Like Minded Lushes - December



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    last night I had a double tall vodka soda-is that 1 drink or 2? j/k, I counted that as 3 oz of vodka. Then, instead of dessert I had a colorado bulldog (which is a kalua and cream with a splash of coke) mmm, yummy. I don't know how to log that because I don't know if he used cream or milk to make it.
  • iawierz
    I always go with the higher calories...unless I am having a bad day and going over in calories. :wink:
  • iawierz
    I may have to try that. I usually do a skinny ***** margharita (don't think I spelled that right??).:embarassed: same thing but tequilla. Anyone now what alcohol has the least calories? :drinker: :drinker: or are they pretty much all the same?

    I am hoping to have a drink free weekend I have been in a rut of a weight for at least 30 days.:grumble: :grumble: Loose 2 gain 1 loose 1 gain 2....time to push to the next 10 down! I can do this! right??? No drinks through the weekend to see what happens to the wieght. I will kkep you updated. I am goign to need your supprt seeings how the bottle of wine is on my counter is calling my name.....:noway:

    3 days no drinks
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Robin, that sounds great about the job prospects. I'll send some "jobby vibes" your way.

    I think the Skinny B marg is the same as the vodka...different alcohol is all. I also think that vodka might be pretty "low" in cals.

    We went to the neighbors house for dinner and then we started doing shots of Tuaca (why? I have no idea!) I think I did 3 shots...and those are 105 calorie each. Um, yeah, didn't log those calories, especially since I didn't workout yesterday. I skipped my soccer game because I felt too crappy to go, then I drank and watched "The Blind Side" until midnight. Not one of my best decisions.

    Tonight, I'm not drinking and going to bed early--I need to get over this crap.

    Have a great Wednesday, my lovely Lushes!
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    Still trying but not in the evening wins out. But, have not gained weight!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Good thoughts going out to Robin and Yvonne!

    I had three days in Vegas and weighed in today at 130 - 5.5 pounds up from before Thanksgiving. Dang - I had such a great plan to avoid any gain, but I guess I didn't follow it literally enough. These pounds between 130 and 124 are so stubborn. Ah well, it was a lot of fun and I had a lot of really fabulous food and several gallons of champagne - totally worth it.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Robin I'm glad to hear your job prospects are looking up, even if there is nothing happening immediately. Your situation really highlights the difference here in the UK where we have people staying on unemployment benefit for years and never try to get a job. Mind you our new government are starting to tackle this as if people refuse to work or do community work in future they are planning to stop payments but at least they try to help people find work first.

    Sounds like people have been enjoying some very tasty drinks lately..well it is that time of year.

    I am sitting snuggled under a blanket on the sofa, a hot water bottle on my back and the kitten and dog piled on top giving me a cuddle! I think they are making the most of having home during the day and sitting down.

    Asjerven you'll be pleased to know I'm only engaging in some minor procrastination today and I have my books out ready to get on with writing this dreaded assignment :wink:
  • Cristy_AZ
    Iawerz, yes you can do it!
    I am just trying for 2 more days drink free
    Saturday hopefully will be too busy to worry
    Sunday I plan on polishing off the jug of mudslides screaming my name all week ;)
    Mon = 0
    Tue = 3
    Wed = 0
    Weight teetering up and down 1/2 lbs daily, haven't log any change
    Worked out everday.
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Well this week has not been drink free as I had wanted. I think the problem was when I have an open bottle of wine, I will drink it until it is gone. Well all wine is now out of the house. :happy:

    This weekend my DBF and I are off to see Roger Waters The Wall. Really looking forward to that. We will be celebrating DBF birthday so cocktails will be consumed. Then his real birthday is next week and I plan on taking him out to dinner. He had a life of his bday getting smooshed into the holidays so I always try to make both special for him.

    Robin - good luck on the phone interviews!!!
    Clrflowers - love your profile pic!

    Have a great day lushes!:heart:
  • iawierz
    I did it. Last night I just said NO! Let the Hubby go to the bar with out me.:drinker: :drinker: And this morning when I got on the sacle 2 lbs down! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: So I am a scale freak! I know people says its bad but it really keeps me in check. So hopefully when I wiegh in tomorrow, its will still be gone...or more fantastically it will be down even more!
    5 days drink free!
    thanks for the encouragement Clrflowers! It means A LOT!:happy:

    coming up on the weekend..scary!:frown: :frown:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    My parents came for a few days visit and surprised me...I walked into a restaurant and they were just sitting there...I was floored...they left yesterday

    Then, hubs has to have a hip replacement revision...doc called this morning and can squeeze him in is crazy...I will probably just confess to drinking the entire month...lushness is, what, it is
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Oh boy you can tell I've been stuck at home pretty much all day, I think I've commented on at least half of the threads on the forum!
    Am having a vodka diet coke tonight which is fine as I didn't set a target for limiting alcohol this week.
    Planning to venture back on my bike tomorrow morning as I have to take my son to school, I'm thinking it will probably be easier than trying to walk the mile and a half journey, at least it will be quicker so I can get back home to rest sooner.
    Friday tomorrow...yippee...I'm having my shopping delivered and there's a couple of bottles of wine coming as well as a bucks fizz to get in the Christmas spirit :drinker:
  • sunlover67
    sunlover67 Posts: 158 Member
    Good Friday morning drinks all week, but of course that will change tonight and tomorrow I'm sure. But boy did I have a bad week eating wise though. I think I fell off the healthy eating wagon and it back up and ran over me. :sad: I think I had post vacation depression. :frown: I couldn't get up the enthusiasm to get back on the treadmill after walking on the beach for a week. Sooooo...I took an old tropical calander and "beached" the walls out in the garage where my treadmill is. :laugh: :laugh: Haaahaaaa, hey it got me back on it!! I am so pathetic about winter.
    I hope all my fellow lushes have a great weekend. It sounds like we all have a lot going on right now. I say drink and be merry if it's what gets you thru the day!:drinker:
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141

    My parents came for a few days visit and surprised me...I walked into a restaurant and they were just sitting there...I was floored...they left yesterday

    Then, hubs has to have a hip replacement revision...doc called this morning and can squeeze him in is crazy...I will probably just confess to drinking the entire month...lushness is, what, it is

    Kim, what a wonderful surprise your parents gave you. Psychologically that must have left you in a good place to cope with the surprise news about your husband's surgery. Hope that it goes well and will soon be back home. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Pam :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Sunlover, I know exactly what you mean about the whole winter thing. I'm picking up a bit again now but when the cold weather, dark mornings and evenings first hit I am terrible.

    Well I think my cycle ride this morning was a step too far too soon and I've felt rubbish for the rest of the day, had to take some pain killers again and have dozed on and off. It must be bad because it's friday night, I got wine delivered earlier and I haven't even thought about drinking it!

    Happy weekend lushes, hope you all have a good one.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Actually Lacwierz (Hope I got that right) Dr. Oz says you should weigh yourself every day - so you're not a fanatic.

    Congratulations on the two pounds and skipping the bar.

    Hang in there Yvonne. I spent the better part of today lurking on various threads. Complete lethargy.

    Happy Weekend everyone!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    0 drinks last night and most likely 0 tonight. The doc put me on antibiotics for the sinus/upper res infection...finally!

    Hubby and I are going to dinner at the Melting Pot on Saturday (fondue...yum!!) so I'll eat a ton of calories, fat, and drink wine. Oh well, it will be worth it!

    Have a great Friday!!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Happy lushing friends. I have consumed three bottles of chardonnay since yesterday. Phone interview went well but then nothing so I don't won't dwell. ordered the flowers for my daughters wedding today ( I do the arrangements. I have done many weddings) so I feel like I accomplished something.

    I am cooking a pork shoulder in BBQ sauce. yep having pulled pork sandwiches, cole slaw and corn for dinner. dark rainy winter, I hate the holidays, food. I am sure I will consume more wine.
  • iawierz
    Actually Lacwierz (Hope I got that right) Dr. Oz says you should weigh yourself every day - so you're not a fanatic.

    Congratulations on the two pounds and skipping the bar.

    Thanks so much! I have been pushing really hard at the gym and watching diet and no alchohol. Guess WHAT. Lost another 2! I doubt it will stay but I sure was happy when I got on the scale! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    On another note... I am going to have to revise my goal. My Bestie is having her christmas ornament exchange tomorrow. SOOOO unless I wait until midnight to participate in the libations goal needs revision.:noway: Lets now see if I can keep all under control and not over indulge in the booze and food. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    On Sunday I will try again for 7 days with no drinks...although I should probably check my calander first:laugh: :laugh:
  • Cristy_AZ
    Have a great weekend fellow lushes. I managed one day drink free last week, but stuck to only one on a couple others. Worked out everyday too. Try again next week.