Kind of Upset

bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
I love MFP for the community, it is a place where I can ask questions and get great answers. If I want I can keep track of my calories, but a lot of the time for me it is having other people to talk to about fitness and health that I don't have in my physical life. What is upsetting me is while trying to look up a beach body program on here that a lot of people have been trying and seeing all the negative comments. Why is it so bad to try something different that may work for you and try to find like minded people on a site you have grown to know and love? I like MFP and want to find support on here because I'm not into all the beach body hype of their website, but I don't want to get belittled because I am trying a new program. This program (the 21 day fix) gets bashed for the name (which I understand they could have come up with a better name than fix) or because people think everyone should bust out the scale and weigh and measure everything, or because people just hate beach body. I want to use this program because I am busy! I have a 3 yr old, a husband, I work full time, I am attending 1 school full time for accounting and I am working on my real estate license, I also have to complete the normal mundane tasks of running a household like laundry, dishes, paying the bills, making sure everyone is where they are supposed to be etc. The 21 day fix makes life easy, you grab the proper container for what you are about to eat, pop in as much food fits that container, put it on the plate and go. I am visual so the quick color process is great. I am also getting better at eating clean through this program which other things have not done for me. Why is this horrible? If it is working for someone, helping them reach their goals and teaching them a new lifestyle then what is the problem? Yes calorie counting is a major part of this site but a ton of people don't even use what mfp sets for them because they are counting macros and using the tdee methods. I think those are great ways of doing this get healthy thing, but I need help with portion control. The 21df is training me to get parts of all food groups and is actually getting me closer to the calories and macros set out for me when I tried setting myself up for it using the tdee method. So again why do people have to bash something that is helping people get to a better place in their lives involving their daily diets? Sorry for the rant I know its long and drawn out, but it just upsets me seeing all the bashing in these forums.


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    just because generally programs like beachbody are big money grabs. you have all you need to get into shape for free

    if it works for you though then all the power to ya
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    People "bash" fad diets like 21 Day Fix because they're not sustainable. What happens after 21 days? It won't teach you how to make healthy lifestyle changes. Also, the negative comments are trying to save people money; you can lose weight and become healthy without spending an arm and a leg. Lastly, the experienced users on here want people to know that weight loss is slow and gradual. You have to be patient. Fad diets set up unrealistic expectations of quick weight loss, when in reality the process is something which requires a lot of patience. We're trying to save people from crash and yo yo dieting. Not trying to be Negative Nancies.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    People don't like Beachbody because it's ridiculously expensive, and they're sick of being harassed by coaches lying about products to make a few bucks off of them. If you want to try it and have the money, go for it, but you don't have to spend all of that cash to lose weight.
  • sandryc
    sandryc Posts: 33
    You need to just ignore it. Ultimately your diet choices are yours to live with and it doesn't matter what strangers on the internet say about it. Convincing people who are so invested in their own point of view that they feel motivated to belittle others isn't possible on an online forum. For some people this message board is an anonymous platform to use for engaging in negative behaviors most of us recognize from high school. Other people are incredible helpful and really desire discussion and to support those around them. You have to learn to assign value to the comments of others so you can weigh them appropriately. If the comment is not valuable to you don't become defensive or try to argue the person into being on your side just ignore it. Giving your attention only to those who are behaving respectfully is a good way to deprive those looking for a fight, reaction or debate of what they want.
  • teenie_71
    teenie_71 Posts: 44
    its a total waste of money, that's why. Cant you just go to the store and buy your own containers and maybe a scale and measuring cups? You can get all that at the dollar store for under 5 bucks. I dont see what the magic is all about. And those Beach Body "coaches" will tell you anything to buy their crap. They dont care about you, they care about making their quota. But good luck to you if that's what you choose to do.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    People don't like Beachbody because it's ridiculously expensive, and they're sick of being harassed by coaches lying about products to make a few bucks off of them. If you want to try it and have the money, go for it, but you don't have to spend all of that cash to lose weight.

    This..and holy wall of text over...please next time you rant break it up into paragraphs...
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Is this a mean people thread on a Friday?

    ETA: OP post sounds like a testimonial.
  • chrissyrenee1029
    chrissyrenee1029 Posts: 358 Member
    I want to use this program because I am busy! I have a 3 yr old, a husband, I work full time, I am attending 1 school full time for accounting and I am working on my real estate license, I also have to complete the normal mundane tasks of running a household like laundry, dishes, paying the bills, making sure everyone is where they are supposed to be etc.

    The fact that we are so busy is one good reason to avoid the hype and fad diets. For weight loss to stick and healthy living to become sustainable, we have to make it a part of our daily routine, no matter how busy things already are. I also have a full time job, am in school full time, have two kids, two dogs, and a husband who is visually impaired and can't drive, leaving all the errands and bill-paying and running everybody to various appointments to guess who? Me. But that's just life. You deal with it, and if you want to make changes and better yourself, you're much better off doing things the hard way versus the easy way if you want those changes to be permanent ones.
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    Personally, I am not a fan. You cannot "fix" anything in 21 days. Eat better, move more, make better choices period!

    Your wallet will thank you as well!

    +1 on the paragraph break suggestions as well :flowerforyou:
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Why do you care?

    Join a Beachbody group here, or go to one of the many Beachbody boards,and get the support you crave. It's out there.

    Everyone isn't going to like everything. Hell I've lost over 110 lbs without calorie counting, and using intermittent fasting for most of that weight loss, and I get flack on here from people who seem downright personally insulted my methods, butthurt because I didn't shift that weigh their way. Have a good laugh at folks who are too affected by your road and MOVE ON!
  • LunaMischief
    LunaMischief Posts: 166 Member
    People don't like Beachbody because it's ridiculously expensive, and they're sick of being harassed by coaches lying about products to make a few bucks off of them. If you want to try it and have the money, go for it, but you don't have to spend all of that cash to lose weight.

    This..and holy wall of text over...please next time you rant break it up into paragraphs...

    Wall of text crits for over 9000!!!!!

    Seriously thou. No more blocks of text please. :happy:

    I like Beachbody workouts, but refuse to buy any of their overpriced products. I can get or make the same things for much cheaper at the store. And I torrent the workouts. Much easier
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    People don't like Beachbody because it's ridiculously expensive, and they're sick of being harassed by coaches lying about products to make a few bucks off of them. If you want to try it and have the money, go for it, but you don't have to spend all of that cash to lose weight.

    This..and holy wall of text over...please next time you rant break it up into paragraphs...

  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    can someone TLDR this for me?

    its friday and im easily distracted. i got to word 16 and noped out.
  • emilyGPK
    emilyGPK Posts: 83 Member
    It's your money, and Beach Body isn't a bad way to kick start your summer exercise program. So ignore the naysayers and rock on.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    can someone TLDR this for me?

    its friday and im easily distracted. i got to word 16 and noped out.

    She wants to do a Beachbody program (21 day fix) and doesn't like that people around here aren't fans of Beachbody.
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    Actually after the 21 days you should be able to tell what a proper portion is without the containers and you should be trained to eating an all encompassing diet daily. I normally forget to eat fruits or enough protein and this program is helping remind me to do that.

    It's not that people are mean per say, it's just that why are they trying to tear down someone who is doing what they feel is best for them?

    It's not a fad diet, its real food just properly portioned and a daily workout that gets a person into the habit of eating healthy food correctly and exercising. What is making this a fad diet the food or the workouts?

    Oh and is this better with the paragraphs?
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I like the workout programs beachbody has but that's about it. Beachbody gets a bad rep here because of the coaches who friend people and then try to push products on them. I've actually seen programs like Insanity, T25, & P90X recommended here. They are great programs if you can afford them. I own Rockin' Body, but you will never see me buying any of their supplements or shakeology.

    There are several things that people get hung up on with the 21 Day Fix.
    First, its name. There are people who will buy it because they think it will make them lose weight in 21 days. I think though the name is supposed to imply the "21 days" it takes to create a new habit. With this program, I think the new habit is supposed to be healthy eating and exercise. I definitely don't buy into the before and after pictures they have on their site. In fact in tiny print at the bottom it says results achieved with continued use of the program. In other words, the before and after pictures aren't really 21 days apart.

    Second, it does seem like over priced plastic tubs with a few workout dvds. I understand the tubs are to help you learn portions, but I'm sure other people see it as cheaper to buy plastic tubs from say walmart and portion food out that way.

    Overall though, if you have the money, then go for it if you think it will work for you. I honestly don't really see anything wrong with the product itself. Some of the items may seem unnecessary to me and others, but if you think they will help you then go for it. I do think beachbody is very misleading with it's before and after pictures. Most of them on the site are after several rounds of a program, but they try to get you to believe that it is only 1 round (having a tiny disclaimer for those who notice).
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    can someone TLDR this for me?

    its friday and im easily distracted. i got to word 16 and noped out.

    She wants to do a Beachbody program (21 day fix) and doesn't like that people around here aren't fans of Beachbody.

    so then i guess she should just do it and move on with her life.

    glad i didnt waste my precious time on all that.

    good luck on your journey OP! :flowerforyou:
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Paragraphs please that was very difficult to read!

    Beachbody do good programs (I did Insanity myself) but 21 days is too short for you to lose much fat as opposed to water weight and to give you healthy habits going forwards. I guess that's why people didn't like it.