Phone Usage in the gym



  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    The only time I mess with my ipod is to hit skip on Pandora.
    The ringer on the phone stays off. It's my hour, don't ****
    with me.
  • MellyMel340
    MellyMel340 Posts: 20 Member
    I am one of those people who use their phone to track my reps, weight lifted, rest time and what will be coming up next in my routine along with other stuff. Most of the guys at my gym use a notepad but lately i have seen a good bit of them convert to using their phones including personal trainers. I don't know about you guys but i don't care who is on the bench or whatever machine, when i'm ready to use it i just walk up and ask if i can work in between sets, most of the time they will say yes...... You can always spot the people that's not really doing anything at the gym, every gym has a few of them and they are the ones i use to make videos when i'm
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,841 Member
    What do you think about the people that spend more time messing with their phone instead of ....

    Could just use the sentence as above and fill in the end with any number of things like enjoying dinner, socializing with people, etc. I find phones RIDICULOUSLY overused in most cases. Was at a KISS/Def Leppard concert last night and I went to the very back to look over the crowd. I dare say 40% of the people there had their phones up shooting video...or taking selfies with the concert in the background then sitting and looking at them on their phones with friends...silly.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    If I decide to stick my finger in my ear, stick my finger in my nose or even my !@$ in between my sets, that's my prerogative. If I decide to change the station on my phone since I use it for music during my workouts and I don't enjoy the station or if I decide to check if a text is important, or if I decide to sit there and google "idiots who post stupid stuff on mfp forums" in between my sets, that's entirely my business. If I'm on call for work, and I decide to check my phone to make sure I haven't had any tickets submitted in off hours, again, *MY* business. I have a full minute to a minute and half in between my sets to do whatever the $#!$ I want to do.

    You should focus less on what other people are doing and focus more on what you're there to do. The entire time I'm at the gym, I have my ear buds in, and I'm focused on what I'm there to do. Consider doing the same.

    Sounds like 'roid rage, lol.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,117 Member
    I usually don't care because if they are there texting, they most likely are not serious enough about their work out to be holding up the squat rack, power rack or leg press. Chances are they are some curl-bro doing chest and biceps for the 3rd day in a row, they can sit on the flat bench all day, it is the least of my concerns. The only person suffering is them self, if you want to drag out your work out for 2 hours and be super catabolic while only getting in 4 exercises at 3 sets of 6, go for it.

    But I do see the OP's point, not only are they wasting their time, they are wasting your time, and for someone to be so inconsiderate as to use everyone else's time for their own use, this planet has no place for them in my opinion. You should always be aware of those around you and respect their time as if it were your own. Entering your work out data in between sets while you rest is one thing, but texting to the extent where you are taking up equipment longer than you normally would with standard rest periods and holding up others is flat out disrespectful.

    Agree with this and the young lady who left for Leg day. :smile:

    I'm not sure if it's the upbringing or what. Why are some people so Inconsiderate toward others?

    Going by some of the responses on this thread, it seems as though they don't even realize it.

    Maybe it's age? Ignorance? I do remember doing some very inconsiderate things when I was younger. But when you know better, you should do better. :flowerforyou: It's just common courtesy to treat others the way you'd like to be treated. My mother taught me that. :smooched: :ohwell:

    I don't have this problem at my gym. Yes, I see people on machines, which I don't use, texting and playing on their phones. If it's more than 2 - 3 minutes, you aren't logging ****... You are just thinking of yourself.

    I don't have a problem asking someone how much longer or how many more sets they have to go. WE ALL PAY for our memberships and not all of us are inconsiderate.

    For those stating "how do you know what I'm doing?", if someone is wanting to use the equipment you are on, I'm sure they will glance to see if you are almost done or to gauge how much longer you will be on it. You don't have to be a wizard to notice when people are just being selfish.
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    ^^^This all the way
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    :explode: Or the ones that take 500 million pictures while at the gym!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    :explode: Or the ones that take 500 million pictures while at the gym!

    Irony. :laugh:
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    I spend more time on my phone in the gym than actually lifting weights.

    I really do not care at all what anyone thinks.I know what I'm doing in the gym.

    It's a gym. Not a crossfit box. Not a circuit training facility. Rest between sets is the norm.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,793 Member
    What do you think about the people that spend more time messing with their phone instead of working out? It really drives me crazy whenever I need to use that piece of equipment that they are on or I would just ask if I can work in with them. I hate wasting my time in the gym. I'm there to workout not to send text message for a hour or longer.

    It's distracting. If a person wants to spend more time on the phone then step outside. They are impeding those that are serious.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,793 Member
    I spend more time on my phone in the gym than actually lifting weights.

    I really do not care at all what anyone thinks.I know what I'm doing in the gym.

    It's a gym. Not a crossfit box. Not a circuit training facility. Rest between sets is the norm.

    Great example. Self involved with no consideration of those around them.
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    I spend more time on my phone in the gym than actually lifting weights.

    I really do not care at all what anyone thinks.I know what I'm doing in the gym.

    It's a gym. Not a crossfit box. Not a circuit training facility. Rest between sets is the norm.

    Great example. Self involved with no consideration of those around them.

    Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this...
  • louisekerry86
    I think its easy to assume that people are just doing nothing or 'messing around' on their phones because phones do so much now, I personally have my whole collection of music, a timer, a notepad to log my weights on, and a number of other things on there. I don't really take very long rest periods though, I probably should, I don't really know.

    But one time a man sat down and started to use the machine next to me, they were different ones, and we happened to glance at each other at the same time and we both asked if the other wanted to use the machine we were on, was all polite, turns out neither of us did, but I feel like its just decency to be willing to share, but then people aren't mind readers, and it really doesn't help when people do stand there being passive aggressive because you're on what they want to use.

    But then, there are lots of things in the gym to use, and if something is next on my rotation and someone else is using it, I skip to the next one and find something that isn't being used that I can work with and come back to the other one later. I feel like that's better than just standing around huffing at someone because they're not bowing to you and getting off the machine. We all pay to use it.

    As for answering calls during cardio, I've done it a couple of times, but I generally have a quiet voice and I only answer if my fiancé is on his way to the gym from work to meet me and he's calling to let me know where he is/how long he'll be, and even then its just 'Hi' 'Hey, I'm on the bus' 'Oh okay, see you soon' and we hang up, and I always pause the machine I'm on. I don't really know if I'd be able to keep up a conversation on the phone while working out without getting distracted and falling off XD
  • Cardio4Cupcakes
    Cardio4Cupcakes Posts: 289 Member
    When I'm done with my cardio sessions I will typically take a 5-10 minute break and sit along the wall and mess with my phone as I wait for my heart rate to normalize. Sometimes I'll be on a leg machine and really kill it and take a minute or two, but that's not enough to pull my phone out of the sleeve.

    It is annoying if I'm waiting for a machine and I see someone on their phone. But I just find a new machine. It's not a big deal IMO.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,117 Member
    I spend more time on my phone in the gym than actually lifting weights.

    I really do not care at all what anyone thinks.I know what I'm doing in the gym.

    It's a gym. Not a crossfit box. Not a circuit training facility. Rest between sets is the norm.

    Great example. Self involved with no consideration of those around them.


    Those dang whippersnappers. :laugh:

    Also, I'm referring to those who are not working out for competitions or those who are really going hard. Of course, anyone who knows just a little about strength training, also knows 'resting in between sets' is necessary.... if i see you squat 400 lbs. I don't expect you to not rest. But if you are doing a normal routine and you are resting for 5 minutes in between, I was told this isn't a good method to gain strength. However, I'm no trainer. :flowerforyou:
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    I spend more time on my phone in the gym than actually lifting weights.

    I really do not care at all what anyone thinks.I know what I'm doing in the gym.

    It's a gym. Not a crossfit box. Not a circuit training facility. Rest between sets is the norm.

    Great example. Self involved with no consideration of those around them.

    Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this...

    I don't see how someone using their own phone inconveniences you at all :huh:
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    I spend more time on my phone in the gym than actually lifting weights.

    I really do not care at all what anyone thinks.I know what I'm doing in the gym.

    It's a gym. Not a crossfit box. Not a circuit training facility. Rest between sets is the norm.

    Great example. Self involved with no consideration of those around them.


    Do you people even know how a gym works and sets/reps works? You stake your claim to an empty bench. Gym etiquette means that bench is yours for a few sets. 5-15 minutes. If someone wants to work in, they can ASK. Politely. In between sets, its normal and encouraged to REST. What difference if I rest by staring at the floor or using my phone? I have 2-3 minutes until my next set. Period.

    Before you call out people for using phones during THEIR rest break, learn how workout routines work and proper gym etiquette.
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    What do you think about the people that spend more time messing with their phone instead of working out? It really drives me crazy whenever I need to use that piece of equipment that they are on or I would just ask if I can work in with them. I hate wasting my time in the gym. I'm there to workout not to send text message for a hour or longer.

    It's distracting. If a person wants to spend more time on the phone then step outside. They are impeding those that are serious.

    My replying to my email rather than staring at other people in between sets distracts you? I'm not serious about working out?

    Got it.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Once again people are blowing this way out of proportion & acting as if someone is trying to "Control" what you do at the gym or that they are "In your business". It all boils down to just being considerate of the people around you. What is so hard about that?

    Because you know exactly what someone is doing on their phone between sets... yeah.. ok.

    I didn't claim to know exactly what people are doing. I just said let's all be considerate. Sorry if that offends anyone lol! I'll try to really not be considerate from now on :noway:

    IMHO, being considerate would include minding your own business and speaking up in a polite manner when you want to use occupied equipment. It would not include silly rants about what other people are doing in the gym.

    ^^^^ this

    and also the assumption that because someone is using their phone in the gym that it automatically means they're lazy and inconsiderate is judgemental and ignorant.

    1. there are legit reasons for using a phone while working out, e.g. music, logging sets, etc.
    2. if you're lifting heavy, you have to rest between sets, otherwise you're not doing the workout right (second set when your legs are still burning from the lactic acid build up in the first set? The 2nd set ain't going to happen and it's probably dangerous (higher risk of injury). If it doesn't happen you don't get the benefit of the exercise (or you hurt yourself which is worse).) Using a phone for any purpose while resting between sets makes absolutely no difference to the quality of the workout
    3. it's actually none of anyone else's business...
    and 4. if someone is in the way, politely ask them to move. If you want to use the equipment they're using, politely ask them if they've finished or if they want to share. Simple.
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    I spend more time on my phone in the gym than actually lifting weights.

    I really do not care at all what anyone thinks.I know what I'm doing in the gym.

    It's a gym. Not a crossfit box. Not a circuit training facility. Rest between sets is the norm.

    Great example. Self involved with no consideration of those around them.

    Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this...

    I don't see how someone using their own phone inconveniences you at all :huh:

    Once again I'll tell you that I don't care if people use their phones at the gym. If you are resting between sets, texting, using a gym app or whatever I don't care. My comments are only aimed at people who are hogging a machine to talk on the phone & being inconsiderate to those waiting for it. If you aren't those people than it shouldn't offend you. But if you are just sitting & talking/texting then at least move to the side & let other people have a turn on the machines. And Yes I will ask in a nice way if you are finished/have more sets. Am i annoyed that people use phones in the gym? No I don't care what you do as long as you aren't being inconsiderate to me or those around me because if it starts affecting me then it is my business.