which parent is the jerk in this instance



  • morethenjustmum
    morethenjustmum Posts: 170 Member
    At this point it seems to be about 50/50 with the overall consensus being we both overreacted. I do believe apologies are in order.

    Thank You
    I am not sorry I asked
    we all get touchy about our kids and parenting abilities. We are only human.

    Thanks again
    I am overwhelmed by how many responses I got and I appreciate every one of them.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    Ok. I'm totally confused but no way am I going to a house that had lice in the past month. no f*ing way... with or without my kids..aint gonna happen. However, I would offer to maybe meet up at a park or something.

    I had lice once as a kid and never want to go through that again.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    At this point it seems to be about 50/50 with the overall consensus being we both overreacted. I do believe apologies are in order.

    Thank You
    I am not sorry I asked
    we all get touchy about our kids and parenting abilities. We are only human.

    Thanks again
    I am overwhelmed by how many responses I got and I appreciate every one of them.

    So... you're Mom B? You can't leave us hanging here, OP!

    I was originally thinking Mom A, but now I might jump ships...
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member

    mom b And how can I not be hurt when I had to hold my kid while he cried himself to sleep asking my why you guys don't like him

    Does anyone else find this part odd and far fetched…?

    Seems like somebody could have done a better job explaining this to her son. Sounds like he has the over-reacting bug as well.

    That's what happens when kids grow up with overly sensitive parents.
  • ASH2038602
    ASH2038602 Posts: 215 Member
    To be completely honest, I also would have cancelled. Better safe than sorry. And they did make an attempt to reschedule, which is exactly what I would have done. That being said if it were my son that had the lice two weeks prior, I probably also would have been upset. Call your friend. We are parents and we all get a little nuts over protecting our children. I got into it with a friend over a TB scare. I called her and said I wanted to meet when she was cleared. I brought some beer we apologized to each other and it was done.

    How is head lice even remotely comparable with TB? One is a harmless, albeit annoying, insect that can easily be killed with shampoo treatments from the pharmacy, the other is a killer disease of which there are several strains that are resistant to antibiotics.... I'm with you on the TB scare thing, but head lice are just an annoyance.

    They aren't comparable. I meant to only relate to her situation. They are just an annoyance, but one I would rather avoid if possible.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member

    i dont know a single person who has had lice, i remember inspections at school when i was young and there was always an announcement that we were lice free. considering a few people said lice are inevitable, are they really all that common in other areas?

    Same, except there was always one kid who got sent home with lice, and we all had to take a note home letting our parents know to be on the lookout. I don't get all of the replies that lice are inevitable.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    At this point it seems to be about 50/50 with the overall consensus being we both overreacted. I do believe apologies are in order.

    Thank You
    I am not sorry I asked
    we all get touchy about our kids and parenting abilities. We are only human.

    Thanks again
    I am overwhelmed by how many responses I got and I appreciate every one of them.

    Mom B is the jerk. That's not 50/50 from what I've read.:laugh:
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I don't care which parent is which...

    I want to know how old the kid is that is creating self blame!! And if that's a habit for them (It must be very difficult to handle something like that.)

    I never had full on lice but in the 4th or 5th grade I shared a locker with a girl who had not so great living conditions. I wound up with nits in my coat or hat.

    After that my mom made me do a vinegar rinse every time I washed my hair. Ugh, it was fine dry, but when you got hot or sweaty it would smell some.

    Loved it when the nurses came in with chopsticks and "played" with my hair. I still love having my hair played with. Ha!

    Not every child gets lice. My friend's daughters however have had it before and they went to the same school as my son. I wonder if my son never had it because he loves a buzz cut.

    Our area is considered "nice" but not "upscale." As a kid I lived on an Air Force Base in Illinois.
  • mthr2
    mthr2 Posts: 158 Member
    I thought OP was "A" probably because I could personally identify a little more with Mom "A" --- thinking "why did B even mention lice?"

    ...until the OP she said her husband supports her to a fault.... "A" sounds like her husband was at least 50% in charge of the "don't come here" decision. Which makes me think that if "A"'s husband was that overly supportive of anything and everything (i.e. to a fault) he would have been all, "sure bring over a bunch of lice-ridden friends if it makes you happy, hon!"

    So I'm guessing OP is mom "B".

    Let's play another mystery game!
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    The lesson you should take away is NEVER TALK ABOUT LICE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EVER. Once someone knows you have had lice... your children will always be the lice children.

    You should probably go to the pharmacy a couple of towns over to buy the medicated shampoo too.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member

    mom b And how can I not be hurt when I had to hold my kid while he cried himself to sleep asking my why you guys don't like him

    Does anyone else find this part odd and far fetched…?

    Seems like somebody could have done a better job explaining this to her son. Sounds like he has the over-reacting bug as well.

    That's what happens when kids grow up with overly sensitive parents.

    Someday the crying child will have REAL problems that Mommy & Daddy can't bully the world into accommodating.
  • morethenjustmum
    morethenjustmum Posts: 170 Member
    I am slightly ashamed to admit that I am mom B

    My son cries a lot , its a thing he is young, he loves those kids and his heart broke. what can I say.

    I didn't tell him the party was cancelled because of him I told him
    'they are a bit worried about the lice not being completely gone and think it would be a better idea if we had a visit later this summer. What would you like to do instead". I planned something fun to do at home.

    My friend is great but her husband has a superiority complex the size of my *kitten*. He is often condescending to people he finds are beneath him ( read me ) and often questions my parenting,among other things this may be why I am so sensitive. I treated my kids I vacuumed ,I change the sheets every second day and I check them twice a day to be sure they haven't got anything. They picked it up from camp. It happens I know its annoying and lice sucks but I am hyper vigilante about it.

    I guess when I wrote that I had treated them and checked them and everything it would be okay , that they knew me well enough to know how careful I am with this kind of thing. T hen she hands the phone to him.

    In all honesty I feel like a complete *kitten* for responding the way I did , especially about my kid I should have never written that. But hubby is a hot head and kept telling me they we a-holes. Thats why I asked all of you. Also the party wasn't cancelled we were just asked not to come. I think what we have here is my first ever case of extreme butt hurt

    So there we have it
    I am an over sensitive jack *kitten* with a big mouth prone to passive aggressive behavior and need to call my friend and say sorry.

    Oh and I mentioned it in the first place cause if their kids had had lice I would want to know, I am all about full disclosure when it come to contagious stuff.

    any other questions ?

    once again thank you
  • morethenjustmum
    morethenjustmum Posts: 170 Member
    Seems more like all parties are behaving like a big C.

    hahaha I love this I feel like I unleashed a can of stupid
    hangs head
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    The lesson you should take away is NEVER TALK ABOUT LICE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EVER. Once someone knows you have had lice... your children will always be the lice children.

    You should probably go to the pharmacy a couple of towns over to buy the medicated shampoo too.

    Yep. I don't know who said that they are inevitable, I never had them. One of my good friends in 4th or 5th grade did (her 4 brothers had them as well) and I was not allowed to play at their house ever again or have her sleep over.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The lesson you should take away is NEVER TALK ABOUT LICE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EVER. Once someone knows you have had lice... your children will always be the lice children.

    You should probably go to the pharmacy a couple of towns over to buy the medicated shampoo too.

    Yep. I don't know who said that they are inevitable, I never had them. One of my good friends in 4th or 5th grade did (her 4 brothers had them as well) and I was not allowed to play at their house ever again or have her sleep over.
    That's extreme and awful.

    I had them once. I never had them again. And no one caught them from me. I hope you treat people better than your parents did.
  • osothefinn
    osothefinn Posts: 163 Member

    All kids will end up with lice at one point.

    Mom A sounds like a crazy paranoid person. Mom B sounds like she likes to start drama rather than talk to someone rationally about situations.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ... I think what we have here is my first ever case of extreme butt hurt

    So there we have it...

    Right on! I like how you are owning your drama here. Lesson learned, right? You are taking this very graciously, OP! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :smooched:
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    Someday the crying child will have REAL problems that Mommy & Daddy can't bully the world into accommodating.

    Please, tell us some more about how much better a parent you are than OP.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member

    My friend is great but her husband has a superiority complex the size of my *kitten*. He is often condescending to people he finds are beneath him

    Sounds like a lot of the people here