December Weight Loss Challenge



  • Aw thanks! I'm 1.4lbs away from my december goal, its tantalizingly close but not allowed to exercise at the moment! So frustrating!
  • vbhoj74
    vbhoj74 Posts: 122 Member
    Again, same as last week, 154 lbs. So tough to shed that last 2 lbs!! :explode:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello all! I was pleasantly surprised this morning! I lost one pound! Down to 364! I am sooooo glad I hopped on that scale today because I seriously wanted to wait until Friday.

    Have a good day!:flowerforyou:
  • Weigh-in #4

    01 December: 176 lbs.
    08 December: 175 lbs.
    15 December: 173.8 lbs.
    22 December: 173 lbs.
    29 December: 173.8 lbs.

    Target 31st December 170 lbs.

    I sadly gained this week even if it was only a little bit. I wasn't so good over the holiday weekend and didn't do myself any favors eating as much as I did. The cookies and treats were just too much to resist...

    I did however lose 2.2 lbs for the month. Not huge but a loss none the less and that makes me happy.
  • Fit2_T
    Fit2_T Posts: 317 Member
    Weigh-in #4

    1 December: …. 165
    8 December: …. 162
    15 December: …160
    22 December: …156.6
    29 December: …156.0

    Goal: 155 by Dec 31st.

    WOW! Just 1 pound away from goal! This challenge really helped me shed weight. Thanks!

    See you in “NO MORE EXCUSES JANUARY, LOSE 10+ lbs”.

    Thanks laDOLCEvita7!
  • Todays weigh in results: down .5
  • tmthorn0927
    tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member
    Dec 1: 244.5
    Dec 8: 243
    Dec 15: 246.3
    Dec 22: 245.2
    Dec 29: 245.8

    Goal: 240 by Dec 31st.
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Name: Tiffany
    Dec 1: 158.6
    Dec 8: 156.4
    Dec 15: 153.8
    Dec 22: 150.8
    Dec 29: 151.6 :o(

    Goal: 150 by Dec 31

    I let myself indulge on Friday and Saturday but not nearly as much as I usually would, plus I worked out some so I figured I would have been able to maintain but I guess I didn't do as well as it seemed I did.

    Congrats to everyone who actually lost this week!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    Name: Cory

    Dec 1: 246.0
    Dec 8: 243.8 (-1.2)
    Dec 15: 242.9 (-0.9)
    Dec 22: 240.0 (-2.9)
    Dec 29: 237.0 (-3.0)

    Goal: 235 by Dec 31

    I don't think I'll lose 2 pounds in the next 2 days, but I will eat well, exercise, drink lots of water, and hope for the best.
  • Dec 1: 229
    Dec 8: 222
    Dec 15: 220
    Dec 22: 218
    Dec 29: 218

    No weight loss this week. Ugh the holidays are awful. i have no excuses. I have barely exercised this week. I am going to step it up this week and get back on track. We have the "NO EXCUSES JANUARY, LOSE 10+ LBS" group starting Saturday. :) Congrats on those of you who lost this week.
  • Kristin
    Dec 1: 145
    Dec 8: 143.0
    Dec 15: 143.0
    Dec 22: 142.5
    Dec 29: 142.4
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    12/1: 145.6
    12/8: 145.2
    12/15: 146.0
    12/22: n/a
    12/29: 145.8
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Name: Trenton
    Dec 1: 191.5
    Dec 8: 190
    Dec 15: 193
    Dec 22: 190.5
    Dec 29: 189.5
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Dec 1: 133
    Dec 8: 131.2
    Dec 15: n/a
    Dec 22: 130.6
    Dec 29: 131.6

    I'm just too close to my goal to have many changes. I'm losing inches, which are not reflected by my shifting hydration levels each week. :laugh:

    Everyone else has done a fantastic job!!
  • Name: Emily
    Dec. 1st: 164.5
    Dec. 8th: 160
    Dec. 15th: 158
    Dec. 22nd: 158
    Dec. 29th: 157
    Goal by Dec. 31st: 156

    Only 1 lb to go! :D
  • anna441
    anna441 Posts: 253 Member
    Nov 29 - 153 lbs
    Dec 8 - 151 lbs
    Dec 15 - n/a
    Dec 23 - 148 lbs
    Dec 29 - 148 lbs (no loss:sad: :sad: )

    Goal Weight - 145 lbs for EOM Dec (I did not meet my dec goal of being 145 lbs but I am glad as I did drop the total of 5 lbs:happy: :happy: )

    Congratulation to everyone for achieving the weight loss for the month of December. I think the month of December is the toughest month of the year to lose weight as there are food everyw here either be at work at home. And just the thoughts of having food around me makes me feel like I am gaining weight than loosing it:ohwell: :ohwell: .

    Wish you all a very Happy New year and Good luck everyone !!!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    January is a perfect time to renew our goals and reflect on 2010. :flowerforyou: I had to share below with you all! Happy hump day!

    Daily Inspiration for December 28, 2010
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Reflect first, then plan.

    On New Year's Eve, many people talk about their plans for the coming year. They make resolutions and hope for better times ahead. But before you start down the resolution path, pause for a moment and truly reflect. What can you learn from the past year about yourself? Have you discovered what works in terms of your health and what doesn't?

    You can make resolutions soon (or better yet, set goals), but today look back. You owe it to yourself to learn your lessons, so that you can grow wiser and healthier in the coming year.

    Action for the day: Even if you usually don't journal, take a few minutes to do this exercise. Make a list of things you wish you had done differently this past year, and then a list of what you did well. Next to the things you wish you had done differently, write down a step you can take to ensure you won't repeat that mistake. Next to the things you did well write down what you can do to continue having success in that area. Read this list every morning in January.
  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
    OK well no gain this week which I am happy for cause I was b-a-d bad on Christmas...

    Dec 29: 204
  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
    Dec 1: 229
    Dec 8: 222
    Dec 15: 220
    Dec 22: 218
    Dec 29: 218

    No weight loss this week. Ugh the holidays are awful. i have no excuses. I have barely exercised this week. I am going to step it up this week and get back on track. We have the "NO EXCUSES JANUARY, LOSE 10+ LBS" group starting Saturday. :) Congrats on those of you who lost this week.

    Will this be a new thread? I am gonna need your help again!
  • Dec 1: 229
    Dec 8: 222
    Dec 15: 220
    Dec 22: 218
    Dec 29: 218

    No weight loss this week. Ugh the holidays are awful. i have no excuses. I have barely exercised this week. I am going to step it up this week and get back on track. We have the "NO EXCUSES JANUARY, LOSE 10+ LBS" group starting Saturday. :) Congrats on those of you who lost this week.

    Will this be a new thread? I am gonna need your help again!

    Yes, the "NO EXCUSES JANUARY, LOSE 10+ LBS" is a brand new thread in rotation already started in the Motivation and Support Message Board. We will have our first offical weigh in on Saturday for the January group. You can 'bump' it so that it will be easier to find on Saturday. We will see you there. Thank you for wanting to join. Also, everyone I just started a new thread called "Can you lost 50+ lbs by July 1st? CHALLENGE!!!" also in the motivation and support message board. That's 2 lbs a week from now until July 1st. I don't know about anyone else but I am sick of being embarassed at the beach, and this year I will not be. I will be doing both groups and same thing as here, I will post a chart the day after weigh in. I hope to see everyone in both groups. You all were so awesome this month. Please be proud of yourself. Don't think to hard about what your goal weight was if you are not close to it. Instead check out a website to find out how much fat percentage you have lost. I will post our final chart in this group on Saturday for anyone who wants to weigh in on Friday Dec 31st. We have 2 days left. Still push yourself. Im hitting the gym today after work. Congrats on everyones success!!
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