Is being fat a disability??



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I think obesity itself should not be considered a disability. I think it should be between a person and their doctor and go by any and all health problems they have, but obesity on its own does not GUARANTEE serious medical problems - at least not in the short term.

    What I cringe at though, is the idea of many people who are obese not caring to change their situation or improve their health while they still can...some even thinking, "Well if I stay this fat, I'll just go on disability sooner or later anyway" and they're probably right, because of associated medical conditions. That is scary to me - and pathetic.

    I think this is such a difficult topic. There is so much judgment in this thread and while I think some of it is warranted, much of it is really not. People become (and remain) obese and morbidly obese for a huge variety of reasons. People at very high weights have drastically different levels of activity and ability and even wildly different levels of health. I have had coworkers who were the same weight as I was at the time (both morbidly obese) and despite both being female and early 30's we were as different as night and day. I could easily stand for an entire shift, move heavy boxes, needed no prescription medication, and was in counseling for anxiety. My coworker could not walk more than a few feet or stand for more than a few minutes, had diabetes, high blood pressure, clinical depression, fibromyalgia, and took about twelve Rx meds every day. Was she pretty close to being disabled? YES. Was I? No way, even though I was at risk for a lot of major medical issues, I don't think my obesity warranted that type of category whatsoever.
  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    Imma side with you. If a person is fat because of a medical condition, then the medical condition is the disability. If a person is fat because they sit around all day, watching TV and eating blocks of cheese dipped in gravy, well they're just fat and should stop using the scooters at Wal-Mart.

    I agree with this.

    Depression, however, is a serious mental disability.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    I really thought I'd find the lack of empathy surprising. In fact, I don't, I totally expect it from this forum at this point.

    We keep it classy round these parts.

    Like most MFP posts, it's how you read them. There's about one *kitten* per page. The overwhelming consensus is that the OP is a douche.

    I do try my best to make sure that one *kitten* per page minimum is always met. :tongue:
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Well this thread made me sad.

    Having a rather serious, sometimes debilitating medical condition that no one can see, I'm just going to say I wish people would stop making assumptions about people in general, and specifically about their abilities.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    Being obese or morbidly obese most definitely can be a disability because it often interferes with normal activity, even with no underlying health problems. Whether it is subject to FMLA is dependent on other factors. In some cases, yes, and in other cases, no. That's a matter that is determined by those whose job it is to make distinctions. It isn't my job, and I'm guessing that it isn't the OP's job, either. Yes, some obese people are more than capable of performing job functions, but some aren't. It isn't for me to determine if it's a disability or not because I don't work in that field or see the specific case file. As for OP's coworker with the lap band, my guess is her distaste for her as a person leads to her being overly judgmental of the woman. OP doesn't like her, so she's looking for more reasons to justify the dislike. It shows a distinct character flaw, and a disappointing one at that.

    Judging what other people purchase at a grocery store is lame. Eating only clean foods or lean meat and veggies is whoever's prerogative, but I don't walk around the grocery store judging those sorts of people for thinking they're better than the rest of us who like to bring home frozen pizzas and pop tarts.

    There are plenty of thin people out there gaming the system when it comes to FMLA, SSD and SSI. I'd be willing to bet that if you look at the statistics on it, people gaming the system would look just like the overall population with respect to the percentages of obese versus normal weight.

    ^ I like you:)

    She is awesome, isn't she?

    She really is. I think she's quite intelligent, coupled with common sense. This is a good combination IMO. I like how she pointed out numerous facets of a very unfortunate thread. For example, the idea that thin people aren't all perfect needed to be mentioned here.

    I tried to see the op's point of view but all I can think is that the unkind words she spouts are merely a reflection of who she is.
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    I work at Vocational Rehabilitation, and I can tell you that as a state agency that works with people with disabilities, it CAN BE considered a disability. We use it for eligibility when it is related to diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, etc. and when a person is considered morbidly obese. A disability is defined as a condition that impacts a persons ability to perform a job, so you cannot possibly tell me that a person who has diabetes that is not controlled and weight 350 lbs does not have limitations. In these cases, it is my job to help the person get their diagnoses under control, including healthy weight loss.

    Ah ha! Here it is! Actual facts for those of you interested in the answer to the OP's question.

    I imagine this may vary somewhat state-by-state.

    I found a helpful article regarding the OP's question on an HR website. It's a year old, but has lots of objective information:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I really thought I'd find the lack of empathy surprising. In fact, I don't, I totally expect it from this forum at this point.

    We keep it classy round these parts.

    Like most MFP posts, it's how you read them. There's about one *kitten* per page. The overwhelming consensus is that the OP is a douche.

    I do try my best to make sure that one *kitten* per page minimum is always met. :tongue:

    We each must play our part. ;)
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    Considering the vast majority of people that are overweight can still function on a daily basis, I would say that it is not a disability. It may be a hindrance, but not only can you still live a full life while being overweight, most people can make the changes necessary to lose the weight.
  • wormstrup14
    There are many different definitions of diability out there. Being considered disabled for purposes of qualifying for a handicapped parking permit is different than the definition of disabled for puposes of qualifying for social security disability, and is different than the definition of disabed to qualify for VA benefits. so I guess it depends what you are using for your definition of disabed. I am an attorney for social security disability, and obesity by itself is not a basis for disablity under this program. We look at the affects of obesity on the person's other impairments.
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    Under the ADAAA morbid obesity is considered a disablity if it substantially limits at least one of the major life activities, such as walking.

    Unless you need time off work for medical reason you probably won't get FMLA just for being fat. If you have a medical condition that needs to be taken care of because of your weight, yes. Or if you need an accommodation under the ADAAA and can't currently perform the esssential job tasks because of your weight, you may take FMLA while the interactive process happens.

    Although *some* doctors will write almost anything as long as they get the copay. :laugh:
    :flowerforyou: Thanks for contributing some actual factual facts to the 'discussion.'
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I really thought I'd find the lack of empathy surprising. In fact, I don't, I totally expect it from this forum at this point.

    We keep it classy round these parts.

    Like most MFP posts, it's how you read them. There's about one *kitten* per page. The overwhelming consensus is that the OP is a douche.

    I do try my best to make sure that one *kitten* per page minimum is always met. :tongue:

    We each must play our part. ;)

    The whole world is a stage, and all the men and women merely actors. They have their exits and their entrances, and in his lifetime a man will play many parts, his life separated into seven acts.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Yes, if a person arrives at one or more of those conditions, they do have a disability. However, if the reason they got lung cancer was from smoking; lost their legs playing chicken with a train, do we, as a society, owe them the same level of empathy and or assistance that we have for those who are disabled through no fault of their own?


    That's not even a question. Morally and legally.

    We'll have to agree to disagree there. As a former smoker, should I develop lung cancer in the future because of it, I do not want, nor do I think I deserve empathy and assistance from society. I was stupid for smoking in the first place. Stupid shouldn't be rewarded.

    Rewarded would mean given a good thing.

    Being helped out with cancer - that's so the opposite of a good thing that I'm a little baffled.

    Look at it this help me with my lung cancer, the lung cancer that I got because I made a stupid decision in my teens; a stupid decision that kept making for 20+ years, because you're a good person. However, in doing this, you may be taking resources and/or time away from another person suffering from a cancer that they got not from making a stupid decision, but because sometimes bad things happen to people. In my view, it is that person who deserves your time and effort, not me. "Reward" might not be the best word to use there, but I hope the above conveys what I was getting at.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    At 560 lbs. and being home bound for over 2 years and unable to walk from one room to other without sitting on a rolling computer chair to get to the bathroom and kitchen and at my lowest point sitting in a chair with a loaded handgun in my mouth with the hammer back begging and pleading (but no one was in the room cause I was all alone) to give me the strength to end my pain I can honestly say being fat is debilitating, certainly it is all about choice at any point before I got into that state I was a contributing member of society and paid my taxes so when I was at my lowest no matter how I got there, I needed assistance to help get me out so when I finally had enough and wanted that help, I am Damn sure glad the people on the other end were more sympathetic to my position than the mind set you have (not knocking you in particular just people in general that think this way).

    I had over 300 pounds to lose, was willing to give in to the process, but needed the help to get there. So my insurance backed me up and got me the things needed to atleast attempt to dig myself out of the hole that I put myself in.. Medical doctors to address my health issues, mental therapist to address my depression and eating disorders, physical therapy to help be exercise to build up my strength to be able to walk again and continue to improve my strength, a dietician to show me what I had been doing and to point me in the right direction to regain my relationship with all foods, etc, etc this list goes on and on. Had I not been afforded those things based on the diagnosis of being disabled at that time I would not have been offered the help and more than likely at the rate I was going would have been dead by now, either by my own hand or do to complication due to my severe morbid obesity. Sometimes it isn't as easy as just calling Bullcrap and saying suck it up buttercup, I am living proof if given the assistance when I was disabled that one can totally change there lives and become productive members of society again and in my opinion that is what it was intended for in the first place not a means to go on and live out your days on it..... Just my 2 cents...

    You Rock!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • pamelas9
    pamelas9 Posts: 29
    My thoughts are why did you feel the need to post this?

    And that your view on depression is ignorant.

    This! I am morbidly obese, and I work *now*, but getting a job was tough, because they didn't think I'd be able to keep up with the fast pace.. I got turned down on jobs that I was perfectly qualified for.. again and again.

    I have a relative who got on disability because of his obesity (no underlying medical conditions) just out of high school. As a taxpayer it makes me a little upset, because now he has absolutely no reason to ever change his ways. Because he was so young and had no underlying medical condition I really feel being granted disability should have been conditional on bi-weekly therapy, a nutritionist, quarterly check ups and possibly even physical therapy.

    Mostly though I'm sad for him, because he has now missed a good chunk of his 20's sitting around watching tv and playing on the computer. He doesn't go out, he won't meet real people, it's awful for him. And his mother is an enabler. I was obese, but I got out and had fun in my 20s. He is obviously depressed but if he isn't ready to do something about it, what can we really do?
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Imma side with you. If a person is fat because of a medical condition, then the medical condition is the disability. If a person is fat because they sit around all day, watching TV and eating blocks of cheese dipped in gravy, well they're just fat and should stop using the scooters at Wal-Mart.

    I agree with this.

    Depression, however, is a serious mental disability.

    Never being depressed in a manner that would be described medically (I mean I was depressed when my dog died, or when LSU lost the BCS title game to 'Bama), I can't comment one way or the other on that. I have no understanding of it, no frame of reference.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    My thoughts are why did you feel the need to post this?

    And that your view on depression is ignorant.

    This! I am morbidly obese, and I work *now*, but getting a job was tough, because they didn't think I'd be able to keep up with the fast pace.. I got turned down on jobs that I was perfectly qualified for.. again and again.

    I have a relative who got on disability because of his obesity (no underlying medical conditions) just out of high school. As a taxpayer it makes me a little upset, because now he has absolutely no reason to ever change his ways. Because he was so young and had no underlying medical condition I really feel being granted disability should have been conditional on bi-weekly therapy, a nutritionist, quarterly check ups and possibly even physical therapy.

    Mostly though I'm sad for him, because he has now missed a good chunk of his 20's sitting around watching tv and playing on the computer. He doesn't go out, he won't meet real people, it's awful for him. And his mother is an enabler. I was obese, but I got out and had fun in my 20s. He is obviously depressed but if he isn't ready to do something about it, what can we really do?

    Sadly, it's the belief of many people that the only thing that can be done is to shame him into submission.

    I know, makes sense right? /sarcasm
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Wow OP. I think I figured out why you are so angry. Took a look at your diary and it's scary. 900, 800, 600 cal days? WHOA. Maybe you might consider that keeping your body properly fueled isn't only important to your physical health, but your mental well being too.


  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Yes, if a person arrives at one or more of those conditions, they do have a disability. However, if the reason they got lung cancer was from smoking; lost their legs playing chicken with a train, do we, as a society, owe them the same level of empathy and or assistance that we have for those who are disabled through no fault of their own?


    That's not even a question. Morally and legally.

    We'll have to agree to disagree there. As a former smoker, should I develop lung cancer in the future because of it, I do not want, nor do I think I deserve empathy and assistance from society. I was stupid for smoking in the first place. Stupid shouldn't be rewarded.

    Rewarded would mean given a good thing.

    Being helped out with cancer - that's so the opposite of a good thing that I'm a little baffled.

    Agreed. While I do get a chuckle from reading "Darwin Awards," I don't really think people deserve to be maimed, killed, disfigured, etc by stupid choices. We've all done something dumb either once or for a period of time. Some of the lucky ones who "got away with it" seem to have a duty to *kitten* on those who had to pay the real consequences.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Yes, if a person arrives at one or more of those conditions, they do have a disability. However, if the reason they got lung cancer was from smoking; lost their legs playing chicken with a train, do we, as a society, owe them the same level of empathy and or assistance that we have for those who are disabled through no fault of their own?


    That's not even a question. Morally and legally.

    We'll have to agree to disagree there. As a former smoker, should I develop lung cancer in the future because of it, I do not want, nor do I think I deserve empathy and assistance from society. I was stupid for smoking in the first place. Stupid shouldn't be rewarded.

    So, I guess you will be paying out of pocket for all medical expenses, not using insurance, medicaid or medicare, and if it is bad enough that you can no longer work, instead of taking disability, you plan on living on the streets because it was all your fault for smoking? I doubt it.
  • dolliesdaughter
    dolliesdaughter Posts: 544 Member
    Imma side with you. If a person is fat because of a medical condition, then the medical condition is the disability. If a person is fat because they sit around all day, watching TV and eating blocks of cheese dipped in gravy, well they're just fat and should stop using the scooters at Wal-Mart.

    I agree.