Obscure Film Favorites



  • ladyofthelakeontario
    ladyofthelakeontario Posts: 36 Member
    When I was a teenager, I was obsessed with The Journey of August King and The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. I haven't seen them in a long time, so if I rewatched I might not love them as much.
  • ldonahue74
    ldonahue74 Posts: 53 Member
    high tension. i believe that was a french one, if i remember correctly.
    gummo. nothing to say other than very strange
    motel hell. low budget horror flick, but it used to crack me up when i was a teen
    dog soldiers. werewolf flick
    osa. another one i used to love when i was younger. mad max sort of film
    the stoned age.
  • sunburntgalaxy
    sunburntgalaxy Posts: 455 Member
    Oh this is a great thread - reminded me of some great movies I haven't watched in a while and some I had wanted to see when they were out but had forgotten about. And the Student Bodies pic - no idea why I remember that from my childhood but could picture it as soon as I saw the name (never saw the movie though).

    So my guilty pleasures

    Tank Girl
    Wet Hot American Summer
    Night of the Comet
    Psycho Beach Party

    2 horrible movies that I have to watch whenever they are on (not even sure why but I can't seem to stop myself)
    Event Horizon
    13 Ghosts (the remake with Tony Shaloub)

    And the movie that I remember loving as a kid but that I am kind of afraid to try and watch now for fear it is actually completely horrible - Ice Pirates - I have tried to find it but then always stop myself. Thought it was great as a kid but just am afraid it could really really just be terrible and I kind of want to have fond memories of it.
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    Can't find Cousins though :-/ and I'm glad someone mentioned the Before trilogy(loved them!)

    Ack! You're right! Looks like Netflix doesn't currently offer "Cousins". Well that's a bummer. One of the very few American remakes of a foreign film ("Cousin, Cousine") that, in my opinion anyway, turned out better.

    I was lucky enough to see each of the movies in the "Before" trilogy as they were theatrically released over 18 years. So imagine seeing "Before Sunrise" without the knowledge that there would ever be anything other than a standalone film! It makes the ending a much, much different experience.

    I'm VERY jealous now! That would've been a great experience!

    I'm going to have to look for Cousins elsewhere, hopefully I can find it. I had a hell of a time finding Cousin, Cousine when I watched it.
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    Eric Rohmer's The Bakery Girl of Monceau, Suzanne's Career, Claire's Knee, Chant D'Automne, Chloé in the Afternoon. The last three are well known.

    Ironically I can't find the last two on Netflix lol. I've added the rest though :)
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    1.) Swing Kids
    2.) Pieces of April (AWESOME THanksgiving movie....literally)
    3.) Curse of the Golden Flower
    4.) Much Ado About Nothing

    Added them all, Swing Kids looks really interesting!
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    The Crimson Pirate with Burt Lancaster. It was originally going to be a standard pirate movie but the script was so bad that the actors started hamming it up and they turned it into a great satire of pirate movies.

    The Endless Summer (the 1966 version) where the filmmaker follows two young surfers around the world in search of the perfect wave. It is credited with starting the 60's world wide surf culture. Sounds boring but with great local characters and funny narration it is really good.
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    The Red Shoes is amazing. My favorite scene is with the cobbler, played by Léonide Massine (I don't think that's giving too much away). If you like this film by "The Archers," Powell and Pressburger, you will probably like "Black Narcissus." Another lovely film by them is "I Know Where I'm Going."

    For a real cult film, try "Peeping Tom," which Michael Powell made by himself in the1960s. It's a very disturbing film.

    Very mainstream, but I assume you've seen "Notorious" and "North by Northwest" and "Vertigo" and "Strangers on a Train" by Hitchcock.

    The Red Shoes and Black Narcissus are both on my 1,001 list Peeping Tom looks very interesting, I got the Hitchcock Blu-Ray Boxset, it was my best purchase ever.
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    Don't know if they're considered obscure, but I like:

    Framed (1990) Jeff Goldblum & Kristen Scott Thomas
    Cuttthroat Island (1995) Geena Davis & Matthew Modine
    Like Water for Chocolate (1992) Marco Leonardi

    Added them all, I've heard of them but haven't seen them :)
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    Not sure if you're a horror fan, but if Wes Craven's New Nightmare isn't one that you've seen before I'd definitely suggest watching the original Nightmare on Elm Street first before viewing.

    I love horror! I own the entire NOES franchise on Blu-Ray :)

    Awesome, so do I. I need to upgrade my Nightmare collection though because I only have the old DVD set. But I think NOES/NOES 3/WCNN makes a nice little make-shift horror franchise, especially if you're a fan of the Nancy character like I am.

    I agree, I loved the DVD set so much better than the Blu-Ray set but it's Blu-Ray, I had to have it lol!
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    Before the (execrable) "Cat in the Hat", before the (reprehensible) "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (movie, not the beloved telly show), before the (annoying) "The Lorax", there was the Dr. Suess movie that showed that even in the 50's they must have been dropping acid in Hollywood:

    "The Five Thousand Fingers of Dr. T"

    I'm a big fan of the dungeon scene.

    Whoa! never heard of it but I had to add this! It looked mind blowing!
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member

    Incindies (canadian/lebanese)
    Paradise Now (palestinian)
    The White Ribbon (German)
    Syrian Bride (palestinian or syrian)
    Yacoubian Building (egyptian)
    Nasser 56 (egyptian)

    No clue if they are on netflix but they are great movies nonetheless. Sorry for the Middle Eastern theme...that was my degree so I got to watch some pretty good films.

    Added them all, well I couldn't find Nasser 56 but the rest look like winners!
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    Mr. Nobody (Jaco Van Dormael)
    Enemy (Denis Villeneuve)
    Under the Skin (Jonathan Glazer) *bonus naked scarlett johansson
    Enter the Void (Gaspar Noe)
    Irreversible (Gaspar Noe)
    Thirst (Park Chan-wook)
    The Vengeance Trilogy (by Park Chan-wook, "Old Boy", "Lady Vengeance" & "Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance")
    Taxidermia (György Pálfi)
    Excision - (Richard Bates Jr.)
    I Saw the Devil ( Kim Jee-woon)

    Entirely too many to name...but these are favorites that I've watched on more than one occasion.

    Thank You for all the great suggestions! I've added the ones I haven't seen to the list :)
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    I just remembered another great obscure film. Swimming with Sharks with Kevin Spacey, Michelle Forbes, and Frank Whaley!

    Added! I'm always up for a dark comedy :)
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    I haven't read through all these so hopefully I'm not repeating suggestions. I'm more mainstream. Some of my favorite movies are Fight Club, Amelie, The Princess Bride, The Prestige, and The Fifth Element. My husband is a movie buff and has exposed me to some great movies I wouldn't normally watch. Incendies and Tell No One are two foreign films I wouldn't have watched without him suggesting them to me. They were both incredible. He likes one called Enter the Void but I haven't watched it - I can't take too much drug use and the movie basically starts off right away with drugs. It's also pretty abstract and I don't enjoy that kind of thing. He knows me well enough to avoid having me watch things I wouldn't enjoy. That wasn't true early in our relationship when he made me watch Requiem for a Dream. I acknowledge that it's a well made movie but the subject matter is just much too dark and depressing for me. And that last scene...ugh.

    I will definitely add the foreign ones :) I've seen the others but Enter The Void has always looked interesting to me so I'll definitely add that!

    I had to come back to list a few more that I enjoyed thanks to my husbands recommendations:
    Hard Candy

    I also really liked the films I've seen by Chan-Wook Park.
    Joint Security Area

    Baraka and Hard Candy look great! I saw Audition a few weeks ago! LOVED it!

    Chan-Woo Park is incredible, I haven't seen Joint Security Area yet though.
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    A Simple Plan-1998 Bill Paxton, Billy Bob Thornton and Bridgette Fonda, I can only re-watch it every 3 years or so because it is so hard to watch those characters just totally ruin their lives!

    Seems VERY interesting!
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    Safety Not Guaranteed. (It's an indie film that won an award or two but anytime I mention it no one has ever heard of it. I just absolutely love it and watch it obsessively.)

    Run Lola Run (German film that is seriously mind twisty.)

    The Professional (Jean Reno. Gary Oldman. Natalie Portman. Fantastic plot, great acting, awesome camera work.)

    LOVED, LOVED and added! lol
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    Enlightenment Guaranteed - a German film. Subtitled.

    I watch it at least once a year.

    I hate when they aren't on Netflix! They need to get even more lol.
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    I like you, OP. You've really stayed involved in your thread, and not many posters actually do that. It's nice!
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    Pan's Labyrinth
    Downfall (German... This is the movie that all the youtube vids about Hitler blowing up for certain situations came from)