Women losing weight on 1800+ calories



  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    1) 29
    2) 5' 6"
    3) 148
    4) I'm at home on mat leave right now so on my feet a lot. I work out 25 mins 5 times a week to Jillian Michaels. When I go back to work in a month I'll be at my desk job but I will still try and work out that much.
    5) 2000 (But I am breastfeeding - I also wear a fitbit and it always gives me more calories to eat when it syncs but I haven't been eating them. I ALWAYS eat my exercise calories back.). When I am not lactating (lol) I eat about 1700 - 1800 calories which is what I would eat when I get to my goal weight (130lbs).
    6) Tips:

    Find out what the calories you would need to be eating when you get to your goal weight. Then set your calorie counter to that amount and eat that. You will eventually get to your goal weight and then when you're there you will not have to adjust anything. I got to my goal weight before (130 lbs from 172 lbs) based on this (eating 1800 calories) and then maintained that for a year before getting pregnant. It works! Check out my profile for a useful site with lots of useful podcasts :)

    Take measurements!

    Take pictures!

    ETA: I am losing about 1-2 lbs per week. Some weeks are less (due to eating sodium the day before a weigh in) and then the next week I make up for it with natural fluctuations.
  • cjl2535
    cjl2535 Posts: 89
    I have been curious about the same thing!!! I see so many "1200 calorie" posts and just cannot relate! ;)

    1) 29 next month
    2) 5'6
    3) 251
    4) Just started a "beginner" workout routine of 30 minute workouts about 3-4 X per week (kick boxing videos such as tae-bo)
    5) 1800 calories per day
    6) Don't get discouraged by all the "1200 calorie" posts, haha!

    And I've only lost 7 lbs so far 2 months in which is frustrating!! But the first few weeks were just a transition from bingeing and gorging on junk food to cleaner eating....and the last 3 weeks have been actual calorie counting. Hope that helps :)

    OMG thank you! I've seen so many undereaters on this site :( which is why I really wanted to make this post :P
    I'm gonna admit that I myself was an undereater but that caused a LOT of health problems for me :(
    Now I make sure I always fuel my body <3
    And good luck on the rest of your journey! Sounds like you have a great healthy attitude :D keep up !!!
  • cjl2535
    cjl2535 Posts: 89
    1) 29
    2) 5' 6"
    3) 148
    4) I'm at home on mat leave right now so on my feet a lot. I work out 25 mins 5 times a week to Jillian Michaels. When I go back to work in a month I'll be at my desk job but I will still try and work out that much.
    5) 2000 (But I am breastfeeding - I also wear a fitbit and it always gives me more calories to eat when it syncs but I haven't been eating them. I ALWAYS eat my exercise calories back.). When I am not lactating (lol) I eat about 1700 - 1800 calories which is what I would eat when I get to my goal weight (130lbs).
    6) Tips:

    Find out what the calories you would need to be eating when you get to your goal weight. Then set your calorie counter to that amount and eat that. You will eventually get to your goal weight and then when you're there you will not have to adjust anything. I got to my goal weight before (130 lbs from 172 lbs) based on this (eating 1800 calories) and then maintained that for a year before getting pregnant. It works! Check out my profile for a useful site with lots of useful podcasts :)

    Take measurements!

    Take pictures!

    ETA: I am losing about 1-2 lbs per week. Some weeks are less (due to eating sodium the day before a weigh in) and then the next week I make up for it with natural fluctuations.

    Gah! Thank you so much :) Hmm, I've actually been doing a lot of research on the Fitbit...Is it accurate do you find? I will message you about it if you don't mind ! :)
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    Lightly active - I lift 3X a week (compound lifts w/ progressive load) and walk anywhere from 3-5X a week, I also do core and stretch type stuff almost every day (planks,abs, body weight squats, etc)
    1600-1900 - I average about 1728.

    Tips: Consistency and patience, weight loss is not linear and you will stall but you have to just keep pushing through. Weigh all of your solids and measure liquids. I have lost anywhere from 2-4 pounds a month and I am very happy with that. As long as the trend is going downward it's all good.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    1) Age - 39
    2) Height - 5'10
    3) Weight - Range of 129-132Ibs (14% bodyfat)
    4) Lifestyle - walk 5 miles daily, boxing/weight training once a week, cycling twice a week, kickboxing class, elliptical, weights circuits, running... I like to mix things up.
    5) Calories / day -2000-2800
    6) any tips you can provide me :D - Mix up your exercise, ensure you include some form of weight training, focus on high quality, nutritious food but allow yourself a good treat meal a week or some smaller treats scattered here and there, think life change, not diet, keep as active as you can. Oh, and never, ever give up. I got where I am with 68% lung function and a history of severe anorexia.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    1) Age: 26
    2) Height: 5'3-4" ish
    3) Weight 135 ish
    4) Lifestyle (how much exercise, etc.) 10k steps a day and I strength train 4 days a week.
    5) Calories / day: Varies but usually around the 2k mark unless I've been a real lazy *kitten*
    6) any tips you can provide me :D : Eat all the things, lift all the weights, take lots of pictures, don't stop to think.

    + how many lbs/week you're losing: Right this second? None, because I've been eating far above the 2k mark. If I stick to 1900-2000? Around a pound a week
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    1. 34
    2. 5'9"
    3. 155lbs
    4. I work out 2-4 times a week. Desk job, but mother of 3, so fairly active outside of work (rarely watch T.V., etc).
    5. 2000
    6. Try to do what you can to keep non-exercise activity (neat) high. Higher protein and fat = full (not "low carb", just "high protein and fat").
    7. About a half pound a week when I stick to my goal consistently.
  • mcneilnomore
    mcneilnomore Posts: 29 Member
    1) Age - 37
    2) Height - 5'8"
    3) Weight - 282 (starting 306)
    4) Lifestyle - I have a desk job but I am walking 3 miles per day, 5 days a week with 30 minutes of aerobics (rockin body, walk away the pounds) 5 days a week
    5) Calories / day -1850
    6) any tips you can provide me :D- Start slow and add as you go. When I first started, I couldn't walk around the block without being out of breath. And now I'm walking three miles a day. I never imagined I could move this much at my size. I've tried every kind of deprivation and I know now that I need a little bit of everything. I can't stay on any diet without icecream and ranch dressing. :)

    I am losing about 1 1/2 to 2 lbs per week but it is an up and down game based on my cycle. Down 2 lbs, up 4 lbs, down 1 lb. The only important thing is I am trending down. It's not quick, it's sometimes frustrating but I'm eating what I want and I feel fantastic for the first time in a very long time.
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    1. 26
    2. 5'3
    3. 171
    4. I have a desk job but I try and workout at least 4-5 times per week. I run between 1.5 and 2.5 miles 3-4 times a week and I lift weights.
    5. 1960
    6. It's going to be a long road and you're going to have off days and good days. The main thing is to stick with it. If you go over on your calories one day, most likely you are still eating at maintenance or a little bit over- IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL. Log it, look back on it for motivation later and move on. I find that using the food notes section in my diary to explain why I ate something or went over helps when I go back and look at it a few days later. This is a lifestyle change not a quick fix diet. Months may go by when you don't lose any weight then all of a sudden you lose 10 lbs in a month. Drink lots of water and don't cut out anything from your diet that you love to eat. Just eat it in moderation and fit it into your calorie goal. This is not an easy change to make but it's so worth it.

    I honestly don't know how much weight I lose per week, but I would guess about .5lb to .75lb per week. I only weight every 2-3 weeks, otherwise I would go mad with the varying ups and downs of slight gains. I take lots of pictures at 3-4 week intervals and I pay attention to how my clothes fit. Most are too big now- this really is an irritating part of losing weight.

    Glad you're here and best of luck. Feel free to add me!
  • cjl2535
    cjl2535 Posts: 89
    Thank you all so much :) you guys are all so inspirational and motivating <3
    Good luck to all of you and please keep posting for health and fitness!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    1) 46
    2) 5'8"
    3) 135-138lbs (pretty much maintaining these days, after hitting "goal weight of 133 awhile back)
    4) Stay-at-home-mom, run 3 days a week, dumbbells at home the other 3, 60 minutes or less, 5-6 days a week
    5) 2000 +/- (when I was steadily losing, 1800 was my goal, but I was often over)
    6) It's a process! It takes time to learn the new habits, and how to get your calories and macros on target. Enjoy life, enjoy foods you love in moderation, and do exercise that you enjoy
  • jodynolte
    jodynolte Posts: 243 Member
    When I first started 2 years ago, I weighed 253lbs, ate at 1850 calories/day. I have done this slowly but surely. I am now 45, 5'8", walk or some form of cardio 4-5 times/week, holding steady at 182lbs, and currently at 1400 calories/day. Just keep on keeping on. I might have done this slowly, and I'm not done, but I made a complete change in life and I am so glad I did. You can do this. It's hard, but doable. Good luck!
  • iRun_Butterfly
    iRun_Butterfly Posts: 483 Member
    1) Age 35
    2) Height 5'3"
    3) Weight 147 (started at 205+)
    4) Lifestyle: I consider myself pretty active. I lift weights 3 days per week and run almost daily. On lifting days I'll run a mile or two before or after my lifts, on non lifting days I'll run anywhere from 3-5 miles, sometimes I do intervals. I walk every morning before work at well.
    5) 1500-1800 depending on activity level and how hungry I am that day
    6) log your food and exercise honestly. Invest in an activity tracker of some sort, Fitbit, HRM, pedometer, anything to help you get an accurate gauge of your true activity level. Drink lots of water and eat real food.

    I've averaged about 1.5 pound a week since August of last year. I'm creeping closer and closer to my goal so that has slowed some, probably about a pound or just shy of it weekly for the past few months.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    1) Age 41
    2) Height 5 ft 7
    3) Weight 153 (started at 205)
    4) Lifestyle - deskjob 8 hours a day, heavy lifting progressive load 3x a week, cardio at least 2x a week (mod - brisk walk), Biking at least 1x a week usually HIIT.
    5) current intake 2000 calories a day...maitenance is between 2100-2200.

    Don't give up food that you love crave just eat it in smaller portions, get a food scale and weigh solids, measure liquids, log everything including resturants even if you have to guess. If you are doing NEAT eat back exercise calories at least 50% of them. Find an exercise you love that way it doesn't feel like work. Do some form of resistence training and get in enough protien to ensure you are not losing muscle. Don't stress, don't weigh to often unless you are looking for trends and ensure that you pay attention to the downward trend not the blips. Be patient, live your life and have fun.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    You gals are all awesome :D I forgot to ask...how much are you guys losing per week?

    Just saw this last part. 1.5 pounds a week since I'm still pretty obese. Some weeks I'll see little or no loss thanks to fluctuations, some weeks I'll lose 2 or 3 to make up for it.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    1) 24
    2) 5'5"
    3) 130.6 lbs (started at 155 lbs)
    4) Desk job; lift heavy 3x/week, 30 min. cardio 2x/week
    5) 1810 gross when averaged over the entire week (TDEE-15%, about to switch to TDEE-10%, 1900)
    6) Treat your body right and it WILL thank you. Lift heavy. Have patience. Be kind to yourself. Take measurements.

    As for my weight loss per week, it's sporadic. Recently, I went two weeks with little to no loss and then I dropped 2.5 lbs the following week. In the past 3 months, my average loss per week is about 0.75 lb.
  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    I am 29, 5'5, 125lbs, (down from 178 at my highest non-pregnancy weight when I joined MFP 2.5 years ago) and I alternate between 2100ish and 1500ish (carb/calorie cycling) so I average about 1800 a day. I have maintained under 130 for at least 8 months doing this and continue to lose about a half a pound a month. I work out a lot, though, swimming or cycling 6 days a week and then lifting 3 days a week. I have the mentality that if I like to eat (which I do!) then I have to "pay to play" and do the physical activity to burn off those calories (which is just stored energy, you know?). On the days where I want to take a rest day/week or if I go on vacation and won't be logging or getting my usual exercise, I choose to eat less, around 1400, and it's funny how my body seems to pick up on that and I feel full way faster.
    Feel free to add me and good luck with your goals! =)
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    1. 26 years old
    2. 5'11 / 1.80m
    3. Around 160 lbs or so
    4. 3x a week lifting, 2-3x a week cardio (bike/run/walk). Tring to get my 10k steps in a day with Fitbit
    5. 2500 a day on average

    Not really losing weight, focusing on recomp. Getting in 100 grams of protein a day, whatever food makes me feel good and generally trying to move more and sleep more.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    1) 37

    2) 5'6"

    3) 161.4 (started @ 202.5)

    4) I run 3x/wk, do strength training 3x/wk, do a short (20 min) pilates routine 3x/wk, and then take a ~1.5 mile walk 2-3x/wk. I work a sit down office job so I don't get much activity doing that.

    5) Yesterday I calculated that I average 1833 cals/day. I usually eat around 1650-1750 most days of the week and then on Saturday and Sunday I eat the balance that make up that average.

    6) Get active. Losing weight does start in the kitchen but being more active makes it a lot easier. You don't have to do long drawn out workouts either. Most of those 1.5 mile walks are during my lunch time. It might be hard at first to find time to exercise but once you get used to it, it is easier to find pockets of time to do it.

    I lose just less than 2 lbs/wk.
  • afortunatedragon
    afortunatedragon Posts: 329 Member
    Age: 40
    Height: 168cm ~ 5ft8
    Weight: 116 kg ~ 255 lbs (started at 137 ~ 316lbs)
    Calories: between 1800 and 2100
    Lifestyle: office job, dog walking, weekends hiking, joined gym today and aim for 3-4 times a week at least 30 min.
    Tips: i think there is no real shortcut for losing weight. It is all about the "click" in the head which makes you change your lifestyle.
    Just make small steps at a time. I have my tracker on a small amount to lose, as the big number might discourage me ;-)
    I lose very different amounts. Sometimes 1 pound, sometimes 2 or even 3. Sometimes nothing. I try to take it easy.
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