Negative Language About Thin People



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Every woman on earth has experienced it. We live in a culture that promotes the idea that women's bodies are essentially public property. Until that changes, you'll be subject to public ridicule about your appearance every time there's another person who can see you.


    To be honest women can't win. If you're fat and deemed ugly rather than attractive then it's a daily verbal abuse assault course out there.

    I didn't read all nine pages...but yes this...

    I saw this post acutally and thought how appropriate considering what just happened to me this week...yesterday actually and last week.

    I experienced I wasn't called a skinny b****..but comments about my body...such as

    "wow you lost your hips" response...naw they just moved to my *kitten* and I turned sideways and showed them the butts squats was a casual aquaintance but mind you she is losing weight too...through surgery but why comment in a negative way about my body?

    And last night I was told by someone close I still think I am smaller than I really response...I am a size 6...and have a realistic view of myself thanks...and this woman is slim and trim and works at it too...I was dumbfounded to be frank.

    But see all over FB...those real men don't like bones memes, or real women have curves or whatever...even when I was heavy I wouldn't have posted something like's mean.

    I personally don't get doesn't affect my self esteem but it does make me wonder what is wrong with those women...what in their life is so bad that they have to try and tear other women down???? Is it just jealousy?
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I've been fat. I've been skinny. I've heard it all too.

    Now that I've been lifting and look leaner and more "muscular"....I NEVER hear those comments anymore. Some teen girls eyeballed me yesterday at Target, I didn't even have to give them a dirty look...just A look. They quickly left the aisle. When I went to lunch, a group of male firefighters were eyeballing me (in a different way) too.

    So people (especially insecure women/girls) are going to judge no matter your size/look. Who cares? I could have thrown that little girl across the store. And the male firefighters thought I was hot. I win.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Why is it necessary to generalise? Does it make people sleep better at night or what? Just look at these comments, they are absurd. What kind of awful people are you surrounding yourself with on a daily basis??? Isn't it time to look in the mirror and see whether you could view yourself with love and respect, then not give a rat's *kitten* about what others may or may not be thinking and saying?
    Every woman on earth has experienced it. We live in a culture that promotes the idea that women's bodies are essentially public property. Until that changes, you'll be subject to public ridicule about your appearance every time there's another person who can see you.

    To be honest women can't win. If you're fat and deemed ugly rather than attractive then it's a daily verbal abuse assault course out there.
    I have to say women as a collective can be down right mean to each other why we do it who knows but I have always preferred mle friends as there is none of that from them they have an issue they come right out with it however we all do it to some degrees whether we mean to do it simply because women are competitive with each other perhaps society and socialisatn has a lot to do with it we are taught early on our worth comes from our looks and right now the fashion is to be a size 0 beauty and we buy into that whether we want tk or not as its in the magazines we buy or the adverts and tv we watch beauty and fulfilling some abstract definition of beauty is what we are taught we should strive for and no matter how much we kid ourselves or try to deny it I bet the majority of us on here are trying to lose weight to feel beautiful above the obvious need to be healthy I know I am even the people onhere trying to gain weight and have the same struggle as us but in reverse are probably here to gain weight to feel beautiful and feminine curves etc

    As for women slating each other we all have a terrible habit of judging ourselves based on whag we see in other women we see a skinny woman we dont congratulate her for the hard work it takes to look that way and lets be honest with the hard work we put intolosing wdight here we shoukd understand that but we dont instead we see a great pair of legs flat tummies and wish we had the same so the *****yness begins and fit women are made to feel **** and larger ladies and men are one of the final taboos racism is ostracised people arnt allowed to get away with it ageism is similar but a lesser degree however weight is the perfect discrimination people can be offensive and think society wont speak up which for the most case is true

    being large happens for a lot of reasons yes it is our own faults we ate more than we used up but thats not the whole story weight is a hell of a lot more to it than that emotion plays its role but society doesnt care about that it cares about how u look and those that dont conform offer the perfect scapegoats and while it maybe nice to play the blame game on men they make us women ***** against each other its there fault we have these ideals of beauty unfortunately that for the most part isnt the case women are vicious to each other because the person we are most vicious with is ourselves
    It goes both ways. If you're overweight, you're disgusting. If you're thin or underweight, you're disgusting. Men seem to focus on making life hell for bigger women (other women do too) and women focus on making life hell for smaller ones.

    :blushing: aka: pecking order
  • captaindle
    captaindle Posts: 30 Member
    when i was in my very slim days, i was out in a club on the dancefloor having a fab time, and a heavier woman came up to me. she actually pushed me and said 'you think you are so special because you are skinny' i leant over and said 'nope,i know that im special for many reasons'

    what i should have said is that if you boxed for 2 hours a night, 5 nights a week,plus jogged and swam, then you could be special too!

    that shook me up a little actually!

    Skinny people always have one or two stories like this. As in literally one or two. I've been heavy most of my life but was heavier when I was younger. Between junior high and the end of high school I probably got picked on at least 2-3 times by someone every single day. We're talking every day for 6 years. Yeah OK, kids will be kids right. Because that makes it OK. Things do get better as people mature, especially for men. Probably the worst you'll get is being called "Big Man" every day a few times by people who think they're being playful. Most of the other stuff is more subtle. People treating you just a little different in ways you can't quite put your finger on. Now that I've lost weight people I know have taken to calling me "Slim" as a reminder that I used to be heavier. I guessing being only 245ish lbs makes me worthy of the nickname "Slim." Supposedly things are worse for heavy women. I can't say. Anyways, point is skinny people have it easy and have no idea what actual struggle is.

    Yes, I certainly feel I've taken much more abuse from the world in general as an overweight woman. I guess the point I was trying to make initially is that many overwheight people understand how it feels to be talked down to because of our bodies. Why would we then turn around and do that to another group of peope? Especially if we're working hard to lose the weight and become a part of that group. I guess all any of us can do is to be the change we want to see in the world
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Skinny people always have one or two stories like this. As in literally one or two.

    Go back and read my post about my fiance's daughter. If they only have "one or two," then hers happened all at once and in the very small amount of time that she happened to spend with us. What a fantastic coincidence. I'm so glad she got it out of the way. :drinker:

    I'm not going to claim all thin people deal with this, as I never did when I was very thin (which I was most of my life). But your comment is condescending and inaccurate.
  • Alassonde
    Alassonde Posts: 228 Member
    Skinny people always have one or two stories like this. As in literally one or two.

    Go back and read my post about my fiance's daughter. If they only have "one or two," then hers happened all at once and in the very small amount of time that she happened to spend with us. What a fantastic coincidence. I'm so glad she got it out of the way. :drinker:

    I'm not going to claim all thin people deal with this, as I never did when I was very thin (which I was most of my life). But your comment is condescending and inaccurate.

    Thank you!! I was going to say the same thing. I also got picked on every day for being skinny, several times a day, for 5 years of my life. Like literally being surrounded by a very intimidating crowd of boys on the playground in middle school while they laughed at my "bones". Don't tell me it was a compliment--I was probably 5' 2" and maybe 70 pounds so it was not attractive. This did not just happen once or twice. This happened every day. I got pushed, kicked, laughed at, yelled at and had lovely drawings of stick people handed to me regularly (labeled as me, of course). I had teachers following me to the lunchroom to make sure I ate because they were sure I was anorexic (I was not). I had to deal with daily comments about my weight from people at school, friends, family--when you're thin you're fair game, I guess. I hate the way people assume you should always take it as a compliment when they call you names for being too skinny. They're still telling you you're NOT OKAY THE WAY YOU ARE. If I had been trying to be skinny I suppose I would have taken it as a compliment.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Skinny people always have one or two stories like this. As in literally one or two.

    Go back and read my post about my fiance's daughter. If they only have "one or two," then hers happened all at once and in the very small amount of time that she happened to spend with us. What a fantastic coincidence. I'm so glad she got it out of the way. :drinker:

    I'm not going to claim all thin people deal with this, as I never did when I was very thin (which I was most of my life). But your comment is condescending and inaccurate.

    Thank you!! I was going to say the same thing. I also got picked on every day for being skinny, several times a day, for 5 years of my life. Like literally being surrounded by a very intimidating crowd of boys on the playground in middle school while they laughed at my "bones". Don't tell me it was a compliment--I was probably 5' 2" and maybe 70 pounds so it was not attractive. This did not just happen once or twice. This happened every day. I got pushed, kicked, laughed at, yelled at and had lovely drawings of stick people handed to me regularly (labeled as me, of course). I had teachers following me to the lunchroom to make sure I ate because they were sure I was anorexic (I was not). I had to deal with daily comments about my weight from people at school, friends, family--when you're thin you're fair game, I guess. I hate the way people assume you should always take it as a compliment when they call you names for being too skinny. They're still telling you you're NOT OKAY THE WAY YOU ARE. If I had been trying to be skinny I suppose I would have taken it as a compliment.
    Oh I had totally forgotten the "you must be anorexic" thing. That was the ONE issue I had related to my size and it was only one person, which was funny because she was smaller than I was.

    I hated the school lunches, so I never ate them. I did, though, eat the a la carte junk food (ice cream, apple pies, Little Debbie snacks) but because I didn't eat the soggy fries and pizza that looked like someone had sat on it before serving and because I was really thin, I had to be anorexic.

    She never said it to my face, though. She just said it to other people who told me about it.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    when i was in my very slim days, i was out in a club on the dancefloor having a fab time, and a heavier woman came up to me. she actually pushed me and said 'you think you are so special because you are skinny' i leant over and said 'nope,i know that im special for many reasons'

    what i should have said is that if you boxed for 2 hours a night, 5 nights a week,plus jogged and swam, then you could be special too!

    that shook me up a little actually!

    Skinny people always have one or two stories like this. As in literally one or two. I've been heavy most of my life but was heavier when I was younger. Between junior high and the end of high school I probably got picked on at least 2-3 times by someone every single day. We're talking every day for 6 years. Yeah OK, kids will be kids right. Because that makes it OK. Things do get better as people mature, especially for men. Probably the worst you'll get is being called "Big Man" every day a few times by people who think they're being playful. Most of the other stuff is more subtle. People treating you just a little different in ways you can't quite put your finger on. Now that I've lost weight people I know have taken to calling me "Slim" as a reminder that I used to be heavier. I guessing being only 245ish lbs makes me worthy of the nickname "Slim." Supposedly things are worse for heavy women. I can't say. Anyways, point is skinny people have it easy and have no idea what actual struggle is.


    Seriously are you kidding me....

    As a young person I was slim...but I was active...after having my son I got heavy and stayed heavy except for the yo yo over the last 5-7 years...

    I have seen me slammed more now that I am slim than I ever was when I was fat...

    I mean seriously in the last 18 months I have had women tell me I am more fun now, that my shoulders are too big, that my hips are too small, that I am not as small as I think I am, that this shirt doesn't look good on me those pants don't because of what my body looks like, I have had too many stories to lay out here...

    Never mind all the FB posts about real men like curves, real men don't like bones etc...which aren't directed at me personally but indirectly they are

    Or the family members who make fun of me when I log on my phone to log a meal or make adjustments or or or...

    Just because a person is slim doesn't mean that they always were and it doesn't mean they don't know what it means to struggle either...

    But your post proves the point of this post actually.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member