Obscure Film Favorites



  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    Hey, has anyone mentioned L'appartement (French) and Jamon Jamon (Spanish)? Two old favourites of mine.
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    Exorcist 3 - has one of the scariest scenes ever put on film. Too bad the producers really messed up the movie by changing the story to fit the "exorcist" theme

    I've never watched any of the Exorcists other than the first one. I think I'm passed due!
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    Also Japanese Story. Toni Collette is wonderful in it.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Dead Man

  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    Enlightenment Guaranteed - a German film. Subtitled.

    I watch it at least once a year.

    That one looks good! Not on Netflix though. :-(

    I'm always on the lookout for a good German film. Might have to try other channels...

    While on the subject, here are some German-language films I've enjoyed (many have already been mentioned):

    Run, Lola, Run
    Das Boot
    Good Bye Lenin! (same soundtrack composer as "Amelie", by the way...)
    Wings of Desire (remade by Hollywood as "City of Angels")

    I really liked all those! I just watched Das Boot last night! Good Bye Lenin may be one of my all time favorites! I love Europa Europa too! I think I need to give Wings of Desire another chance!
  • FrancescaWebb
    FrancescaWebb Posts: 211 Member
    The Bad Seed (1956)

    ^^LOOOOVE this movie

    Although my personal favorites are Harold and Maude, and My Blue Heaven, which is a Steve Martin/Rick Moranis movie that i am pretty sure no one has seen but me.
  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    Barefoot Gen - not really a "favorite," but well-made, disturbing, and something I still remember years after watching it last.

    Sunshine- not really "obscure" just incredibly underrated. I enjoyed the story, characters, and the plot twists. It's actually one of my all-time favorites.

    The Edukators


    Elephant- another disturbing but beautifully made movie.
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member

    If you like a bit of Scotland.

    I'm open to films from anywhere! No biased here lol
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    Birdy - Matthew Modine & a young Nicholas Cage...awesome soundtrack by Peter Gabriel and an odd film.

    Nic Cage looks so young on the cover! Added!
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm not sure how obscure they are but a couple of movies I can watch over and over are :
    Sorcerer and The White Snake
    The Tao of Steve
    My guilty pleasure movie is What Dreams May Come

    Added them all, love what dreams may come! I can't blame you on that one!
  • genericscreenname
    Jeux D'enfants
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    Oh there are so many to choose from! I guess 1 of my favorites that nobody ever knows when I mention it would have be the Cube, it's actually a trilogy though.

    Yes!! LOVE the movie Cube. Def include it on the obscure list. Have only ever been able to watch it twice - both times video rentals. Didn't even know it was a trilogy.... As soon as Australia gets access to Netflix (legally) I'll have to look them up!

    Favourites of mine, a lot have already been mentioned, so therefore excluding the obscure criterion. But these would be the movies I would pick if I had to limit down to the only movies I would only ever be allowed to watch again.... so guilty pleasures I guess? Or at least movies that I think are underrated. Or movies I would make people watch because I think they should see it.

    - Amelie (2001)
    - Mars Attacks! (1996)
    - Euro Trip (2004)
    - Meet the Feebles (1989)
    - Heavenly Creatures (1994)
    - Saved! (2004)
    - Orgazmo (1997)
    - V for Vendetta (2005)
    - 21 (2008)
    - Killer Condom (1996) German film
    - Cube (1997)
    - The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994)
    - Stardust (2007)
    - The Fifth Element (1997)
    - Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999)
    - Delicatessen (1991) French film
    - Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist (2008)
    - Overboard (1987)
    - Dark Crystal (1982)

    Those are some great choices! I've seen about half and added the rest :)
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    I just saw this on BuzzFeed and thought of this thread.


    I've seen many of them and agree, they're must see movies.

    I've seen most, thats an awesome list!
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    I am greatly enjoying this thread! I used to be a video clerk and tried to watch as many movies as I could.
    Here are some that I've enjoyed and consider to be obscure because whenever I mention them no one has seen them.

    Edtv (1999)
    Lone Star State of Mind (2002) It doesn't sound like it would be very good but I laugh all the way through it every time I watch it.
    To Wong Foo Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar (1995)
    Hot Tub Time Machine (2010) Why did no one watch this movie? It's pure FUN!
    Eurotrip (2004) guilty pleasure

    Only You (1994) My favorite romance movie
    If Lucy Fell (1996)
    Leap Year (2010)

    A River Runs Through It (1992)
    Mystery, Alaska (1999)
    Serenity (2005)
    Purgatory (1999)
    Jeff, Who Lives at Home (2011) This movie is BRILLIANT. It starts slow but stick with it, it's worth it.
    Waking Ned Devine (1998)
    What Dreams May Come (1998)
    The 13th Warrior (1999)

    Crossworlds (1996)

    The Boogie Man Will Get You (1942)
    The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit (1998) Is this not a classic? Well, it should be. LOL!

    I did not like this movie at all but I watched it. It was... interesting.
    Curdled (1996)

    Thanks! I'm glad you liked the post. I added a ton of your options. Couldn't find the two "classics" though :-/
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    ^^ just realized Cube mentioned above. You need to see this movie tho if you haven't ????

    ^^^ lol! Yes Orgazmo is funny!

    Adding :
    Crouching tiger hidden dragon
    Get our your handkerchiefs
    The machinist
    Pitch black
    Maria full of grace

    Whoa! Sooooo many great choices! :) Thanks!
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    Six String Samurai

    Added it just because it looked badass lol
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    Lot's of good stuff here!

    My list: (Limited to 5 stars, I'm a tough critic)

    Puzzled Love
    The Intouchables
    A Good Old Fashioned Orgy (get past the name)
    Lars and the Real Girl
    10 Items or Less (with Morgan Freeman, there is another one same name)
    In Bruges
    Castaway on the Moon
    Derek (short series)

    So many I've been meaning to watch but just haven't gotten there yet and loved the ones I have seen!
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    Being There - 1979 - Starring Peter Sellers

    I couldn't agree more! I love it!
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll (Hammer Films, 1960)
    Scream of Fear (1961)
    The Town that Dreaded Sundown (1976)
    Anatomie (2000 horror film starring Franke Potente of Run Lola Run and the Bourne films)

    Grown Up Movie Star (2009, stars Shawn Doyle and Tatiana Maslany)
    Swing Kids (1993, stars Robert Sean Leonard , Christian Bale and Frank Whaley)

    The Ballad of Little Jo (1993)

    Those are some amazing looking horror films!
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    high tension. i believe that was a french one, if i remember correctly.
    gummo. nothing to say other than very strange
    motel hell. low budget horror flick, but it used to crack me up when i was a teen
    dog soldiers. werewolf flick
    osa. another one i used to love when i was younger. mad max sort of film
    the stoned age.

    I love flicks like these! Thanks for all the suggestions :)