Do your pets share your bed?



  • MikeCrazy
    MikeCrazy Posts: 2,716 Member
    No pets allowed in my bed!
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    I've never been able to keep my cats off beds.

    ^^ This. Good luck if you think the cat is not on the counter, furniture, bed, etc when you aren't looking! And, yes, the dog, as well.

    The proper dose of electricity will do wonders for their choice of places to perch....

    Beating them works too.
  • HannahLynn91
    HannahLynn91 Posts: 238 Member
    This was a day before Christmas and these two got brand new beds for their gifts :happy:


    The baby doesn't get a "real" bed until he gets a little bigger, so a pillow and some sheets suffice for now. I don't want to buy two overpriced pet beds for one dog :happy:


    Sorry, but I'm a proud momma! :happy:

    Those are the cutest pups ever! Not spoiled at all hehe:laugh:

    Oh no! Never haha
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    I've never been able to keep my cats off beds.

    ^^ This. Good luck if you think the cat is not on the counter, furniture, bed, etc when you aren't looking! And, yes, the dog, as well.

    The proper dose of electricity will do wonders for their choice of places to perch....

    Beating them works too.

    So you're going to bathe your cat after every litter box use in the off chance it jumps onto the counter?
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member
    Ralphie, the 18-lb dog/puppy and Flika the 20-yo cat sleep on our beds. Flika sleeps on my wife's face (almost), and Ralphie sleeps with us or my daughters at our feet. They are clean and smell fine and they feel like part of the family. Ralphie is in my profile photos.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    I've never been able to keep my cats off beds.

    ^^ This. Good luck if you think the cat is not on the counter, furniture, bed, etc when you aren't looking! And, yes, the dog, as well.

    The proper dose of electricity will do wonders for their choice of places to perch....

    Beating them works too.

    So you're going to bathe your cat after every litter box use in the off chance it jumps onto the counter?

    I never said anything about bathing a cat.
  • MystikPixie
    MystikPixie Posts: 342 Member
    My cat and dog are the only children I will ever have, and they are loved more than a child ever would be. So yes, I usually get pushed into a little ball while they have the run of the bed and I'm fine with that, they deserve it.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I have to shut my cats out, but only because they keep me awake by wandering about and pawing my face when they decide it's time for breakfast at 4 am.
  • buzybev
    buzybev Posts: 199 Member
    My cat sleeps in my bed, and one of her favorite pastimes is biting my toes while I'm trying to sleep. And when she's not doing that, she's walking on my chest or breathing heavily into my face. She has her own cat bed, but does not use it for some reason.
  • Icandoityayme
    Icandoityayme Posts: 312 Member
    Unfortunately yes. I hate it. He has to get right up under my hind end and it makes me sweat and I can't sleep when I am hot. He is a cat. That or he feels some need to tuck my legs in at night with the blanket. I have to throw him off the bed when he does that.
  • aaamberxx
    aaamberxx Posts: 34 Member
    Yess! I have a lab/rotti mix, and she's a big bed hog, but I can't help but let her sleep with me. In the winter my dogs help me keep warm! I have another little mutt, he sometimes will sleep with me, but he prefers to sleep in his bed or on the floor.
  • ANonAMouse3
    Yes they sleep with me! :)
  • scorpiophoenix
    scorpiophoenix Posts: 222 Member
    Absolutely! When we still had our cocker-mix, Elvis, sometimes I'd wake up with him on my legs, hubby's knees in my back, and Onyx (my cat) suffocating my head. It was the most comforting feeling because I knew my whole family was right there with me. :heart: Besides, there's nothing better than a hot-bodied furbaby on a cold night to keep the heating bills down. :laugh:
  • aaamberxx
    aaamberxx Posts: 34 Member
    This was a day before Christmas and these two got brand new beds for their gifts :happy:


    The baby doesn't get a "real" bed until he gets a little bigger, so a pillow and some sheets suffice for now. I don't want to buy two overpriced pet beds for one dog :happy:


    Sorry, but I'm a proud momma! :happy:

    Ahh beautiful dogs!! I hope to get one someday
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    Nope. The closest our cat gets to sleeping in our house is in the winter when it is below 20 degrees...then she gets the garage. We will let her in during the day for a sunbeam-cat-nap when it is cold too.
  • Leggylass
    Leggylass Posts: 215
    NO! Ok when theyre puppies and kittens yes on occasion they would end up in bed with me but i had 4 small children with only a year between their ages too so it got a bit crowded lol
  • centexhusker
    centexhusker Posts: 115 Member
    1 cat and one dog (yorkie) in the bed every night! Cat usually leaves sometime in the middle of the night. I have to kick the dog out of bed each morning before i go to work. :)
  • kristenonly
    kristenonly Posts: 36 Member
    Absolutely! I sleep with three small dogs. Two are mine, one is a foster dog. In fact, sometimes I have a hard time getting up in the morning because I don't want to disturb them.
  • 347Gigi
    347Gigi Posts: 99 Member
    My little peek a poo sleeps with me, and she will not allow my cat (who is 3 times her size), on the bed with us. Neither of them shed, so my only real problem is if Julian (the cat) tries to sneak on the bed in the middle of the night- then my sweet little pup turns into Cujo.
  • lmr0528
    lmr0528 Posts: 427 Member
    When my husband isn't home, our 2 dogs sleep in bed with me. When he's home, they sleep on their doggy beds in our room. In the morning we have a routine though... my husband gets up about an hour before I do. As soon as his alarm goes off and he leaves the room, they both jump right up and sleep there until I get up.