Cut out soda completely, and haven't lost a pound!



  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i wonder if the OP had replaced soda with juice. i know people who do that as they feel that juice is healthier and therefore lower in calories - and they're only half right at best.

    btw, i'm diabetic and losing weight by eating less calories. in fact, i went from 242 to 191 doing nothing but replacing full fat foods with lower fat foods - no other changes like more walking or working out, just eating foods with less calories.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Have you tried logging your intake accurately and sticking to a reasonable daily calorie deficit?

  • joannamarieart
    joannamarieart Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2015
    jimmmer wrote: »

    end of story.. It took 6 years to recognize that it was bunk..Now I soar past in both technique and ability to educate beyond your one way to skin a cat belief system

    My name is Dances with wow..

    Life force is coming for you.. and its going to leave a mark

    Please God, let this be a real person!

    He is actually a real person! :P (Unfortunately, maybe, to those who know him IRL. haha)
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Really? A myth, huh?

    You are grossly misinformed. :wink:

    The reason we have an overweight society is because people make the choice to eat too many calories. There are foods out there that are loaded with calories, you know. There is a big difference in calories between a small piece of cake and a big piece. There is a difference in calorie intake between a quarter pounder and small fires and a double pounder with large fries.

    In my experience, the overweight people I've seen eat, and that included ME when I was overweight, consumed pretty big portions.

    Just because someone believes they are eating at a calorie deficit does not make it so.

    Ok, so let's do this, any person who is doing any program, whether is for losing or gaining weight, follow this approach. If you eat 1200 calories, eat all of them from sugars, carbs, enjoy eating sweets, candies, pasta with tomato sauce and so on, tell me after that whether you gain weight or not.

    I can't talk for people who don't know how to measure food, but there is so many people just eating veggies and chicken, fish and not losing weight.

    The reason to have such an overweighted society is because people is miss informed, not their fault, the food industry is so big, and they spend a lot in advertisement, as well as giving some money for "research" :) curious that all the research this companies fund is always giving the results that they are looking for, I don't get why they pay for it...

    We have to separate the US from the rest of the world, they eat too much crap, the soils are depleted hence they don't get enough nutrients in the foods, fake food everywhere, tons of sugar or artificial sweeteners with proven effects on insulin... that is why they have insane rates of diabetes type 2 and heart disease, sugar causes inflammation, which is the father of all evils in your health.

    We, in Europe, are copying their style, lucky us we are still having better food choices but we are following the same patterns.

    Add stress to that, you've got the cocktail, people do not realise how BIG is the influence of stress in our bodies, it shuts down every thing, does not allow you to rest and recover, makes you fat and eats your muscle, makes your hormones to stop working, your adrenal glands and liver work poorly, not to mention all the other psychological effects.

    Hey. Go look at my diary. I don't log every single day anymore, now that I'm in maintenance, but a few months back I did. Anyway, whatever is in there should be enough proof that you can lose 50+ pounds like me eating basically "junk".
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Is this zombie thread week or something?
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Is this zombie thread week or something?

    Crud, I didn't even notice. Dang, and I really wanted that poster to reply.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Is this zombie thread week or something?

  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    edited June 2015
    I do believe in all science laws, but if you all like science, then understand science.

    I am still waiting for someone to tell me why some people do not lose a pound of weight despite being in caloric deficits and exercising. And also the other part, and I can talk for the other part, because I am 5.9 feet tall, I weight 130 pounds and eating 2500 calories a day does not make me gain any weight, I was even having a diet full of sugars, fat and nothing worked.

    There is a basic premise that you all need to understand, to burn fat you need to trigger the fat burning hormones, which are 6, then you have 3 that store fat, if any of those is working around, you will not burn fat, again, unless you do destructive things in your organism, which is.. up to you if you want to do it, have you ever wonder why doctors just recommend no carbs diets or huge caloric deficits for very short periods of time?

    For making your science of caloric deficit works you need to have a functional digestive system, but when we talk about caloric deficits, we are talking about 200-300 calories a day, as much.

    Fat is stored energy, your body knows how much fat it needs, any excess will be burned, when you store more it is because something is wrong, and until you fix it you will not burn, there is something called leptin resistance that explains what I was talking about.

    Waiting to see what pill you're selling...

    ETA Oh. Apparently, people have been waiting for a year. Whoops.
  • joannamarieart
    joannamarieart Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2015
    Sorry for the zombie thread. :P I was looking up the person behind "danceswithwow" and stumbled across his posts here and was fascinated, horrified, and am still waiting for my eyes to stop bleeding. I worked with him recently IRL for a short period. He didn't come across quite so ridiculous in person. LOL
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    Sorry for the zombie thread. :P I was looking up the person behind "danceswithwow" and stumbled across his posts here and was fascinated, horrified, and am still waiting for my eyes to stop bleeding. I worked with him recently IRL for a short period. He didn't come across quite so ridiculous in person. LOL

    I didn't know he existed irl or online until you resurrected this old beast, and now I'm seriously intrigued...
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    ellebutler wrote: »
    I'm only eating 1200 calories a day. I thought maybe I was replacing food but I was very cautious not too.

    Riiiiiiiight ...

  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    edited June 2015
    From my experience:

    A couple things could be factoring in Completely cutting out just soda is not going to cut it. It has to be all the sugary, empty-caloried drinks. So make sure you are drinking only water if you really want to make it count, and make sure to get 8-12 cups on a regular basis. Watch your sodium too--It can make you retain. Don't eat too little (if you can help it), or too much.

    On top of all that, cutting out soda completely is only supposed to make a difference of a few pounds in a whole year from something I read. So you gotta really make sure you are getting some good workouts in. That is where the weight loss really comes in to factor.

    Current guidelines suggest that drinking that much is not needed because you get water from veggies and other food. It's notice build.. There is a really simple way to tell if you need more fluid. It sounds gross but take a look at your urine. The darker it is, the more dehydrated you are.

    Eta- fixed