JOIN ME! 30 day Insanity/Turbo Fire hybrid program



  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good Morning! Fire 45 today...HRM showed 450 calorie burn (10 per minute on the nose!) Started today's eating off right with a double chocolate peanutbutter and strawberry shake for breakfast...OMG so good!

    If you're a P90X fan...Tony Horton is going to be on the Today show today so don't miss him!

    Make it GREAT day!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    my oh my do you consistantly burn 10 cals a min??? I am super jealous you calorie burning machine!!!!!

    I dont think I am working out tonight. Sleepy. but then again...I could get in one right? I was also thinking about adding ankle weights to TF workouts. Having them on my wrists/hands drives me crazy so I find myself not willing to do it.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I'm starting to hate the hand weights too Sam. The bottom of the gloves gets in the way of my HRM watch so I never feel like it's in the right place PLUS the gloves make my hands all sweaty. Yuck! :angry:

    Did you receive the confirmation from customer service today?

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was my first day of the CLX Lean Circuit month. Wow I forgot how hard these workouts are compared to the ones in the other 2 months. My arms are BURNING right now!

    Day 2 of my 30 days of Shakeology for breakfast...double chocolate peanutbutter and banana...another winner. Scale was down 0.6 lbs this morning (I told you I'm obsessed with weighing every day). I won't officially talk about any loss though until Saturday.

    Talk to you all later.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I had a long paragraph of updates typed and somehow managed to delete it... so here's the short version. lol

    I got a good walk in today and managed to get my presentation over with. I feel SOO much better now! School is winding down and I can't wait to be finished!

    I need more time back to focus on my workouts instead of thinking about school all the time. I already have a workout planned for tomorrow evening..

    Hope yall have a good night and a nice Wednesday!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Sharon, I like the lean circuit of CLX too. Alot harder, but effective I think. I am an obsessor weigh-er also...every morning and before bed. But I have one day I officially take what the scale says as loss or gain. However, last night I broke into the 130's. Hoping that is the way it is on WI day.

    Ran 6M last night. 4wks until half...then 4wks of training for my Ragner Relay run from Madison to Chicago. Basically, I need to get in some mutliple runs within 24 hrs.

    Lisa...looking forward to your workout today uh??? Must be so ready for school to done with!!! Almost there girlie!! You will have more time before you know it.

    Have a great Wednesday!!!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Hey girls!!

    How are you both doing today? I am good...except all the potential Easter candy took over. Ugh!! Better tomorrow right? Wll, I need it to be because WI is on Saturday morning. I have a 10M run to do that morning, take my son to guitar lessons and the we are off the Wisconsin Dells for a couple days of the indoor water/theme park. It will be nice to get away for a couple days. I will be checking in still...atleast logging my workouts...and I definitely plan on utilizing the hotel's gym.

    Ran 4.8 miles tonight at a 8:21 min average I am thrilled. My face is still beat red 30 min later after shower and everything. LOL

    I have to be honest...I havent logged my food since last thursday, I believe, and its nice. I feel like I spent alot of time doing it even though I tend to eat alot of the same things. How do you all feel about that?

    Happy Friday tomorrow...And those of you celebrating Good Friday and Easter...enjoy!!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Happy Saturday!!! 10 miler done and getting ready to head to out. Being back Monday morning, but I will be checking in I think.

    Happy Easter!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Awesome job Sam. and the waterpark sounds like a lot of fun!!

    I haven't logged all my food in a while. Thank goodness Easter candy will be gone soon!

    I'm planning on going for a walk with the pups this evening, and getting in a really good workout to make up for some slacking tomorrow!

    Edit: wow.. that post sounds really scatter-brained lol. Guess it is cause that's how I've been feeling lately... right now I'm trying to finish up some of my last assignments and it's making me do all the other chores I've been neglecting. I'm so bad about putting off school stuff til the last minute.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Wow I think it's been 2 days since I last posted here. Thanks for soldiering on Sam! Your running sounds like it's finally paid off in a big way...130s...that's amazing!!!!!

    You can see that I don't log my food on the weekends anymore. I get bored with the logging since I tend to eat the same things over and over again. I don't think it's a bad thing after all this time to slip on that. As long as you're conscious about what you're eating and you continue to work out then what's the harm.

    Hi Lisa! Happy to see your post today!

    Happy Easter Girls!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    HIIT 30 and some strength training... it felt really good to get in a good sweat! I had a lot of energy during TF and burned a ton...

    Hope you two are having a great weekend and Happy Easter! I'm trying hard to get back on track, and tomorrow marks the official day of that start... I should say today but since it's Easter, and then that junk candy that I love so much will be gone for a year. I'm so ready to get back on track and headed in the right direction again!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    great hitt workout Lisa!!! I am still away from home and havent made it to the treadmill yet. ugh!! I needed to get a run in but there is so much walking. I will work out tomorrow though. maybe 2x. LOL

    Ive been missing those TF HIIT workouts...

    And I, too, need to get better on track starting tomorrow also. If I want to really see my goal then I have to clean it up. I eat some sort of chocolate every single day and that is no lie.

    Have a great Monday!!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good Morning Lovelies! Happy Monday to you all.

    Fire 60 for me this gloves since my chest and shoulders are still sore from Saturday's monster CLX lean workout. HRM showed 543 calorie burn!!!

    I ate like crap yesterday (might as well confess my sins here right???) and saw it on the scale this morning. Sigh...only good thing is that TOM is just about done so my cravings should also be more controlled this week. I'm moving my Shakeology meal to lunch this week to see what, if any, impact that has on my eating.

    So, starting today we all make a pact to take it one day at a time but to try really hard to have an excellent week. If we take this in small steps then by Saturday we should all be able to celebrate something positive! Who's with me????

    Make it a great day and know that I think you are FANTASTIC for working so hard. Remember, we are on a journey, not a diet...small slips are ok as long as you get right back on track. I'm back...are you?

  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I'm in! I have gained a few pounds lately... just to be completely honest. and I feel it. It feels awfull.... I'm getting rid of it before it decides to accumulate again. I know how easy it is to gain back. I do not want to go down that road again.

    Since I've been lenient with myself lately on food and workouts, I'm finding it hard to get back on track. I start off doing okay, but after lunch I slack off. At least I am making an improvement though. It is all about the small steps, right? Damn this rollercoaster! lol

    I hate even admitting that I'm having a hard time and that I gained some lately. But I feel like putting it out there will help me change it.

    I bought 3 new workout outfits, so they will help encourge me to get to the gym. Can't wait for my workout tomorrow!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    I am in also!! As I mentioned above, Ive got to really clean up my eating.

    Great burn Sharon!! Amazing as always...I dont know how you consistantly burn 10 per min but Im JEALOUS!! LOL

    And Lisa....that is great motivation- new workout clothes. I bought a few things this weekend also. Whatever it takes right?? And great putting it out there...not so great eating, etc. Now my turn...

    never got to the hotel gym and didnt eat the best. ugh!!! Scaled showed it this afternoon when I got home but I know its temporary. But still frustrating, even though I know I did it to myself.

    One day at time til Saturday...WI day!!!! Lets do this girls!!!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Is it just me, or are we all slacking a little on loggin in on this thread? I'll be the first to admit that I have.

    This week is rough... right before finals week and it's TOM. Double trouble. I'm playing catch up today with my school work in preparation for finals and I plan on getting a good workout in... and I'll report back with that when I do. I think I need a new scale too. What kinds do you ladies have?

    Sam you keep doing great! Like you said, the extra will go away!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Guys. Sorry I have been slacking on my postings here :blushing:

    CLX Lean Circuit 2 today (shoulders and back). 7 cal per minute burn for strength training was pretty good!

    Thanks for continuing to check in here!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Aw I wasn't trying to call anyone out! It just seems like this thread used to get several posts daily, now it's not as much. We should fix that. How bout May 1 we post our goals for the month and check in daily? I'm almost completely finished with school work (I know I've been saying that forever, but I got a lot done today! :happy: )

    Nice job, Sharon! I really miss CLX... I think I may combine it with TF this summer, or get Asylum. So many choices. lol and it looks like I'm going to have to start waking my butt up early to work out. I miss my morning workouts.

    Burned 717 calories today and did Fire 60. I love that one. :) Hope you ladies have a great evening.
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    I also felt like the logging has been halted. I am totally in for May 1st for goals and checking in daily again.
    Ive been really lacking the workouts this tired. But I am better now.

    Ive got to do something tonight. And then tomorrow is a 12M run. Ive been eating not so well and its going to catch up with me very soon.

    Great Fire 60 burn Lisa!!! You always have great burns.And Sharon...7 per min is super great!!

    My scale is s+ark or something...I have no idea where I got it or even how long I have had it. It is only .5 increments which I dont like but I dont want to buy a new one.