I know you're a tourist because ....



  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    You try to tip in a pub .

    You try to tip EVERYONE and use a calculator to work it out exactly ....... Bwhaaaaaaaaaaaa

    Shropshire195, sorry for giving the service people tips. it's what we do.

    we're hoping that you all will pay it forward for when you come to the US. because now, half the restaurants in Manhattan have a 15% gratuity included in the bill because our restaurant workers are paid mostly in tips.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    You try to tip in a pub .

    You try to tip EVERYONE and use a calculator to work it out exactly ....... Bwhaaaaaaaaaaaa

    Shropshire195, sorry for giving the service people tips. it's what we do.

    we're hoping that you all will pay it forward for when you come to the US. because now, half the restaurants in Manhattan have a 15% gratuity included in the bill because our restaurant workers are paid mostly in tips.

    I do in the US - but it's a crazy system - you need to pay your staff properly in the first place.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    You try to tip in a pub .

    You try to tip EVERYONE and use a calculator to work it out exactly ....... Bwhaaaaaaaaaaaa

    Shropshire195, sorry for giving the service people tips. it's what we do.

    we're hoping that you all will pay it forward for when you come to the US. because now, half the restaurants in Manhattan have a 15% gratuity included in the bill because our restaurant workers are paid mostly in tips.

    I do in the US - but it's a crazy system - you need to pay your staff properly in the first place.

    A system different than your own ≠ crazy
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    You try to tip in a pub .

    You try to tip EVERYONE and use a calculator to work it out exactly ....... Bwhaaaaaaaaaaaa

    Shropshire195, sorry for giving the service people tips. it's what we do.

    we're hoping that you all will pay it forward for when you come to the US. because now, half the restaurants in Manhattan have a 15% gratuity included in the bill because our restaurant workers are paid mostly in tips.

    I do in the US - but it's a crazy system - you need to pay your staff properly in the first place.

    it works for us. you get a waiter that is usually friendly and speedy, and trying to make the meal better. you never have to search for him or her when you need a refill.

    when i've vacationed in Spain, it takes forever to place your order, get a check, or anything. on one hand it's great not to feel rushed, but more than once we need to go to the front to get our bill.
  • NessaReh85
    NessaReh85 Posts: 140 Member
    You ask what there is to do in this town

    You say "Let's go to the mall"

    You ask how to get to the Big Cross

    You park where your car is centered over the yellow line in a parking lot taking up two spots (this also applies to those that come to VetFest)

    You say Illinois as Illi-noise

    You say soda instead of pop

    Last but not least. If you have no idea who Granville was (RIP Granville)
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    You ask what there is to do in this town

    You say "Let's go to the mall"

    You ask how to get to the Big Cross

    You park where your car is centered over the yellow line in a parking lot taking up two spots (this also applies to those that come to VetFest)

    You say Illinois as Illi-noise

    You say soda instead of pop

    Last but not least. If you have no idea who Granville was (RIP Granville)

    ^^So THIS!
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member

    Since so many people hate it when others come to their state/country/town I guess everyone should just stay home.:frown:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member

    Since so many people hate it when others come to their state/country/town I guess everyone should just stay home.:frown:

    where are you getting that from??

    i think new yorkers like tourists.... well, maybe not like them, but we'll gladly give them directions and help them find places and give them tips.

    we just can't stand some of the things that make them so obviously tourists, like getting out of the subway and just standing there blocking everyone. either move fast, or get out of the way.

    i'm remembering when a large group of people delayed the subway i was on because all 20 of them had to get on in the same door. then when the train started to move, they all fell over because none of them were holding on to anything. every new yorker on that subway car was a little happier at that moment.
  • PMA140
    PMA140 Posts: 60
    You wear socks with your sandals ..eww

    You go to the beach when it's way too cold for us locals to even think about it 75* or below :-)

    You bring your suitcase to the outlet mall, (I see this all the time, crazy)

    You kids wear your mickey mouse ears everywhere they go

    But my favorite is the "lobster" people. You can tell it's the first time their pale body has seen the sun in five years and they are wearing next to nothing because clothes cannot touch their bright red body in any way or they will be in intense pain.

    Everyone knows I'm a tourist when I ask for sweet tea anywhere north of Georgia.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member

    Since so many people hate it when others come to their state/country/town I guess everyone should just stay home.:frown:

    where are you getting that from??

    i think new yorkers like tourists.... well, maybe not like them, but we'll gladly give them directions and help them find places and give them tips.

    we just can't stand some of the things that make them so obviously tourists, like getting out of the subway and just standing there blocking everyone. either move fast, or get out of the way.

    i'm remembering when a large group of people delayed the subway i was on because all 20 of them had to get on in the same door. then when the train started to move, they all fell over because none of them were holding on to anything. every new yorker on that subway car was a little happier at that moment.

    *giggles* Classic.
  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    You get pissed when you order "cheese sticks" and the sticks actually have mozzarella cheese melted on top, instead of nacho cheese in a cup on the side.

    You can't find our one set of stoplights in town.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    DC area here and we have our fair share of tourists. I know you're a tourist because:

    1. you wear sneakers tennis shoes (not dress shoes) and shorts
    2. you take photos of everything
    3. you don't stand on the right side of the escalators
    4. you eat at a chain restaurant and we have plenty of local great restaurants
    5. walk slowly while us residents have to be at certain places.
    6. you think it's the murder capital of the world.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,592 Member
    you dont like ketchup chips
    you dont put ketchup on KD

    gtfo of my country
  • culo97
    culo97 Posts: 256 Member
    I know you are a tourist because when you drive your rental car through the Castro, your faces are glued to the rolled-up windows like you were driving through Lion Country Safari.
    Guilty! Actually, I was on a school trip related bus when they took us down Castro to see The Gays.

    So disappointed. Who knew they looked like regular people you see all the time? That Castro Street looks pretty much like every other street in San Francisco, except for a few more rainbow flags. I guess we were expecting the Gay Pride Parade or something.
  • micheledavison39
    micheledavison39 Posts: 821 Member
    - you have out of state plates
    - you gush about how pretty it is while complaining about how it smells (it's a dairy town and they just spread manure on the fields) how else do you think they get so green?
    - you measure distances in miles (we will tell you how long it takes to get there, because those are two very different things)
    - you think the cows are soooo cute and then ask what do they do?
    - You are going to Stowe or Burlington for the morning and have no idea it is going to take you two hours just to get there - VT is a small state afterall!
    - you drive your very expensive truck hauling a very expensive trailer with very expensive skidoos/ice shanty out onto the lake after seeing the signs that the ice is UNSAFE and then have the gall to complain when you get fined when they fall through the ice into the lake (this happens just about every year)
    - you move to town because you love the ambiance and then try to change everything to be more like home.
  • Follow_me
    Follow_me Posts: 6,120 Member
    You're feeding the damn sea gulls!
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    You think we all talk like Dennis Quaid in, "The Big Easy"

    You think we actually call it, The Big Easy.

    You call that strip of grass between streets, "the median".

    You flash your boobs on Bourbon Street.

    You continually talk about how hot it is.

    You act surprised when you get your *kitten* kicked for peeing on someone's doorstep.

    You wonder why our, "lobsters" are so small.

    You have a blank look on your face when the lady at the counter asks if you want your po-boy, "dressed".

    You have no idea how to say, "Tchoupitoulas".

    You keep waiting to hear, "Last call."

    You think we all personally know Ann Rice and/or Harry Connick, Jr.

    You don't know where, "you got your shoes at."
  • tracysway
    tracysway Posts: 67 Member
    you pronounce Illinois with an "e" on the end. No its not Illinoise its Illinoi
  • sam1053
    sam1053 Posts: 43 Member
    You take pictures of the local Starbucks and you drive 10 miles slower when it is raining, which is 80% of the time. You flock to the hiking trails and the outlet mall.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    You wear a long skirt and a may even throw a scarf loosely on your head. Trust me, whatever you were wearing before getting on the plane is probably fine, and no, you won't be arrested for wearing shorts.

    You are creeped out if your car breaks down and 10 men appear out of nowhere to help (regardless of your gender)

    You don't haggle

    You try to haggle at the mall

    Don't ask me where you can ride a camel. You most certainly aren't going to see one until you reach your tourist attraction.