Tall girls...goal weight?



  • connamiragna
    5'8 - 115 Pounds. I started out at 130, I have been doing this for about 4 months.
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    like to see a tall guys thread, I am 6.4
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I'm 5'8 - That would be my dream goal to be 120 lbs.

    I started here on here at 162 lbs - Dec 6, 2010
    Today I weight in at 135 lbs....My Goal Weight is 130 lbs....Even though it looks like I weigh like 120....

    I don't know why some tall people like us - do like the 120 lbs goal?...maybe it's the number - who knows... :wink:
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    I'm 5'8" and two years ago I got sick and lost a ton of weight. I was around 148 and I dropped alot. At my lowest I hit 128. I was skin and bones. DH was scared. It took time for me to gain back the weight I lost, even at 135 I was still very very skinny. Knowing this now, I set 140 as my goal weight. I know that it's attainable and that I won't feel like a stick. I've gotten to 135 before when I was obsessed with working out and tracking every little bit that went in my mouth but it wasn't something I could maintain. I think 140 is fine for me and my body. I agree with everyone else. Go with what feels good to you.
  • amarie35
    amarie35 Posts: 338 Member
    I'm right at 5'9" & I weigh 134 pounds. I plan on setting a new weight goal within the next week or two. I want to lose another 4 pounds. I would actually LOVE to get down to 129, but only because I've never weighed that low & I've always wanted to weigh in the 120's.
  • NatashaAlexandra
    NatashaAlexandra Posts: 70 Member
    I am just under 5'9 and I weigh 139-140 pounds.. but even though this is a healthy BMI, I'm still quite chunky around my arms and legs.. the lowest I have ever been was 126 and I was completely healthy-looking and not SUPER SKINNY like you would imagine!

    I am hoping to get back down to 130 or even 126 if I can, but I think it differs for every person. For me, at 126 I still looked healthy even though I am quite 'big-boned' , but for someone else they could look almost anorexic at that weight. It all depends where on the body you carry your weight - for me it is my legs, arms and hips.

    If anyone has a similair weight to me, and is going for a similair loss - ADD ME! It is difficult to find someone only wanting to lose 10 pounds on this site, and especially when they are already at a healthy weight!

  • ThatDollSally
    ThatDollSally Posts: 473 Member
    It's all about body type! I'm 5'8" and a healthy weight for me is supposed to be between 120-165, but I was meant to have curves. Even in pictures from when I was about 5 you can tell that I would have back as an adult. Someone of my shape would be WAY too skinny at 120, but people who are built lean may be able to pull that off.

    As long as you're healthy you should stay where you feel comfortable.
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    y size 4 vs size 6? Why focus on a number rather than when you feel good? I know that I focus on getting to a certain weight thinking once I get there I will be happy with that and I am not so I change it..Being 5'10 and 89 pounds still wasnt good enough when I was focusing on the numbers. Kept thinking once I get into kids size clothes that will be good..yeah...nope to short lol. Just get to a weight where you feel good about yourself and try not to focus on numbers..it is only a number right? Sizes are all different any way
  • ladyshills
    I feel like a shorty at 5' 7" here, lol! I am at 150 now, my goal is 135- I've been down to 126 & I looked sick. Body frame has so much to do with it. I feel good after losing 29 pounds so far & if my hips/thighs were more proportioned to my body I would be fine at this weight. Just go with what feels good!
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    I am 6'2" and I have a personal goal of 225 because I have been there twice before and felt great (and looked great in my opinion). According to the BMI chart, I am still overweight at that weight but it is what works for me. If I got down to 164-196 (my healthy range) I would look sick and I know that.

    I had the goal of 196 forever and a day and I would get so frustrated at 225 and give up and therefore is why the reason I am back where I am at today. Not worth it!
  • Piclet
    Piclet Posts: 5 Member
    I am 5'11 and as of last night the left scale at the gym said I weighed 198, and the right scale said I weighed 201... I am going with the left scale! I have big boobs, big hips, and a big booty. Just recently have I started forming a belly. Everything seems to spread out even at least... but because of that it all snuck up on me....:sad:

    My first goal is to hit 175 lbs. If I make it there, then I will decide if I want to lose more... Those of you who are my size and saying you want to weigh 130 - 140 are CRAZY!! I weighed that much when I was 14 and people thought I was anorexic! It would be hard to imagine being that small at this height. But, I guess my larger boobies add more weight on me and even at my skinniest they remain the same size....

    I just joined MFP yesterday because all my exercise was barely making a dent in my weight loss goals. I have been running about 3.5 miles a day, 4 days a week since late January, and on the other days I was using Power90, and one day off. I was "watching" what I ate and definitely eating very healthy and cutting out all the bad habits I have had before. I figured that would be enough to get results.... but I was wrong. I only lost 4 lbs on that method and there is nothing more discouraging. I refuse to give up, so now I am trying to keep track of my calories in addition to running/elliptical/biking at least an hour 5-6 days a week.... What do you fellow talls girl think? Is this the way I should proceed? Any advice would be so much appreciated!

    Have a great day!!! :happy:
  • crrc78
    crrc78 Posts: 207 Member
    Bless you for starting this thread - it's been really interesting and somewhat reassuring to read through! I'm almost 5'10" and definitely a broad build (my brother's are 6'2-6'8", so i'm the little one)... Its really helpful to see that so many people are struggling with the same concerns - BMI, healthy weight range, clothing size, and aren't talking about size 0, 2, 4. It makes me feel a lot less discouraged about my size. I weighed 175-180 all through high school and college and was always considered "tall and strong, not tall and fat", and then suddenly gained 50 lbs about 7 years ago that I just can not get rid of for good. I've lost 25, then got pregnant, lost all the baby weight very quickly, but over the past 2 years (my daughter is 2.5), I've gained it all back. My personal goal is just to get into ONE-derland (under 200), but I know my body is happiest around 175-180 and no lower.
    Thanks for being honest and open - you never know who you just might help!
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    I'm 5'7 and 1/2 and weigh 146. May lose a few more if not I'm fine. Can wear and 8 sometimes a 10. Under 140 I look like death
  • 54fevers
    54fevers Posts: 22 Member
    I'm about 5'9 1/2 and my goal weight as of right now is 135. (I'm 175 at the moment)
    I'm not sure if it's even possible for someone like me to get that tiny, haha. But I'll see.
  • michelegbowman
    I'm 5' 7".

    At 132 pounds and I was a nice size with healthy breasts. I wore a size 6 jeans and a D cup.

    I got down to 127. My boyfriend complained I was too thin.

    I had in mind a "125" goal I think because it just sounded good -- sort of like "onederland" sounds good for many of us -- it's a milestone.

    So please go with what you feel and how others think you look -- not the number on the scale. The number you should be concerned about is your blood pressure, heart rate.

    If you need that little confidence boost -- reset your scale to be a few pounds lighter so you will "see" 125 or whatever number you need to see
  • yazminetw
    yazminetw Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks for starting this thread.

    I am 5'8" and weigh 167lbs. My goal weight is 155lbs which was my pre-pregnancy weight before I had my daughter. I currently wear a size 8 but my goal weight will get my back into a size 6. I carry my weight in my stomach and have small bottom half.

    I don't get stuck on the number on the scale because people never really know how much I weigh because of my height. They were really shocked to learn I was 170 months after giving birth, everyone said I looked smaller. If I like what I see in the mirror that is the goal weight for me. :smile:
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    A good place to start at to determine a goal weight is at 5' a fully grown woman should be about 100 lbs. Every inch after, she shoud add 5 lbs. So, for you at 5'8'', 140 is a good start. If you feel fine the way you look and feel, then you are at a perfect weight. I'm 5'10'' and am shooting for 145-150, with my first goal at 155, 2nd at 150. I will then decide if I should go for 145, depending on how I look and feel.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I am 5'11 and as of last night the left scale at the gym said I weighed 198, and the right scale said I weighed 201... I am going with the left scale! I have big boobs, big hips, and a big booty. Just recently have I started forming a belly. Everything seems to spread out even at least... but because of that it all snuck up on me....:sad:

    My first goal is to hit 175 lbs. If I make it there, then I will decide if I want to lose more... Those of you who are my size and saying you want to weigh 130 - 140 are CRAZY!! I weighed that much when I was 14 and people thought I was anorexic! It would be hard to imagine being that small at this height. But, I guess my larger boobies add more weight on me and even at my skinniest they remain the same size....

    I just joined MFP yesterday because all my exercise was barely making a dent in my weight loss goals. I have been running about 3.5 miles a day, 4 days a week since late January, and on the other days I was using Power90, and one day off. I was "watching" what I ate and definitely eating very healthy and cutting out all the bad habits I have had before. I figured that would be enough to get results.... but I was wrong. I only lost 4 lbs on that method and there is nothing more discouraging. I refuse to give up, so now I am trying to keep track of my calories in addition to running/elliptical/biking at least an hour 5-6 days a week.... What do you fellow talls girl think? Is this the way I should proceed? Any advice would be so much appreciated!

    Have a great day!!! :happy:

    You might need to switch up your routine. Sometimes our bodies get use to the exercise and stop responding. Also add some strength training. Muscles burn fat.
  • Anidorie
    Anidorie Posts: 291 Member
    i am 5 foot eight inches. i am currently 120 and my goal wieght is 110!
  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm 5'8" currently hovering around 135 and going through the same predicament!

    I was around 155 at the New Year and set the random goal of losing 20 lbs. Now that I'm right around my "goal", I actually think I might feel better losing another 5-10 and get into the high 120's? Even after losing 20 lbs I haven't dropped a pant size (been an 8 since high school... still an 8) and, to be honest, I don't feel or look much different. Also, I'm currently training for a half-marathon and think it might be a little easier on my body to stay at the lower end of the healthy BMI range while I'm running a bunch!

    I'm interested to see what you decide to do... maintain or lose a bit more? Let me know how you feel!!