August Running Challange



  • CodeMonkey78
    CodeMonkey78 Posts: 320 Member
    Due to recent medical emergencies, it will be difficult to meet my goals. But, my current progress is:

    8/1: 16.11km + Cycling
    8/2: 18.93km
    8/3: 18.28km
    8/4: 13.80km + Swimming
    8/5: 12.60km + Cycling
    8/6: Running rest + Cycling + Elliptical
    8/7: 16.51km
    8/8: Running Rest, Cycling Only
    8/9: 15.13km
    8/10: 26.41km
    8/11: Hospitalized
    8/12: Heart Surgery
    8/13: Heart Surgery
    8/14: Hospitalized
    8/15 - 8/20: Mandatory Recovery -- no strenuous activity allowed



    wow wish u a speedy recovery friend

    Thank you :)
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    Looks like I forgot to take a rest day for awhile... I'll take Sunday off!

    8/1: 5 mile run commute to work with stroller
    8/1: 4.2 mile run commute home from work with stroller
    8/2: 1.5 mile run to swim class
    8/3: 14 mile long run
    8/4: rest day
    8/5: 5 mile run commute to work with stroller
    8/5: 4.2 mile run home with daughter in jogger
    8/6: 5 mile run commute to work with stroller
    8/6: 4.2 mile run home with daughter in jogger
    8/7: 9.2 mile round trip run commute with stroller
    8/8: 5.5 miles including 4x hill repeats
    8/9: 1.5 mile run with stroller to swimming class
    8/10: 9:35 mile long run with stroller
    8/11: 9.2 mile round trip run commute to work with stroller
    8/12: 9.2 mile round trip run commute to work with stroller
    8/13: 4.5 miles including 4x800s
    8/14: 9.2 mile round trip run commute with stroller
    8/15: 9.2 mile round trip run commute with stroller

  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Goal is 100 miles for the month.
  • alyssareyans
    alyssareyans Posts: 88 Member
    Goal=50 Completed=30.01 Remaining=19.99

    8/1 -- 3.35 miles
    8/2--0 (calf muscle issue)
    8/3--0 (calf muscle issue)
    8/4-- 3.71 miles
    8/5--crosstraining day
    8/6--3.22 miles
    8/7--rest day
    8/8--3.20 miles
    8/9--3.72 miles
    8/10--3.53 miles
    8/12--3.32 miles
    8/13--2.36 miles
    8/14--rest day
    8/15--3.08 miles
  • fashi0nkilla
    fashi0nkilla Posts: 82 Member
    8/2: 3.17 miles
    8/3: 4.04 miles
    8/4: 2.64 miles
    8/5: 3.61 miles
    8/6: 2.79 miles
    8/7: 2.10 miles
    8/9: 3.74 miles
    8/11: 2.64 miles
    8/13: 2.70 miles
    8/14: 2.65 miles
    8/15: 2.70 miles

    32.78/65 miles
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    2.5 more tonight... 78.5 miles out of 185
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Aug 10: 7.4K
    Aug 13: 6K
    Aug 15: 5K

  • Kicking
    Kicking Posts: 26 Member

  • newmom_2012
    newmom_2012 Posts: 96 Member
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Decided to change my goal to 50 miles to get me out of my comfort zone and push myself a little harder.

    02AUG14 - 5.28 miles
    03AUG14 - 1.75 mile run with a friend
    05AUG14 - 3.3 miles
    07AUG14 - 2.75 miles
    09AUG14 - 5.19 miles
    11AUG14 - 3.12 miles
    13AUG14 - 1.81 miles with my son for a total of 23.2 miles. Tickerfactory is giving me fits right now, will update ticker when I can.
    14AUG14 - 2.21 miles - tickerfactory is still being a pain for me. Will have to recreate when I have a minute.
    16AUG14 - 4.61 miles - didn't even try tickerfactory. I give up. :P

    30.02 miles complete - 19.98 miles to go... :)
  • wen001bro
    wen001bro Posts: 131 Member
    8/3. 3.14 miles
    8/5 2.91
    8/7 3.45
    8/9. 6.86
    8/11 3.2
    8/13 3.8
    8/16 3.55

    31.22 out of 50 miles completed
    18.78 to go!
  • Equus3nMom
    Equus3nMom Posts: 42 Member
    I give up on my ticker. I'm lame and can't remember my PIN or it just won't take it even though I think its the same one.

    I'm at 10 miles of 30 now. Got to get my feet moving. LOL
  • astralweeks82
    astralweeks82 Posts: 230 Member
    8/2 - 6.04 miles
    8/4 - 3.96 miles
    8/7 - 3.11 miles
    8/9 - 5.19 miles (recovery)
    8/11 - 3.89 miles
    8/13 - 3.08 miles (group run)
    8/16 - 7.00 miles

    Total - 32.27 miles
    Goal - 50 miles

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Ah so close! :laugh:

    8/16 - 2.52 miles
    Total: 49.7 miles

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for August
    8/1 - 5 miles - 5
    8/2 - 18.55 miles - 23.55
    8/3 - REST DAY
    8/4 - 10 miles - 33.55
    8/5 - 9.39 miles - 42.94
    8/6 - 7.19 - 50.13
    8/7 - 5 miles - 55.13
    8/8 - 9.5 miles - 64.63
    8/9 - REST DAY
    8/10 - REST DAY
    8/11 - 10 miles - 74.63
    8/12 - 7 miles - 81.63
    8/13 - 6.2 miles - 87.83
    8/14 - 8.32 miles - 96.15
    8/15 - 6 miles - 102.15
    8/16 - 20 miles - 122.15

  • Lemongrab13
    Lemongrab13 Posts: 206 Member
  • annathelu
    annathelu Posts: 127 Member
    8/15 -- 3.5
    8/16 -- 2.1

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    8/13 - 1.25 miles
    8/15 - 3 miles
    8/16 - 3.02 miles


    Missed two days so I will probably fall short of my goal. I don't know where I would make up the miles. :ohwell:
  • krisg71
    krisg71 Posts: 34 Member
    I took an unintended five day break, but I'm back to finish my miles. I'm actually looking forward to raising my mileage next month!
