1200 Calorie a day diet. Can it be healthy?



  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I know it proves nothing. That's why I don't glance at diaries or profile pics or tickers. It's all fiction here. But I'm accused of not being able to read, c'mon. :laugh:

    They do studies on weight loss at levels way below BMR all the time. No one studies 'is it safe to eat below your BMR' for the same reason no one studies 'is it safe to eat standing up'. It's self-evident that it is because there is no reason to believe it isn't.
    There are a lot. Search for "VLCD studies". Here's just a few.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I know it proves nothing. That's why I don't glance at diaries or profile pics or tickers. It's all fiction here. But I'm accused of not being able to read, c'mon. :laugh:

    They do studies on weight loss at levels way below BMR all the time. No one studies 'is it safe to eat below your BMR' for the same reason no one studies 'is it safe to eat standing up'. It's self-evident that it is because there is no reason to believe it isn't.
    There are a lot. Search for "VLCD studies". Here's just a few.

    From the Elsevier article:

    The long-term effects of VLCDs on glycaemic control,
    cardiovascular risk and diabetic complications are generally
    small or absent, and there are no data on the long-term effect
    on complications and mortality.

    The reason their is little to no data is because no one does that research "all the time".
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Who said anything about long term?
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Who said anything about long term?

    You said people are doing VLCD research as an argument that eating below your BMR is no big deal and safe. That was not supported by your links.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Who said anything about long term?
    pretty sure its implied. obviously one day of eating nothing wont hurt much
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    finally got time to read these
    none of them actually measured health in any way other than weight loss, except for the second which said this "VLCDs are considered safe and effective when used by appropriately selected individuals under careful medical supervision (5). The diets are designed for patients with a BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2, a group at increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and that also may derive the most benefit from substantial weight loss.", which is what most have been saying from the start
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Fascinating; In the two hours after I started this thread around 50 comments and most of them nay Sayers saying that what I am doing is wrong, is not healthy, but as soon as I mention my Cardiologist and a Registered Dietitian all the negative comments stopped. Where are all the experts now?

    Stop depending on Google and the internet to determine your diet and go to a real professional, Truly fascinting that people believe anything they read on the internet

    So you posted this to get comments that you could then reply to by saying - well my doctor says it's ok so there.

    Ok then :huh:

    Yup. Consider yourself schooled.

    Oh I do, wait... :noway:

    What I go from his admission was that he's on a 1200/day diet as he's at major risk of a heart attack - so the risks of a VLCD are less than the risks of staying fat.

    That doesn't mean it's healthy - just that it's the lesser of two evils.

    But I'm sure he'll say I'm just a google expert.

    I know. If I were at imminent risk of death, I'd eat 1200 - no complaints.

    (Actually there would be complaints. But I'd be at death's door, so you just put your listening face on.)
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Who said anything about long term?
    pretty sure its implied. obviously one day of eating nothing wont hurt much
    This is always how the discussion goes. "1200 must be dangerous because you can't do it long term (though you can through weight loss, which is the topic) and it must be dangerous because VLCDs are sometimes found risky and 1200 sounds 'very low' to me so it must be a VLCD. And it's ok for you because you're sick or you because you're small but it's not ok for anyone else."

    "And, by the way, you can't even read and you're pompous. So nice try. Oh, and go away." :indifferent:

    (Those links were in response to 'no one studies eating under BMR'. Not advocating VLCD.)
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Who said anything about long term?
    pretty sure its implied. obviously one day of eating nothing wont hurt much
    This is always how the discussion goes. "1200 must be dangerous because you can't do it long term (though you can through weight loss, which is the topic) and it must be dangerous because VLCDs are sometimes found risky and 1200 sounds 'very low' to me so it must be a VLCD. And it's ok for you because you're sick or you because you're small but it's not ok for anyone else."

    "And, by the way, you can't even read and you're pompous. So nice try. Oh, and go away." :indifferent:
    never did i say 1200 was VLCD
    never did i say you cant do it for long term, its just stupid to do so for MOST people. ive said it before, if you 5'0 and 100 lbs, its fine.
    VLCD's are risky, but im not going to argue that anymore because clearly we are on two different pages. just dont recommend it to someone or say its okay for someone as large as myself (TDEE >2800)

    why is bolded in quotes? are you implying i said that, because i didnt.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    You know what? I'm tired of this thread. I'm going to report it as deliberately inflammatory.
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    Fascinating; In the two hours after I started this thread around 50 comments and most of them nay Sayers saying that what I am doing is wrong, is not healthy, but as soon as I mention my Cardiologist and a Registered Dietitian all the negative comments stopped. Where are all the experts now?

    Stop depending on Google and the internet to determine your diet and go to a real professional, Truly fascinting that people believe anything they read on the internet

    You posted a topic saying "1200 Calorie a day diet. Can it be healthy?” You asked is it healthy? You got answers saying it is probably not healthy and now you want to respond and insult everyone who tried to help you? I can't speak for everyone else but I responded because I thought you were looking for advice and genuinely wanted to help you.

    1200 calorie diets are not usually healthy for men. That is coming from professionals. If you ask your cardiologist and dietician if it is healthy for an average man to only eat 1200 calories I am confident they would tell you that it is not for most men. You asked the question. You got correct answers. Many posts did also suggest consulting with a doctor.

    So why did you post the question if you already had what you believe are all the answers? All you proved is that you enjoy taking advantage of the trusting and caring nature of other people.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    You know what? I'm tired of this thread. I'm going to report it as deliberately inflammatory.

    What? This is why we can't have nice things. People who ignore the jerks and actually get into a discussion, get their stuff nuked.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    No, he was just proving that the "internet experts" could not diagnose him via the interwebzzz.

    Take that, bam!

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Who said anything about long term?
    pretty sure its implied. obviously one day of eating nothing wont hurt much
    This is always how the discussion goes. "1200 must be dangerous because you can't do it long term (though you can through weight loss, which is the topic) and it must be dangerous because VLCDs are sometimes found risky and 1200 sounds 'very low' to me so it must be a VLCD. And it's ok for you because you're sick or you because you're small but it's not ok for anyone else."

    "And, by the way, you can't even read and you're pompous. So nice try. Oh, and go away." :indifferent:

    (Those links were in response to 'no one studies eating under BMR'. Not advocating VLCD.)

    Umm..maybe it's time for you to stop posting if you are stooping to either insulting people or imagining insults where none were written.
  • 43mmmgoody21
    43mmmgoody21 Posts: 146 Member
    You know what? I'm tired of this thread. I'm going to report it as deliberately inflammatory.

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    You know what? I'm tired of this thread. I'm going to report it as deliberately inflammatory.

    What? This is why we can't have nice things. People who ignore the jerks and actually get into a discussion, get their stuff nuked.

    Indeed. And the sooner this one is nuked, the sooner its replacement can be created.

  • timrpm
    timrpm Posts: 57 Member
    For someone who is really tiny and female, doesn't move much all day, maybe. Or for someone chronically obese crashing weight off.

    Otherwise, exercise more and eat moderately. And don't tell me you don't have time. Sheesh.
  • megginanderson
    megginanderson Posts: 276 Member
    i was just going to add, male calculation is very different.
    I love using this calculation myself - http://macronutrientcalculator.com/
    you can set the filter to be desk job, low carb, whatever your preferences are.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    That sounds like the most boring thing ever. I'd quit after a day and 1/2.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    i was just going to add, male calculation is very different.
    I love using this calculation myself - http://macronutrientcalculator.com/
    you can set the filter to be desk job, low carb, whatever your preferences are.

    Aside from their maintenance calories....how are they that different in regards to macro breakdown? I know a lot of men and women that do 40/30/30 and are having great results.

    So what calculation are you talking about?