15 things a Big Girl looks forward to....Awwww yea



  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    1.) I'm looking forward to the day that my thighs say ta-ta to each other. They've had a very long and somewhat abusive relationship together...it's time for them to go on their own way hehe.

    This one ...wooo...I am doubled-up laughing!!! All of these are great. But here are a couple of mine:

    1. I'm looking forward to being able to go and do - instead of making excuses because I know I won't fit in the seat.

    2. I'm looking forward to buying something other than jewelry, makeup and shoes because nothing else fits or everything is ugly!

    3. I'm looking forward to NOT being the funny, fat friend....just wanna be the funny friend.

    Have a great day!