue:

    My annoyance--men who shave their chest hair.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    People talking to me when I'm listening to music... sometimes I want to say "Give me a sec, this song is WAY more interesting than anything that could possibly come out of your mouth."
    OMG! my husband pulls this crap. I'll say, "OH I love this song"......and then he has to chose THAT moment in time to tell me something. It's never anything good. Now I just tell him SHHHH! Geez, man-- it's music here.
  • DJH3
    DJH3 Posts: 243
    Chest hair growing back in... :tongue:

    My annoyance--men who shave their chest hair.

    Seriously! (First time ever and it was for curiousity... cut me some slack. Consensus is... stay furry.)
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Where did my post go about when you are trying to talk to someone and you keep sneezing?? :huh:

    It is still there on the page before this one.:wink:
    Oh!!! :laugh: I've been so head is all fuzzy!!!! :blushing:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Weather forecasts that are waaaaaay wrong!! (Sent my daughter off in a light jacket today and it's cold as heck out.) :angry:

    Bank tellers who can't tear their eyes away from the computer when you're waiting in line. Hellllllllllooooooooo!!!! :grumble:
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    I really hate grocery shopping. People stand there with their trolleys and look at you and just expect you to move. Now, I am the nicest person in the world till this happens. I can't help but look at someone and say ' I don't do telepathy, if you want to get past open your mouth and say 'excuse me', and then say 'thank you' when I say 'certainly' and I move'. Then I will reply 'you're welcome'and we'll all be happy.

    Or if I'm particulary fecked off I will just shout' EXCUSE ME...oh yes...YOU'RE WELCOME' tut and shove my trolley almost into them.

    My poor husband, I don't know how he can cope in the store with me.

    But people are idiots and have no idea how to say 'excuse me' they just stand there looking at you. It's grinds me gears massively. I hate grocery shopping.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    This isn't silly...but those that cause unnecessary drama...annoy the crap out of me! :wink:

    You must realllly hate the internet then lol :]
    I'm beginning to dislike some parts of it!! :laugh:
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I really hate grocery shopping. People stand there with their trolleys and look at you and just expect you to move. Now, I am the nicest person in the world till this happens. I can't help but look at someone and say ' I don't do telepathy, if you want to get past open your mouth and say 'excuse me', and then say 'thank you' when I say 'certainly' and I move'. Then I will reply 'you're welcome'and we'll all be happy.

    Or if I'm particulary fecked off I will just shout' EXCUSE ME...oh yes...YOU'RE WELCOME' tut and shove my trolley almost into them.

    My poor husband, I don't know how he can cope in the store with me.

    But people are idiots and have no idea how to say 'excuse me' they just stand there looking at you. It's grinds me gears massively. I hate grocery shopping.
    UGH! Agreed or people that don't even say thank you. :angry:
  • DJH3
    DJH3 Posts: 243
    Adults who act like children (unless you have a mental disorder, then I can deal).
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I wish there was a button to filter out certain threads.
    -Loose vs Lose
    -What's the meaning of your name
    I don't have to name them all; you know where I'm headed. It's not that they're not valid. It's just that every week there is a new post for the same things.

    Or......Maybe, instead of filtering them out, when someone writes certain key words in their new topic title, an automatic prompt would pop up referring that person to the previous 57 times that topic or question has been brought up.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I wish there was a button to filter out certain threads.
    -Loose vs Lose
    -What's the meaning of your name
    I don't have to name them all; you know where I'm headed. It's not that they're not valid. It's just that every week there is a new post for the same things.

    Or......Maybe, instead of filtering them out, when someone writes certain key words in their new topic title, an automatic prompt would pop up referring that person to the previous 57 times that topic or question has been brought up.

    Oooooh... I like that!!! :drinker:

    I'd ignore all the games too. I don't play them so they shouldn't be allowed. :laugh:

    I kid, I kid... :bigsmile:
  • elfie9863
    I wish there was a button to filter out certain threads.
    -Loose vs Lose
    -What's the meaning of your name
    I don't have to name them all; you know where I'm headed. It's not that they're not valid. It's just that every week there is a new post for the same things.

    Or......Maybe, instead of filtering them out, when someone writes certain key words in their new topic title, an automatic prompt would pop up referring that person to the previous 57 times that topic or question has been brought up.

    Don't forget the dreaded .." I AXED you to stop using stupid made up words.."
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I wish there was a button to filter out certain threads.
    -Loose vs Lose
    -What's the meaning of your name
    I don't have to name them all; you know where I'm headed. It's not that they're not valid. It's just that every week there is a new post for the same things.

    Or......Maybe, instead of filtering them out, when someone writes certain key words in their new topic title, an automatic prompt would pop up referring that person to the previous 57 times that topic or question has been brought up.
    Don't forget : Exercise Calories, protein, starvation mode, and P90X.