Birthday Alternative for Cake and Ice Cream



  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
  • MHorvath85
    MHorvath85 Posts: 7 Member
    more cheesecake?


    I mean, really. That's some nice looking drizzle...
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Hawaiian bread with frosting.


  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    more cheesecake?


    Now, this would work. Cheesecake is the closest thing to cake and ice cream together. 10/10 would eat.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    In the same paragraph you said "bad food" AND said not to let food have power over you. HUH? Food is not "bad," eating it in excess is. Moderation, my friend.

    Seriously, labeling food as bad IS giving it power.

    Except for that whole science thing that shows even 40g of refined sugar every day (which is about only 25% of what the average American consumes every day) independently increases diabetes risk by about 18%. So telling the average person you need to cut out more than 75% of their daily sugar intake I think is far from moderation.

    Moderation itself is an ambiguous term defined by society and time. People who use moderation in their diet today would be the worst of the eaters 40 years ago.

    So if you label anger as a bad emotion is that giving it power? Um... No... It's just recognizing it's not the healthiest emotion to experience so you do things to avoid it. Bad foods = foods scientifically shown to have negative health effects. Refined sugar is top on the list. Even moderation has implications of bad. Trying to avoid labeling foods as bad is creating an environment that makes it justifiable to eat unhealthy foods when a person subjective deems fit which is far from optimal for progress and results. Other foods with a lot of scientific evidence behind it having negative health impacts are soy, Omega-6 imbalanced oils, and trans-fats to name a few.

    Care to make that science available to the rest of us (the study) so we can ruminate on it ourselves, such as looking to see if it's a cause=/= causation situation, an obesity related issue or one that's not likely to affect people of a normal weight. I kinda need to see the context before I jump on the demonic refined sugar bandwagon.
    Think he is talking about this:
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Has anyone mentioned just eating cake and ice cream yet? TL; DR
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I'd go for cake and ice cream right now; I'm only 180 calories over. :tongue:
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Personally, I watch my ADDED sugars (free sugars, whatever you prefer) but I have no issues so I don't freak if they go over 40. I don't count things like fruit which has fructose as part of the whole food as added sugars, because it isn't.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    more cheesecake?


    Now, this would work. Cheesecake is the closest thing to cake and ice cream together. 10/10 would eat.

    Me too. It's beautiful. :cry:
  • MicheleWE
    MicheleWE Posts: 179 Member
    I also agree with just plan the birthday week ahead so you can enjoy the special dessert without guilt. So, that day may not be a deficit day, but if you are still coming out at maintenance that's still a win right?

    That being said, I have tried many different solutions to this problem. I am not one that can be in a house with leftover cake, or any baked goods for that matter. They just beckon me and willpower goes on vacation somewhere. My family members choose various "treats" for their birthday celebrations so we have had fruit pizzas, pies, etc. So here are a few of my ideas....
    Bake cupcakes-portion control built right in.
    Light ice cream, frozen yogurt, etc (I really like the reduced sugar varieties and can't tell a difference)-I buy this for myself, so I may participate in having the treat without using so many calories on a full blown version, but get my family member their choice.
    Crumble a small portion of cake on top of a serving of ice cream-same flavor using much less so less calories.
    Modified dessert recipes-like a little less sugar or applesauce for oil, etc. Not vegetables!!!
    Make sure to invite lots of people to eat more of the cake, and/or send home doggie bags.
    Go out somewhere for dessert-you get that one piece, enjoy it, no leftover cake.

    The most important thing, if you really want to eat cake then enjoy it and don't deny yourself. If it's no big deal then don't force it on yourself. When it's my birthday my first choice is cheesecake. Sometimes I am ok and a healthy version is fine and sometimes cheesecake is all that I have thought about and I want the real deal. I listen to myself and try to only indulge when I really, really want it. I'm not always successful, but giving myself permission to have what I want when I really want it has been very helpful.

    That being said, I'll confess that I've been day dreaming about sitting down with a whole Costco cream filled cake and eating to my hearts desire for about two months now. If that goes on for another month then you know what I'll be having at my next birthday party :)

    Sometimes if I've had trouble sticking to my "plan" then I plan some increased activity to help make up the difference. What says family celebration more than playing together? So many fun options that are calorie burning in disguise.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    In the same paragraph you said "bad food" AND said not to let food have power over you. HUH? Food is not "bad," eating it in excess is. Moderation, my friend.

    Seriously, labeling food as bad IS giving it power.

    Except for that whole science thing that shows even 40g of refined sugar every day (which is about only 25% of what the average American consumes every day) independently increases diabetes risk by about 18%. So telling the average person you need to cut out more than 75% of their daily sugar intake I think is far from moderation.

    Moderation itself is an ambiguous term defined by society and time. People who use moderation in their diet today would be the worst of the eaters 40 years ago.

    So if you label anger as a bad emotion is that giving it power? Um... No... It's just recognizing it's not the healthiest emotion to experience so you do things to avoid it. Bad foods = foods scientifically shown to have negative health effects. Refined sugar is top on the list. Even moderation has implications of bad. Trying to avoid labeling foods as bad is creating an environment that makes it justifiable to eat unhealthy foods when a person subjective deems fit which is far from optimal for progress and results. Other foods with a lot of scientific evidence behind it having negative health impacts are soy, Omega-6 imbalanced oils, and trans-fats to name a few.

    Care to make that science available to the rest of us (the study) so we can ruminate on it ourselves, such as looking to see if it's a cause=/= causation situation, an obesity related issue or one that's not likely to affect people of a normal weight. I kinda need to see the context before I jump on the demonic refined sugar bandwagon.

    The quoted 18% is after factoring out impact from BMI which combined with sugar consumption had a 52% increase.

    People with normal weight still develop T2DM you know...
    I would think things like family history and whether or not you have metabolic syndrome or blood sugar issues should play into this. A blanket statement EVERYBODY should eat this much just doesn't sit well with me.
  • da_bears1008
    da_bears1008 Posts: 354

    a raspberry, vanilla bean, and blueberry cheesecake?
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    There are lots of recipes out there for "better for you" cakes. Example: Diet soda cake

    I've had diet soda cake in several flavors (but made into cupcakes not sheet cake). You would never guess it's low cal. The texture and flavor are awesome and you can use what ever flavor cake mix or diet soda floats your boat.

    Then just get some lower cal ice cream or frozen yogurt. I'd go for the yogurt cause I just think it tastes awesome.

    You don't have to give it brave and try something new. You might be surprised how well you like it. Some of my very best baked goods are secretly healthy and I love to bake. I get asked for the recipes all the time.

    I've actually tried this as well. Couldn't tell the difference between the cake made with diet coke vs. egg and milk and such. I suppose it kind of take out the nutrition but who really cares about that when eating cake? I just want the cake...

    My friend made this and topped it with low fat pudding! Try that!
  • da_bears1008
    da_bears1008 Posts: 354

    PB Brownie cheesecake?

    P.S. Sorry for the overload... nevermind. not sorry.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
  • AlliSteff
    AlliSteff Posts: 211 Member
    You can switch out the type of cake/ice cream. I really like the Edy's Slow Churned Yogurt blends. 120 calories and 3.5 grams of fate in a 1/2 cup serving of my flavor of choice.