JOIN ME! 30 day Insanity/Turbo Fire hybrid program



  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Great work Lisa!!! Maybe you are finally getting your scheduling sorted. And when you get that paper done...the eating will be better on track.

    Ran 4 miles with 3 miles at 8:49 min pace. Burned 336cals.

    Tired tonight...hitting the bed early.

    Happy Monday morning....
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies! Fire 45 today...burned 443 calories.

    Sorry I was MIA for most of the weekend. Still wrapping my head around today's finality. It's unbelievable to me that after 10 years tomorrow I won't be going to work.

    Hope you have a great day!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Hey girls!! was today?? Hopefully not too hard on you. Nice burn with fire 45!! As always:)

    Insanity Max conditioning burning 376 cals.
    I am so close to goal that ive got to really clean up my eating to make any more gains in the weight loss area. I dont that I can do that...I, as always, struggle with really great eating. Im giving myself the next 7 days to see what i can do. Here I go.....

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hey Sam thanks for asking. Today was tough because I was saying goodbye to so many people but I received a lot of good wishes from a lot of people which made me feel really good. Tomorrow is a new day and I just need to find the right opportunity to focus my energies.

    Nice workout for you as always!

    I'm pretty tired and drained today so I'll be going to bed early. Talk to you tomorrow.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Gang! CLX day...Push Circuit 1 and Ab Burner. Small calorie burn but using HEAVY weights made it feel like I was huffing and puffing when it was all over! Lifting is the key to leanness. My husband said I've never looked skinnier even though I'm still staying around 154 (at 5'8") so I'm by no means actually skinny. :bigsmile:

    Hope you all are doing great!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Sam you can def do it! You are so close.. and so is summertime!

    Sharon I thought about you a lot today. I know this is hard, but like you said, you just have to find something else to focus your energy on... You seem very strong willed and I'm sure this won't have you down very long!

    I went to the gym today and stayed about an hour and a half. Most of it was walking laps with one of my friends... we got to catch up on a lot, so it was nice. :)

    Hope yall have a great night!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Thank you for thinking of me Lisa! Today was appointment this morning kept me occupied. I've sent a bunch of resumes out so hopefully something will turn up soon.

    Great job on your workout today. So happy you had the chance to connect with your friend.

    Have a great night!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Thanks for the support Lisa and Sharon!!!

    YAY!!! what a great thing for your hubby to say Sharon!!! Lifting heavy is awesome and inches here vs the scale is key with your workout. Way to be strong!!

    Got outside to run...needed to do 4.5 miles and I did 4.69 and did it at about a 9 min pace, so I am happy about that and it gives me the boost I need to think that I maybe able to finished a half at an 8:55 min pace. I have 6 weeks to train for it.

    Lisa....great workout...and that's awesome that you got a chance to catch up your friend. Way to multi task :)

    til tomorrow girlies :smile:
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Morning Gang! Day 2 of my new life and I'm just sitting down to log my workout. Fire 60 with weighted butt was KICKED!!! Burned 578 calories.

    How are you doing on this fine Wednesday?
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    awesome Sharon!!! you seem okay with it your new life and that is great!!!!!!

    Wonderful workout with Fire 60.

    I did 8x400 for a total of 5M with warmup and burned 449 cals.

    Tired now and ready for bed.

    Good night ladies!!! p.s. how is everyones eating going?
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Gang! CLX Push Circuit 2 was BROUGHT this morning!

    Did you know that I'm entered into this month's Beachbody Body Transformation game on Facebook? First prize is $25,000 for the best transformation due to Turbo Fire! Anyone can enter so if you're interested send me your email address and I'll send you the link to get registered. Of course you must be doing or have just completed a full round of Turbo Fire because you'll be expected to answer several questions about your experience...AND you must be signed up with a BB coach because they'll ask you for that person's name.

    Hope you all have a great day.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Sharon if I had done the full round I would probably enter... but I've just been doing the workouts here and there in between other workouts. Doubt that would work lol.

    As far as eating goes, I'm doing okay. Much better than when I first started my job. Here lately it seems I've been able to get a few stressing issues out of the way, so I'm feeling better and eating better than I was a week or two ago.

    Sharon you're going strong with your workouts and that's great! I'm proud of you for your determination and focus!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Thanks for the words of encouragement, Lisa. Right now this is one of the few areas I still have under control so I'm holding on to it like a lifeline!

    Glad your eating is going well. Mine is going less well and at some point my brain is going to kick my heart's *kitten* and say enough is enough. I'm totally wallowing in my emotions and emotional eating is an issue for me.

    Anyway, I love talking with you guys so thanks for listening!

  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    That's completele understandable Sharon. I'd do the same thing.. I eat when I'm stressed. It's weird cause I'm not exactly an emotional eater. If I'm upset or sad I don't eat, but when I'm stressed out I eat non-stop! Part-time emotional eater, maybe? lol

    And you're right.. you'll get right back into it full force before long. you just have to give yourself some time to adjust to what's going on.. and sometimes that means relaxing your routine a little.. just know it's ok. I'm confident that you won't let this hold you back for long!

    And as always, we're here for you. Just like you offered me, if you want to talk about anything, just send me a PM. Not saying you couldn't post it here, but I do know anyone basically has access to read what's typed here... and same for you Sam should you need to talk about anything personal. ---- Just throwing that out there.

    It would be nice if we had the option for this thread to be readable only by us 3. I'm all for others joining our group, but it seems a few have and then they're gone... we're the only ones who have stuck around the whole time!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    You are so sweet to offer that Lisa. Thanks it means a lot! You're right I'm not always comfortable posting EVERYTHING because anyone could read it. I'm very lucky to have found you guys and I'm happy we've all stuck together!

  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Wow ladies, Ive missed alot today. LOL

    Amazing...Sharon! If there was a voting poll...I'd definately be on Team Sharon :)

    And yes, I feel exactly the same way...about the posting and PM when need be. I am here to talk to you both and just to listen/vent to...or anything else in that case. I look forward to reading your posts and knowing how your days have been. I like sharing as well.

    I feel like we are a cute little group. :heart:

    No work out tonight...ate really fricking well though. I am of my sister's birthday and I passed up pizza and cake so I am heading to bed without feeling completely guilty not working out (based on my eats today)

    As for emotional eating...I am not sure when I eat. As for you Sharon, it is perfectly normal for you to be emotional eating right now, whether it is because your sad, upset or stressed. You'll figure it all out, get the eats in order, kill it even more in the workouts and win that transformation contest.

    Hypothetical....let's say you are invited to a wedding in the beginning of december that is about 1200-1500miles away. Kids will have to be pulled out of school for it and of course, the cost of the whole trip is a factor as well. Is it wrong for the bride-to-be and groom-to-be to expect you to be there? What if the guest is a very close a brother or sister~ does that change the expectations? What are your thoughts?
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Thanks Sam. If I make it to the voting round then anyone can vote because it's done entirely on Facebook so believe me I'll be screaming from the rooftop here on MFP to get all your friends, family, and coworkers to vote for me every day during the voting period.

    As for your hypothetical close are you to the bride and/or groom...immediate family or close cousins are different than friends...unless it's your BFF cause that's family too. Personally I would not be offended if someone told me they couldn't attend my wedding because it was too expensive. I missed my best friend's wedding because he was getting married in California and I couldn't afford to go. I missed my cousin's wedding because it was on the other side of the country and neither Glenn nor I could take the time off. The only wedding I would move hell and high water to get to is my sister's...but that's just me :bigsmile:

    There is no right or wrong answer here....just the one that makes you comfortable. Great job on the eats today!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Morning Gang. We're glued to the TV today waiting to see if the Gov't shuts down because if it does then my husband will be out of work until they get their s**t together. Fun times peeps!:explode:

    To combat my frustration, I did Fire 30 with weighted gloves. Great way to get it all out in a productive way.

    Hope you all have a great day.
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    wow!!! way to work out your frustration Sharon!!! good for you!!!! going to take a look at that link...excited to see.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Awesome Sam thanks!