JOIN ME! 30 day Insanity/Turbo Fire hybrid program



  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Super workout Sharon!! great burn! Atleast it was more then the bodybugg said, and not under or perhaps you would hate it! LOL Glad you dont mind the chest strap and after a while it wont even be noticable probably.

    I emailed Polar today and maybe they will have some helpful insight...we will see.

    Thank you Lisa!! The running group is fun and perhaps I will join them on more Sunday mornings. You will have a busy week but it will be motivating. And I cant wait to hear about your run :)

    In June, I am actually running with a team of 11, I think, from Madison to Chicago (200miles approx) in 24 hrs.. We each take turns running legs of the race and all in all run about 16-18 miles a piece. Should be fun!! And smelly and stinky. LOL

    About to go workout...
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Did fire 60 tonight. I am really starting to love TF!! I am getting the moves alot better and man, my squat jumps are getting so high and with ease. LOVE THAT!! Burned 463 cals.

    Trying the whole morning thing again...I'll see how it goes. LOL
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    CLX Push Circuit 1 and TF Core 20. Just call me "noodle arms"!!! :laugh:

    Make it a great day Ladies!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Hey noodle arms!!! I am sure you are getting sooooo strong! And building some AMAZING muscles.

    jogged 1.5 mile with my son and then went back out for 4.2 more. I burned 486 cals.

    Im going to work out tomorrow and thursday but nothing for me on Friday. I want to be fresh for Saturday.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    good job girls!

    I didn't get a workout in today. I planned on it, but spent time cleaning instead. We put in a new door last week and the house seriously needed some attention. I plan on going to the gym tomorrow after work and Thursday after school. I'll also take off friday - or at least do something really light - so I can be fresh for my run Saturday.

    That challenge was a bust. My mom and I were the only ones who showed up.. I don't think I want to bother with it anyway bc the lady doing it is mainly wanting to sell herbalife and I'm not interested. I don't want to give her false hope... much less drive an extra 2 hours after I get off work just to walk a mile.. slowly. lol

    I think I'll do better now that I have a set schedule in my life. Stress is gonna hit me hard til I get done with school. There is so much to do! But I'm just going to keep working out and working on eating better.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Have I mentioned Shakeology lately?????????????????? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    And you have us LISA!!!! :laugh:

    uhm, I dont think so Sharon!!! :happy: I think next week I am going to buy some from you so Ill let you know when.

    Once you change something in the house to newer...its never ending because it makes other things look dingy...LOL so more cleaning, painting, etc....we've been doing the same thing.

    til tomorrow...
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Sam that wasn't a sales pitch...that was a dig on the Herbalife chick since Lisa has to hear me talk about BB stuff all the time (although at least she's reading it from the comfort of her home!) LOL!

  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    lol well maybe it did work as a sales pitch anyway.. haha

    I like BB products though.. and I know they work. There is where the difference is... I don't like products that are weight loss only.. they don't seem to work. So carry on with your BB stuff. :smile:
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    I know it wasnt Sharon, but I had been thinking about it anyway.

    Darn doggies woke me up this morning so I had no choice but get in a workout...HIIT 25. Burned 162 cals and I will do something after work.

    Have a great day ladies!!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    You Ladies rock! Thanks for letting me babble to you about BB stuff! I just can't help myself but it's nice to know you're listening and not rolling your eyes at me!!!!

    Turbo Fire day for me...Fire 60 with my weighted gloves. My HRM had me at just under 10 cals per minute...565 total burned!

    Talk to you both later!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    What an awesome burn Sharon!! I actually got up early and got an HIIT workout in and then after work, my son wanted to ride his bike so I decided to jog with the doggies in tow. We went 2 miles. I think they are pooped :)
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I need my butt kicked. I haven't worked out since Monday. I've just honestly been kinda tired since starting this job. It's going to take some getting used to.. meaning having class only 2 days a week and not having to get up early until this week made me lazy.. lol I'll get back in the swing - I just need to adjust.

    I'm for sure going to get in a workout tomorrow. Promise.
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Lisa, let your body take to rest and time it needs to adjust to your new schedule and youll get back into it. But if you really want I will yell at you tomorrow if you break your promise!! LOL

    Besides...that 5k is saturday! YAY!! Are you excited????
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Sam, if I make a promise, I try my hardest to keep it. That's why I said that yesterday.. I knew I couldn't break it! And I didn't. I went to the gym for 50 min and burned 609 calories. Usually I stay longer... but I was just happy I went.

    I am excited for the 5K! It's getting close.. I bet you're excited about your race too!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Sam and Lisa!!! I think I actually forgot to log today's workout on our thread :noway:

    CLX day today...did Push Circuit 2 and Ab Burner. Small HRM calorie burn result...285...but I did single leg deadlifts using 20lb weights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go me!!!! I think my arms are starting to look a bit leaner and for sure I'm seeing a little line in the vicinity of my triceps.

    Good luck with your races! I don't run but I envy those of you that do so regularly and like it.

  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    great job to you both!! To you Sharon, for throwing that weight around like its nothing and Lisa, for keeping your promise!! Super job!!!!!!!

    so, Ive been eating EVERYTHING INSIGHT today!!! So not like me....I wonder if TOM is coming. Anyway, Ill survive. It might also be because I knew that I wasnt going to work out today (even though I wanted to and still do) but that isnt a good mind set to be in.

    You know what I envy...people who eat clean and have it under control...I dont know that I will ever get to that eating clean part. I like naughty food. LOL

    I forgot Lisa...sorry, but is this your 1st 5K? Do you have a goal in mind? Who's running with you?

    And I decided that starting 3/21, I have a 7wk plan that includes stretching and strengthening from p90x and the push circuit from CLX along with upping my runnning. I am thinking about doing the half on May 7th in Rockford and so it will be training for that. But you know I will still be checking in.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I agree Sam. If I could give up all the yummy things I love to eat in order to eat totally clean I know my body fat would be so much lower you could actually see the muscles I've been building. :sad:
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    :laugh: I know I have muscles somewhere under there....:wink:
  • xoDDC
    xoDDC Posts: 33
    how has this hybrid schedule worked for all of you? i was looking at it and cannot wait to start it sounds like a gooood workout :)