Any c25k newbies?



  • Thank you for posting. I just finished week 2 day 3 this morning, and week 3 is intimidating. Nice to hear words of encouragement.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member

    Thanks for the advice! I'm going as slow as 4.0mph. I figured slower than that I'd be 'race walking', which is harder than slow running, isn't it? Maybe I could jog slower than 4, I'll try it today.

    I'm in week 3. I'm kind of enjoying the two 3-minute jogs. They're hard but I feel accomplished after and it makes the workout fly by.

    You're lapping everyone on the couch, you're doing great, keep at it. Speed will come. Your body needs to get used to moving, too much training load too soon, leads to injuries. That leads to self doubt and stopping. Slow and steady wins this race.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Thank you for posting. I just finished week 2 day 3 this morning, and week 3 is intimidating. Nice to hear words of encouragement.

    If you have done both weeks 1 and 2 as prescribed, you will be able to do week 3. Believe in yourself and go for it.:wink:
  • dp135
    dp135 Posts: 12
    Thank you! I'll look for the send button tomorrow when I do day 2.

    You're most welcome. Week 2 tomorrow. Love this program ;=)
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    WalkingAlong - even if you're succeeding with the sessions if your heart rate goes too high, you're running too fast.
    Thanks for the advice! I'm going as slow as 4.0mph. I figured slower than that I'd be 'race walking', which is harder than slow running, isn't it? Maybe I could jog slower than 4, I'll try it today.

    I'm in week 3. I'm kind of enjoying the two 3-minute jogs. They're hard but I feel accomplished after and it makes the workout fly by.

    Great to hear you're enjoying the program :)

    Honestly as long as you keep the running motion (think running in the spot) it will help. The first few times I did one hill on my home loop, I am pretty sure I took all 3 minutes to run maybe 100m at most, it was the only way I could keep running.... actually that hill isn't even quite 100m and I did at times take nearly 2 intervals to make it up (started before/finished after) but most of the distance was covered with a power walk between the runs!
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I tried running at 3.8mph today. I could keep my HR under 140ish, which was good, but my calves kind of stiffen up going that slow. I'll play with it and see what works best.

    I'm not sure if I'm getting a little more endurance or if being distracted by the HRM and the Kindle, which I figured out I can affix to the console and read while running, but the 3 minute segments really flew by today. The first I never even checked the clock, the second, I didn't until there were only 15 seconds left. :happy:
  • carpetbelly
    carpetbelly Posts: 6 Member
    Week1, Day1 done today... Not very well, but it's a start and I'll repeat it until I can do it as it says... :)
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member

    Well done for starting it.

    Completed W5D2, outside again. I really did not think I would get through today let alone W5D3. However with running outside at a pace my body copes with, rather than what my ego wants on a treadmill, I am really confident about doing W5D3 20 mins continuous. I know how far I need to go and I have faith that I can do it.
  • carpetbelly
    carpetbelly Posts: 6 Member
    @ftrobbie, good luck with that one!

    Hearing that sort of thing gives me something positive to aim for :D
    And im feeling lucky and grateful, lots of positive support at work and at home
  • 1LadyKate
    1LadyKate Posts: 78 Member
    I have been doing c25k on the treadmill for the past four weeks; I repeated week 1 because I wanted to. I am currently running the program 5 times a week. If I am feeling less than stellar on an off day, I run the previous weeks then the next day I resume the current weeks program.
    When I was in high school and my freshman year in college, I would run up to 4 miles in under 30 minutes. It was always very cathartic for me. I can't wait until I can run like I use to.
  • bootssowhite
    bootssowhite Posts: 93 Member
    Starting the program this evening. Last time I ran was 20 years ago when I played baseball. Always hated running, so I'm hoping I can find the motivation and inner strength to push through to the end.
    If you hate running, I'm not sure why you are doing it. There's no reason to push through. There are plenty of ways to exercise. IMO, you are unlikely to be successful if you are not enjoying what you are doing.
    While I agree in theory (best weight loss advice I've ever gotten was don't do anything you can't see yourself doing forever), I *hated* running until I did C25K and now running is one of the highlights of my week. A different focus, 10 years since I last ran and gradually working my way up to running longer distances made all the difference in the world. It's worth at least finishing the program and running a 5K before deciding that running isn't the activity for you.

    I just finished C25K last week. I had *never* been a runner before (I walked the timed mile in PE), but C25K really worked for me and now I'm training for a 10K. I don't always love it, especially not the first and last half mile, but I look forwards to running all week long and it's been an incredibly positive influence in my life.

    For what it's worth, it always takes me about half a mile to find my legs, so it wasn't until I was consistently running for longer than that (week 6 or 7) to really enjoy it.
  • sloseph
    sloseph Posts: 157 Member

    Completed W5D2, outside again. I really did not think I would get through today let alone W5D3. However with running outside at a pace my body copes with, rather than what my ego wants on a treadmill, I am really confident about doing W5D3 20 mins continuous. I know how far I need to go and I have faith that I can do it.

    firstly well done on venturing outside

    secondly i just wanted to tell you i found W5D2 harder and W5D3, i don't know if it was because there is a long gap in between runs but i found D3 a fair bit easier

    i had a really good run last night, i did W9D2 last night, managed to cover 4.75K, i'm feeling positive about reaching the full 5K on my final run
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member

    i had a really good run last night, i did W9D2 last night, managed to cover 4.75K, i'm feeling positive about reaching the full 5K on my final run

    Thanks for the input. Surely the final paragraph in the first chapter.

    Going outside was not a free choice, the gym's aircon is out and running in that hotbox was not an option for me, so went out early in the morning in the cool morning air, Sunday. The dreadmill became an ego thing for me, where I needed to go at a pace I decided before hand which in hindsight was too fast for my ability. Going outside with no pace measuring device meant I went at a pace that was comfortable. For W5D3 I know where I need to get to, it is uphill on the way out, first 9 minutes anyway, so get halfway and coast back. Well it is a plan. It's funny I had no ego when I started compound exercises with free weights, probably because I recognised I needed to learn,whereas we can all run, right!!

    Have fun and success wherever you are on your c25k journey
  • CarlaMomOf4
    CarlaMomOf4 Posts: 138 Member
    Such amazing motivational stories on this thread! I finished week 6 day 3 yesterday evening. It went well but my legs feel tight during my runs. I do the warm up before and try to get the walk at a pretty brisk pace to get the legs prepared but still seem stiff throughout the run. I was starting to lose focus near the end, but just kept moving and before I knew it, it was cool down time. Loving that there have been so many cool days this summer for my running purposes, greedy I know since I live in Canada I should be begging for hot weather because before we know it, it will be cold and snowy again. Thinking this year of venturing outside to run in the snow but not sure how that will work out as I hate being cold LOL Rock on fellow runners, we are getting there!!
  • So, I just recently had a baby (10 weeks ago) and I am now attempting to get back in shape and lose the extra pregnancy weight. I've always had a desire to enjoy running but have never been successful in my quest to actually get to that place where its enjoyable. So, given the need to slowly increase my activity after recovering from my c-section I thought that a couch to 5K would be a great option.

    This will be the third time I've attempted a C25K and both times I've never gotten past week 3 day 1...

    This morning I completed week 3 day 2 and I'm very much looking forward to completing W3D3 on Thursday. I find that starting out is difficult... Its usually not until after the second run that I feel like I finally have found my wind and start to breathe easier and when that finally happened this morning, it was half over...

    I definitely feel a sense of accomplishment, especially once I finish day 1 of each week... its like, ok I did day 1... I can do 2 more... I'm glad to have found this post... I hope to keep writing about how i'm feeling as the weeks go on.
  • CarlaMomOf4
    CarlaMomOf4 Posts: 138 Member
    So, I just recently had a baby (10 weeks ago) and I am now attempting to get back in shape and lose the extra pregnancy weight. I've always had a desire to enjoy running but have never been successful in my quest to actually get to that place where its enjoyable. So, given the need to slowly increase my activity after recovering from my c-section I thought that a couch to 5K would be a great option.

    This will be the third time I've attempted a C25K and both times I've never gotten past week 3 day 1...

    This morning I completed week 3 day 2 and I'm very much looking forward to completing W3D3 on Thursday. I find that starting out is difficult... Its usually not until after the second run that I feel like I finally have found my wind and start to breathe easier and when that finally happened this morning, it was half over...

    I definitely feel a sense of accomplishment, especially once I finish day 1 of each week... its like, ok I did day 1... I can do 2 more... I'm glad to have found this post... I hope to keep writing about how i'm feeling as the weeks go on.
    That's amazing! Don't give up. It gets easier and easier as time goes on. Even if you have a day where it's a struggle, the next run could be a record breaking amazing one! That feeling of accomplishment you feel is great isn't it? I think that's why I continue to go on. Starting out each run is tough, but once you get into it, everything seems to go away and your mind goes into a whole new place. Congrats on the new baby also!!
  • DawnGlendenning
    DawnGlendenning Posts: 9 Member
    Hey just downloaded endomondo! Love it! And I love these msg boards for giving so many tips.
  • rollinat
    rollinat Posts: 15 Member
    I just started C25K and am really hoping this will be the time I can learn to enjoy running! I've found all your posts very inspiring. I had been thinking about starting for a while and then ended up signing up for a 5k to support a charity I volunteer for - it's not till November so I have plenty of time. I've been exercising pretty consistently for nearly a year and have lost 35lbs but still have 70lbs to lose. On vacation recently, walking around a hilly city, I realized how much my aerobic fitness needs to improve - carrying the extra weight doesn't help of course.

    I'm actually excited to do W1D2 tomorrow! I am running outside (no gym membership) so I feel a bit of an idiot but try to remember that I'm lapping everyone on the couch!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    General advice is that no one will be watching you. Most people are too busy thinking about themselves. Some people will wish it was them, some people will be in awe of your effort, most won't notice. Get out and enjoy it, from someone who wanted to hide in the gym. I wish you great success
  • Hi Guys. I just started Week 5 Run 1 this morning.
    I've always avoided any kind of jog. Just a small stint at sprint in my early days but I'm 50+ now so that's gone!
    This programme is literally moving me from the couch, tv watching or being in front of the computer.
    It's been hard but a definite sense of accomplishment afterwards and a massive rise in confidence.
    i was absolutely dreading the jump from Week 4 as I've struggled with 5 min runs but I managed to do the 3x5mins today.
    I've had to hold back a little to ensure I don't weaken in the final run!
    I've got about 2 stone+ to shift so this is a start and I really wish to see the day when I can run for 15-20 mins or longer!!!
    See you guys around.
    Mark D