Obscure Film Favorites



  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Drowning Mona
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll (Hammer Films, 1960)
    Scream of Fear (1961)
    The Town that Dreaded Sundown (1976)
    Anatomie (2000 horror film starring Franke Potente of Run Lola Run and the Bourne films)

    Grown Up Movie Star (2009, stars Shawn Doyle and Tatiana Maslany)
    Swing Kids (1993, stars Robert Sean Leonard , Christian Bale and Frank Whaley)

    The Ballad of Little Jo (1993)
  • SunnysideHMC
    SunnysideHMC Posts: 6 Member
    Swing Kids was great.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Be Kind, Rewind with Jack Black, Mos Def, and Danny Glover.
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 729 Member
    Cat People with Nastassia Kinski. Altered States is also both interesting and bizarre.
  • Phoenix__Rising
    Phoenix__Rising Posts: 9,981 Member
    Have to admit I've seen tons of them but
    my memory fails every time I see this
    thread ..

    Donnie Dario
    Anything Teri Gilliam .. Brazil, 12Monkeys, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
    I may need to revisit this thread soon with more that come to me!!
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    Harold & Maude
    The Fisher King
    The Snowtown Murders
    Lars & the Real Girl
    Blue Valentine
    Belle de Jour

    LOVE your taste in films! I just watched Harold & Maude a few days ago! Belle de Jour is on TCM on the 23rd and I can't wait. I LOVE Catherine Deneuve
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member


    Bad Education and/or the skin I live in

    (Almodovar is excellent!)

    I couldn't find Confessions, but I added Tyrranosaur

    I LOVED Bad Education! I have The Skin I Live In just haven't gotten to watch it yet. I wanna get the Almodovar Box Set!
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    Drop dead gorgeous

    Which one are you talking about?
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    What I like about you OP is that it seems you're open to seeing just about anything, no matter the subject. That's a real film lover!

    Absolutely! I used to be very strict on what I'd watch, then I started working on watching the 1,001 films and it opened the door to so many other choices. I used to hate subtitles films and now I prefer theme(well compared to being dubbed over in English)
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    Haven't read every post so I'm not sure if these have been mentioned already. My cult favorites would definitely have to be Clue, Empire Records, The Craft, anything Mel Brooks. I could probably keep going if I really thought it about :smile:

    All Greats! I own them all including Mel Brooks Blu-Ray box set! :)
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    Uncle Boonmee who can recall his previous lives




    De rouille et d'os

    Last life in the universe

    Carry on camping

    Interesting mix! I've added them all, I just hope 2046 is better than In The Mood For Love! lol

    Even if you don't like 2046 you can sit with your jaw in your lap because every scene is so beautiful. I hope you do see Uncle Boonmee, love that film so much.

    I thought of a couple more:

    Holy Motors

    Ip Man

    Curse of the Golden Flower

    Soooo many great sounding choices to add to my queue!
  • Phoenix__Rising
    Phoenix__Rising Posts: 9,981 Member
    Harold & Maude
    The Fisher King
    The Snowtown Murders
    Lars & the Real Girl
    Blue Valentine
    Belle de Jour

    LOVE your taste in films! I just watched Harold & Maude a few days ago! Belle de Jour is on TCM on the 23rd and I can't wait. I LOVE Catherine Deneuve

    I have always loved Harold and Maude!!
    Bell De Jour is such a sexy film .. filmed well and the style amazing!

    Also: Run Lola Run, Requiem to a Dream, 9½ Weeks, Summer Lovers ('82)
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    I've got May on my queue already :) LOVED City of God! Can't find "La Vie est Belle" anywhere :/ Amelie is in my top five easily!


    The reason you can't find it is because it is called La Vita E Bella. It is an Italian movie set in WWII. It is a beautiful story; you have to watch in the original format because the language dubbing ruins the movie.

    I would NEVER watch a foreign film that has been dubbed over by choice(other than some animations) I actually own Life is Beautiful(hopefully it has subs)
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    interstate 60

    very cool

    not a horror film

    Added to the list!
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    i remember enjoying these two films when i was younger, not seen them since.
    jean de florette and the sequel manon des sources.

    Just added the double disc from Netflix. It's always worth a shot!
  • Supahvixen
    Supahvixen Posts: 50 Member
    Harold & Maude
    The Fisher King
    The Snowtown Murders
    Lars & the Real Girl
    Blue Valentine
    Belle de Jour

    LOVE your taste in films! I just watched Harold & Maude a few days ago! Belle de Jour is on TCM on the 23rd and I can't wait. I LOVE Catherine Deneuve

    I love her too. She's so flawless in Belle. Did you see Repulsion?
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    Westworld, Futureworld, Andromeda strain, by dawn's early light, the day after, defcon 4

    Added them all, except Defcon 4, I've gotta do some looking for that one lol.
  • Stopher100481
    Stopher100481 Posts: 154 Member
    The Fly is a wonderful, dark, love story that turns tragic with a fascinating sci-fi premise.

    Choose Me is an LA love rondelay of weirdness set in the 1980s I think.

    Dean Spanley, which I saw recently on Netflix, made me cry. It's set in London around 1910, I think.

    My Life as a Dog, released in 1986, is a wonderful story about a young Swedish boy in the 1960s coping with being sent away to a village because his mother is dying. If you want a tender but unsentimental view of childhood, it's great.

    Antoine et Colette is in a French anthology film called Love at 20. It's about a boy who pursues a girl in Paris. Heartbreaking.

    Since we seem to have moved beyond "obscure" films, two of my all-time favorites are "The Maltese Falcon" and "The Big Sleep." Both star Humphrey Bogart as a detective. "Smiles of a Summer Night" by Ingmar Bergman is another favorite.

    I've added all the ones I haven't seen except Antoine et Colette I can't seem to find it, I'll have to do some research. lol
  • Phoenix__Rising
    Phoenix__Rising Posts: 9,981 Member
    Additions: Box of Moonlight, Beautiful Girls,
    Two Moon Junction, Boxing Helena,
    Fried Green Tomatoes, The Warriors,
    Maxi Malone, Green Dolphin Street,
    Terminal Bliss,

    .. there are more
    because I really prefer non mainstream.