Like Minded Lushes - December



  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Whoa, what a week! What was planned to be a drink free week except Thursday (DBF birthday) turned into a party! Unfortunately, I think this will be the case next week as well. I have to get it out of my system, right?:bigsmile: DBF is having hernia surgery Monday after Christmas and he won't be drinking which in turn should help me get ready for January. My gym is having a 30 day Paleo challenge which means no alcohol, dairy, sugar, or processed carbs. Right now, I am not mentally ready for that. I would much rather have some champagne! :drinker:
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Well, I wish I would've found this post sooner! I love it!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I wouldn't go for being selected DD! how annoying! of course, my friends always volunteer to DD or get a taxi b/c they know I never have fun if I am DD. what a brat I am.
    Last night I drank at DH's office holiday party. I don't even feel too badly today despite starting with red wine and switching to beer. so I guess that is ok. I did stop for breakfast at mcdonald's though, which was not the best choice...
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    DH and I will take a cab to downtown (or the light rail) rather than one of us being DD when we go out down there. We're SUCH lushes!
  • millermichellelea
    Yeah, I think it will help and I never smoke inside so this may be a new thing for me with the vape. As I said I plan on mixing the cartridges and so I will never know if I have nicotine or not :) I hope to one day just have the 0mg nicotine and then I won't be hooked, I can just look "cool" ahahahahahaha

    joking ... smoking is NOT cool and I am so disgusted with myself for having started again. If I can lose this much weight in 3 months I can quit again!


    You can do it! It isn't easy but it isn't impossible either. I smoked for 17 years (one to one and a half packs a day), then I quit, started again, quit again...etc. I finally decided that I wanted to work out and be healthy. I did this for the final time 7 years ago next month. I feel the best I ever have in my life. (I wasted my 20's and 30's smoking and feeling horrible). Now I am here losing all that wonderful weight that I have been fighting since I quit smoking.

    The only difference is that you have MFP as a weapon in your arsenal that I didn't. You will do it!!! Good luck and best wishes.
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    Wow, I feel right at home with this post. I'm tired of hearing, " you gotta get rid of the alcohol to lose weight" .... so this week has been good for now. No alcohol thus far. Tonight and the rest of the weekend, I can't say the same. More than likely I'm going out tonight and well I don't have fun out if I'm not drinking. Tomorrow is my cheat day and well yea ... apart of cheating is drinking YAY .... Sunday is rest. Next week will be a crap shot as well because of all the Christmas parties and Christmas itself.

    Have a great week everyone, man I'm glad I found you all ...
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I am fully prepared to blow my calories tomorrow at my christmas party...especially after the intense stress i've been under the past two weeks. and i'm possible going to start with a glass or two of red wine tonight with a good book and a bubble bath...I haven't drank in a LONG time, and i'm almost craving the taste of a good cab sauv...123 calories a glass, i should be fine...especially since i just ate 200 calories worth of chocolate:ohwell:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I just busted my *kitten* doing the Turbo Fire 55EZ class, so I feel okay having a glass or two of wine tonight! Besides...I'm off for 2 weeks! Yay!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    My gym is having a 30 day Paleo challenge which means no alcohol, dairy, sugar, or processed carbs. Right now, I am not mentally ready for that. I would much rather have some champagne! :drinker:

    Oooh no alcohol , dairy, sugar or processed carbs, that is harsh, that's not a challenge, it's just plain torture, you've gotta have some nice things in life! Good on you if you are dedicated enough to sign up to that, in fact I'd raise a glass to you :drinker: :laugh:
  • HerbieSue
    Whoa, what a week! What was planned to be a drink free week except Thursday (DBF birthday) turned into a party! Unfortunately, I think this will be the case next week as well. I have to get it out of my system, right?:bigsmile: DBF is having hernia surgery Monday after Christmas and he won't be drinking which in turn should help me get ready for January. My gym is having a 30 day Paleo challenge which means no alcohol, dairy, sugar, or processed carbs. Right now, I am not mentally ready for that. I would much rather have some champagne! :drinker:

    Starting January, right? So champagne is ON for tonight!!!
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Yes, not until January so my wine is tasting oh so good!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I was surprisingly good for me last night. one shot of Crown Royal Reserve and on Sam Adams Oktoberfest. Well today is another day and who knows how it will turn out.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    I'm still alcohol free since Monday :) and that's despite having wine in the house. I'm just using up all my willpower in preparation for Christmas.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    Week in review:

    Got the tree yesterday, will decorate tonight after work
    Oldest son took cat to vet, $400 later find out bladder infection and bladder blocked with crystals
    Youngest son had to do a swallow study...lots of difficulty swallowing the barium; so, minimal results....labs indicate celiac sprue...looking at an endoscopy to confirm
    Oldest son wreaks car
    Hubs comes home from hospital
    Took MIL out to bank and grocery store
    Finished 85% of shopping for holidays and have meal plan for dinners/breakfast
    Tonight, getting Christmas cards out after work

    Wine, priceless...
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    Well I went to the club last night and drank too many vodka and cran ...... it was great .....

    New week - no more drinking until Christmas!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Kim, wow what a week. Keep your head above water and sip the wine slowly. when all of this passes head directly to your favorite mexican restaurant and consume many large beers. Merry Christmas friend.

    I drank way too much Aha Toro Anejo tequila yesterday. It was so tasty with the carnitas i had in the crock pot all day.

    Today began with a little Kaluha in the coffe and then hubs surprised with a lovely bottle of Tattinger for breakfast. Yum!

    Now I will plan on no alcohol Monday thru Thursday. Xmas eve is the only celebration we will have so I will consume then. Have a great lushy holiday week!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    ahh Kim, that's a very busy and stressful week :sad:
    Our cat had similar bladder problems, happened more than once so had to have surgery, cost over £1000, fortunately we were insured but he's still on a special diet.
    I hope things calm down for you this week
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I had a lushie week last week and the weekend, Friday wine with italian dinner out, then beers at the bar next door. Saturday I drank for free at the Front Porch, but they didn't let me get an early start! I showed up at 5 and they didn't open til 6. I had a couple vodka sodas at a nearby bar, then got pizza by the slice and then to Front Porch for free drinks, a colorado bull dog, then Coors lights. the bartender made us a shot because I was asking him about sweet tea vodka so he mixed some up with sweet and sour and sprite, it was yummy. Then I went to the movies and saw Black Swan, disturbing...
    Sunday=0 drinks
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    I had a lushie week last week and the weekend, Friday wine with italian dinner out, then beers at the bar next door. Saturday I drank for free at the Front Porch, but they didn't let me get an early start! I showed up at 5 and they didn't open til 6. I had a couple vodka sodas at a nearby bar, then got pizza by the slice and then to Front Porch for free drinks, a colorado bull dog, then Coors lights. the bartender made us a shot because I was asking him about sweet tea vodka so he mixed some up with sweet and sour and sprite, it was yummy. Then I went to the movies and saw Black Swan, disturbing...
    Sunday=0 drinks

    I heard that movie was very disturbing .... hmmmm .... I wonder if the lead will win an Oscar for it, I hear she played her part very well in the movie.

    AFM - I had Remy and Sprite yesterday .... I couldn't help it, my 2yo was driving me nuts plus I was sleepy and cranky ... sigh
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    sunday was not so good. I started with the Tattinger and then I had a couple of Mike's Hard lemonades (cranberry and black cherry) then I enjoyed a hot buttered rum followed by a couple of rum and cokes and I completed the fiasco with a few shots of vodka on the rocks. oh well lets see how Monday goes.