pet peeves at the gym



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    you use clips when you bench???
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I have recently decided that not re-racking your weights really bothers me. I was waiting for a bench to open up one day and one finally did so I set up on it, but there were no clips, so I looked around and found some on another bench. I had been watching the guys that were using this bench for quite some time and at this point they had been off their bench for about 10-15 minutes and had disappeared somewhere else in the gym. However they had left their bar loaded with weights and clips, but since I hadn't seen them for that long I took the clips and put them on my bar. I proceeded to do my sets not thinking much of it until just as I was doing my last set I saw these guys come back to their bench. When they saw that their clips were gone they started to get all worked up about how someone had taken them. I finished up and told them I was done and gave them the clips and unloaded my bar. I watched them finish up a couple more sets and then proceed to leave the gym for the day, still without unloading their bar.
    It seems like every night after all the big meatheads have left the gym there are unloaded weights on nearly every piece of equipment, weights scattered all over the weight room floor and the few weights that are re-racked are put in the wrong place. You've got ten pound weights buried beneath two 45s with a 25 in the middle, dumbells just left on the floor. Some people are so lazy, you can only imagine what their house looks like.

    Preach. I'm sick of people throwing plates all over the floor and leaving.
  • MrsKGrady
    MrsKGrady Posts: 276 Member
    I don't go to the gym but one of my friends' pet peeves is when she goes to the gym and does her workout and there are five or six women our age (30's) who sit on the equipment chatting in their workout gear and never do any exercise. Ever. She said they are not rude and will politely move when she is headed toward the machines or whatever...but it's just weird because they go every day and she's seen ONE of them use a treadmill ONCE in many months of gym attendance. To me it sound like they may as well be in a coffee shop or someone's living room.

    Yes....this! I call them the Gossip Girls and they drive me crazy. I'm going to go deaf from turning up my music so I don't have to listen to them.

    Here's a list of other pet peeves that I saw online yesterday:
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    My biggest peeve is when people feel they "own" a spot or machine. One lady told me "That's my spot for this class." My response "I think it's important to change things up sometimes."

    Also, the toilet-flushing thing really ticks me off...just flush already!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    you use clips when you bench???

    I use clips with all barbell lifts, is this wrong?

    no it isn't wrong- I mean clips are there for a reason- but you do not NEED them typically. They shouldn't hold up a work out.

    I only use mine 100% of the time for dead lifts- because the plates do not fit super tight to teh bar- so they lean and wobble without the clips (they still lean and wobble but it's just a lot less lean and wobbly)

    squats OHP and bench- clips are totally optional LOL
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Please ...rack....your...weights ... 10lbs goes where they marked the thing with a "10lbs" sticker.

    I'm not sure what makes me more sad, the lack of weight racking or the inability to match numbers. Is this a reflection on the deterioration of home teaching of manners AND our education system?

    This x1000
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Standing directly in front of free weights even leaning on railing to do what ever. Leaving towel and or water bottle at bench/ machine but their nowhere in site.Already mentioned but that one weird super fast guy that grabs a weight swings out like 3 reps then runs off and does something else then back swinging something again like a friggen ninja on crack.( no offense to real ninjas or crackheads)
    You mean supersets? :bigsmile:
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,302 Member
    men that just blatantly stand watching me making strange homer simpson like noises or men in speedo's and thongs trying to get you to join them in the jacuzzi or sauna:noway:

    same here, except replace the word 'men' with 'women' and the thong in the sauna....blech. . . .hate when women do this.
  • lmr0528
    lmr0528 Posts: 427 Member
    When someone doesn't wipe down the machine after they use it and people who talk on their cell phones while they work out. The other night there were 3 other people in the gym while I was there and each of them were talking on their phones.
  • MyRummyHens
    MyRummyHens Posts: 141 Member
    People who get too close. I mean do they think they are going to absorb some of my workout by doing nothing and standing REALLY close to me? I swear one woman was all for getting into the squat rack with me the other day!
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    This thread is why I have my own full home gym - and well worth the investment. No lines, no waiting, no germ-infested smelly my own music, use my own's freakin' heaven!
  • RachelSteeners
    RachelSteeners Posts: 249 Member
    Creepy guy staring at me and trying to make conversation. Leave me alone! It's become so annoying, I now go to the gym at a different time of the day to avoid this person... :grumble:
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    When people use the fail rail on the squat rack to do shrug super sets and walk away for 20 minutes, especially when both squat racks are being used for this. Work in with each other, I'm actually trying to squat.

    When people throw plates all over the floor and leave them there (as previously mentioned).

    When people use machines for things other than their intended purpose: Stop putting the bottoms of your sneakers on the pad where my knees go on the dip machine, gross.

    When I see dudes with giant pecs and biceps and tiny calves the size of my forearm. Why?
  • RachelSteeners
    RachelSteeners Posts: 249 Member
    People who use machines - get them all sweaty and gross - and then don't wipe them down. Ewww.... soooo gross! :huh: