I know you're a tourist because ....



  • Peaceandwater
    Peaceandwater Posts: 23 Member
    In Winter.....You wear jeans and cotton socks under your ski pants, which are all tucked into your ski or snowboard boots, which are not laced correctly. You have a Go-Pro on your helmet and like, 10 or 12 lift tickets flapping from your zipper. You talk on your cell phone during the chair lift ride.

    In the Fall....You are driving erratically and pulling over at inconvenient spots to take pictures of the "foliage". You are wearing brand new Ben & Jerry's hoodies. Your kids have dried chocolate on their faces and furry teddy bear-shaped pins on their shirts. Your SUV does not have a speck of dirt on it.
  • gettinthere
    gettinthere Posts: 529 Member
    Your car is parked on the side of the highway while you get out of your car to take pictures of the momma bear and her babies (she will eat you)

    You wonder where our igloos are

    You are waiting for me to say "eh"

    You are amazed at how long it takes to drive from one town to the next

    You think that moose hang out in big groups
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    God, tourism and people trying new things/exploring new places/and learning new cultures is so awful.

  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    You wonder where our igloos are

    That's a good one :laugh:

    You ask for directions to the 401 from the opposite side of the city
    You show up with skis, dressed in winter jackets, sweaters and pants in the middle of July wondering where the snow is
    You're amazed that we have colored money
    You think loonies are gold coins
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    Ok havent read all of them but think this is awesome and hilarious so here it goes

    You drive super slow on EVERY road you are on

    You drive either an old car or a very nice car

    You are very pale- obviously from somewhere up north or east

    You are shopping for cleaning supplies and bug bombs

    You are crowding the streets and making traffic horrible!
    (oh wait, sorry these are all for "snowbirds")

    Ok- Tourists

    the look on your faces everytime you get out of a car, walk out of a restuarant or anywhere air conditioned
    (especially in the summer) like you think the temp is gonna change - even at night

    You are red- usually all over from a day shopping, or just being outside for a short time

    You are outside during the day- inside at night - again during summer

    You are not wearing a jacket or sweater in the winter when it is a chilly 75 degrees outside

    The obvious struggle you have taking a breath when you first get here and open the door in the summer- from the heat

    The lack of tan on your skin

    You are wearing shorts and sleeveless clothes in the winter
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    You ask me the best place to watch the sunset
    You drive so slow in the thunderstorm
    You start frantically packing up your things at the beach when the afternoon thunderstorm begins (just wait 10 minutes)
    You put your hazard lights on in the thunderstorm WHILE you are still driving
    You get annoyed when you realize you can't drive onto all beach approaches
    You are sun burnt in the summer
    65 is not cold to you
    You want to know where to get the best seafood and are frustrated when I recommend sushi

    I love tourists though. But it is fun to spot them!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    You take up the width of the sidewalk, looking up, walking slowly, randomly stopping then starting again blocking other peoples way while they try to walk around you.

    You're a jerk... (see link)
  • ChasingMyBliss
    ChasingMyBliss Posts: 803 Member
    you wear board shorts on a beach in Rio!
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    You don't understand why the streets dont all go north/south or east/west
    You find it funny that we call our "warshes" rivers
    You feel the need to touch every cactus you walk by
    You point to your menu because you cant say burrito
    You point out every person who is openly carrying a firearm
    You bought a pink cowboy hat
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    God, tourism and people trying new things/exploring new places/and learning new cultures is so awful.


    I was at a resort and heard a group of tourists complaining about the resort and stating that they would not return due to there being too many Arabs staying there. Yeah. you're visiting an ARAB country and complaining that there are too many ARABS around? Yeah, what a fabulous way to learn a new culture.
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    Any of my previous post or you have Sonoran plates and you are at any one or all of the Malls
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    Any of my previous post or you have Sonoran plates and you are at any one or all of the Malls

    But they keep Aeropostale in business
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    You wear socks and sandals!!!

    You are your brood take the whole pavement .. and you don't know what a pavement is.

    You talk like **** van *kitten* and wonder why people are laughing at you.

    You go to a football game and are shocked that it's actually a football game and not padded carry ball like at home.

    BUT, at least you got off your *kitten* and actually travelled somewhere foriegn -- Good on ya
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    You have never heard of Runza
    You don't wear Red on game day
    You think Car Hinge is cool
    When you can actually smell the cows (live here long enough, you won't notice it!)
    You have to ask "What is a Cornhusker?"
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    Any of my previous post or you have Sonoran plates and you are at any one or all of the Malls

    But they keep Aeropostale in business

    LMAO!! Right!! Especially around Christmas or the holidays!!
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    I hate this one >>>>> you ask me where to 'pahk your cah.'
    *grrrrrrrr* yeah i hated that one.

    you wander through fanueil hall without a clue as to what you're going to eat.

    once you've decided on a lunch spot in fanueil hall, you attempt to get mad at me for cutting in front of you when it's clear you have no idea what you're ordering, and i'm on my lunch break.

    you flip out because i went to the other side of the T entrance while you lined up for a block and a half down arlington, and then attempt to get pissy with me because i just want to get home (especially on the day of the marathon).

    you think speed limits mean anything beyond a suggestion.

    you say "WAHR-chest-er".

    you try to drive to fenway.
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    Any of my previous post or you have Sonoran plates and you are at any one or all of the Malls

    gah... i'd rather drive into oncoming traffic than be anywhere near someone with sonoran plates.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    Around here you can tell because they drive like morons and have out of state plates.
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    and my other one...

    you actually have to ask where temple square is.

    you expect to get more than an ounce of liquor in any mixed drink.

    you only shift one lane per turn signal.

    you wonder why all the children are blond.

    you have to ask who the guys wearing white shirts, ties, and riding bikes are.

    you expect to see women in floor-length praire dresses and french braids.
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    You don't understand why the streets dont all go north/south or east/west
    You find it funny that we call our "warshes" rivers
    You feel the need to touch every cactus you walk by
    You point to your menu because you cant say burrito
    You point out every person who is openly carrying a firearm
    You bought a pink cowboy hat

    Dont forget : they also take hundreds pictures of all of the cactuses that "look like people" or the ones "they saw in that western movie" - which is all of them

    and Buy cowboy hats for all the kids