Do your pets share your bed?



  • heidispideymfp
    heidispideymfp Posts: 179 Member
    My fox terrier doesn't as he sheds, but the cat and irish terrier do ,occasionally. This can be a big problem when our two children hop in too...
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    No! They are too big! Our bed is our bed! I spent a fortune on luxury dog beds for them!
  • jennpaulson
    jennpaulson Posts: 850 Member
    Dogs... never. The cat... if I had my way she wouldn't, but you know cats. She does stay down at the bottom by my feet when I'm actually in the bed.
  • MissElectricEyeliner
    MissElectricEyeliner Posts: 122 Member
    I have four to five little dogs and one to two cats that normally sleep in my king size bed with me. Love my fur babies. :happy:
  • teranga79
    teranga79 Posts: 202 Member
    Yup, my cat is sometimes kind enough to let us have a tiny bit of bed to sleep on..... we never get much of the covers though. He doesn't look that big in the daytime lol but when he spreads out on the bed he takes up so much room. He also wakes me up by licking my hair when he's hungry. Wouldn't be without him :smile: :heart:
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    Sometimes I get the impression I am sharing the animals bed.....
    I have a king sized bed and occasionally I wonder if I should sleep on the sofa so as not to disturb the 2 cats and 2 minpins.... (just kidding... sort of...)
  • TheNoLeafClover
    TheNoLeafClover Posts: 335 Member
    My cats occasionally allow me to sleep on their bed. I am only allowed to have half a pillow and approximately one-fifth of the blanket though.
  • Agent__J
    Agent__J Posts: 39
    No way...pets are pets, they don't sleep in the bed or get on the furniture. I have found that the majority of my friends who own pets and let them sit on the furniture or sleep in the beds have smelly homes. They get used to the smell and it's the norm for them. That is obviously their choice but I won't have it in my home.
  • siport
    siport Posts: 7,429 Member
    we let my Collie X Australian Ridge-back come up for a cuddle on our laps on the sofa on our terms or just before bedtime for a good night cuddle before he goes down to sleep on his bed.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    i at least have one cat in the bed with us but sometimes its all three. they are so snuggly and curl up small so it isn't a problem except when i accidently kick them. lol
  • DenDweller
    DenDweller Posts: 1,438 Member
    Both our pups are allowed on the bed for snuggling or horsing around, but we encourage them to sleep on their doggie beds. If it's a particularly cold night, we don't make the ol' lady (shown to the right) get down.
  • jferg70
    jferg70 Posts: 147 Member
    I have 2 Dachshunds. They're both supposed to be miniatures, but one is 20 lbs and the other 6 lbs. I've let both of them sleep in the bed from time to time, especially in the winter because they're like hot water bottles. They go all the way to the foot of the bed and sleep there all night. Don't know how they breathe down there...not from my feet, just not having any air. Thought I'd throw that out there for the smart *kitten* ready to chime in. ;)
  • DenDweller
    DenDweller Posts: 1,438 Member
    Wasn't thinking of "feet", more like "dutch oven". :P
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    No. They don't even come into my bedroom. Well except if there's a storm, my GSD will freak out if I don't let him sleep in my closet during storms. lol The husky doesn't care though.
  • AstroRocket
    AstroRocket Posts: 119 Member
    My dog (Border Collie) is stuck to our bed like glue. She has a comfy basket and a crate to sleep in, but she'd rather snuggle with mummy and daddy, but to be fair, I invite her up every night. We bathe her every 2 weeks, she doesn't smell at all, you wouldn't even know we own a dog, well until you see fur! We are used now though, you know what they say, everything tastes better with dog fur in it hahahaha :)

  • jferg70
    jferg70 Posts: 147 Member
    @paulfischer - that's funny because I've done that many times. They seem to tolerate it, but one particular time was hilarious. All of a sudden you see the lump in the end of the bed start stirring and the next thing you know she comes bolting from under the covers gasping for air. It was a riot!
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    Not a chance. My bedroom is off limits completely. I don't want dander in there because of allergies and who knows what the animals get into during the day. My cousin's dogs get ticks on a weekly basis despite flea and tick prevention. The thought of a dog rolling in its own poop in the backyard and then curling up in my bedsheets is gross to me. Not to mention. . . when you decide to be "intimate" with your partner. . . what do you do with the pet? Shove him off the bed? Kick him out and close the door? That would interrupt the moment.
  • SwashBlogger
    SwashBlogger Posts: 395 Member
    No way...pets are pets, they don't sleep in the bed or get on the furniture. I have found that the majority of my friends who own pets and let them sit on the furniture or sleep in the beds have smelly homes. They get used to the smell and it's the norm for them. That is obviously their choice but I won't have it in my home.

    Mostly this. I have two small dogs that come on sofa to sit with us in the evening. This is a big part of the pleasure of having them. But bedtime is sacred. If you are aware of a dog in your bed, you are not resting well. Also, in dog speak, you are telling them you are their peer. Not conducive to good training or respect. Dogs do not think like people, people.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    No way...pets are pets, they don't sleep in the bed or get on the furniture. I have found that the majority of my friends who own pets and let them sit on the furniture or sleep in the beds have smelly homes. They get used to the smell and it's the norm for them. That is obviously their choice but I won't have it in my home.

    ALSO this. Exactly this. My mom has a few dogs and cats but you can't smell it when you walk in because they stay off of the furniture. I've been in homes where people own one pet and the house smells god-awful and the pet is all over the furniture constantly.
  • AstroRocket
    AstroRocket Posts: 119 Member
    If a house smells it's not the animal thats the problem, it's the owners that are dirty. It doesn't take long to clean your house and bathe a pet. One of my closest friends has 6 dogs, you don't realise she even owns dogs until they bark at a squirrel, her house is spotless. I've been in houses which are dirty too, and its the lazy owners that can't be bothered to clean. I'm a dog sitter so I've seen it all.