when is too big?



  • 1HappyRedhead
    1HappyRedhead Posts: 413 Member
    To me, it's all about the individual as a whole.
    I was previously married to a body builder who is still winning in his class competition at age 60, and then to a man whose belly sometimes looked as if he were 7 months pregnant. The body builder and I "grew apart" and didn't have sex for years. The guy with the belly, I absolutely couldn't keep my hands off of because I was so in love with him at any size.
    Every woman will have a different opinion and a different preference... the trick is finding the right woman for you. :flowerforyou:
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    It doesn't determine if they are intelligent or not and I never claimed it did. Neither does being a mouth-breather determine if someone is intelligent or not. But will it have an effect on their aesthetic and the impression they make? I think so. And that's what this thread was asking about. Aesthetics, not who people really are inside.

    A small head relative to the neck just tends to make people look... dumber. Fat people too, and muscular women, not just men who work out. Just as being a mouth-breather tends to make people look dumber than those who aren't mouth-breathers.

    Okay. What I got out of this is:

    - People who breathe with their mouth open are dumb
    - People with muscles are dumb
    - People with small heads are dumb

    Does that about sum it up?:huh:

    No, it doesn't. Looking dumb and being dumb are not the same thing. Are you dumb? You seem dumb.

    Reported :flowerforyou:

    Reporting me because you set up a strawman. Good character you have too.

    No, reported you because you blatantly attacked me by calling me dumb.

    I didn't set up a straw man. I summarized pretty much what you were saying. Sorry that you couldn't take the truth.

    It was a strawman. I explicitly stated it was about how people look and not how they are. You ignored that and set up a strawman. I was being charitable by calling you dumb, when what you did was in fact dishonest.

    But by assuming someone is dumb based on their appearance is just as wrong as saying they're dumb and, well, it's pretty much the same thing. How? Well because you're drawing an assumption based on how they look and with that assumption you probably wouldn't take the time to get to know the person because you've already made a decision about their intelligence and more than likely wouldn't even waste your time talking to them or getting to know them based on their appearance.

    Thinking someone looks dumb is not the same thing as assuming they are dumb. You are making that assumption here, you have to for your argument against me to work.
    Thinking someone looks smart is not the same thing as assuming they are smart, right?

    Why? Because it doesn't follow from one being smart-looking or stupid-looking that one is therefore smart or therefore stupid. And I never claimed it did. In fact, I explicitly stated it did not. You seem to be arguing it does in fact follow. That if I think someone is stupid-looking I therefore think that someone is stupid, and it therefore follow from this that I am a jerk. You are setting up this flow of logic, not me.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Lourdesong so what can we assume about this person?

    BTW the no profile pic with what you wrote in your profile. . . .

    You are free to assume whatever you like. If I make a thread asking what you think as the OP did, then that's a good clue that I'd be interested in what you think.

    If I didn't know better I'd say I smell butt hurt and self esteem issues.

    To say the least. But I should not assume so I only have words to go by since the profile pic is some cartoon. No assumption being made on my end.

    I didn't make any comment about anyone's avatar. Your seeming "tit-for-tat" comments in respect to my little cartoon avatar tells me that you must think that I made a comment about someone's avatar or worse... about you personally.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I didn't make any comment about anyone's avatar. Your seeming "tit-for-tat" comments in respect to my little cartoon avatar tells me that you must think that I made a comment about someone's avatar or worse... about you personally.
    When the traps are too big, when the neck is wider than the head.

    When it looks like the guy is posing no matter how he stands.

    Basically, whatever makes me think that a guy is dumb/unintelligent (small pea-head relative to neck/traps) or is vain (poses).

    That the comment you made that started most of the comments after that one. That makes people look dumb in your mind right? So when people see a weight loss site that has a range of body types. Seeing someone not willing to put out there picture you do not think people wonder. Especially with your above comments. The first two comments were ok. It is that last part.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    I didn't make any comment about anyone's avatar. Your seeming "tit-for-tat" comments in respect to my little cartoon avatar tells me that you must think that I made a comment about someone's avatar or worse... about you personally.
    When the traps are too big, when the neck is wider than the head.

    When it looks like the guy is posing no matter how he stands.

    Basically, whatever makes me think that a guy is dumb/unintelligent (small pea-head relative to neck/traps) or is vain (poses).

    That the comment you made that started most of the comments after that one. That make people look dumb in you mind right? So when people see a weight loss site that was a range of body types. Seeing someone not willing to put out there picture you do not think people wonder. Especially with your above comments. The first two comments were ok. It is that last part.

    Yes, look dumb. Look vain. The op asked about our preferences, I stated mine and why I don't like it. I wasn't aware I needed to provide a picture for people to then comment on... especially given that I wasn't commenting on anyone's picture, not yours or anyone else's. I was answering a question that asked about preferences on physical appearance, and I don't think my preferences were malicious in the least, and no one has made a case that it was apart from setting up strawmen. You took what I said very personally, clearly, and seem upset that I don't have a picture to take out some vindictive aggression on.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I didn't make any comment about anyone's avatar. Your seeming "tit-for-tat" comments in respect to my little cartoon avatar tells me that you must think that I made a comment about someone's avatar or worse... about you personally.
    When the traps are too big, when the neck is wider than the head.

    When it looks like the guy is posing no matter how he stands.

    Basically, whatever makes me think that a guy is dumb/unintelligent (small pea-head relative to neck/traps) or is vain (poses).

    That the comment you made that started most of the comments after that one. That make people look dumb in you mind right? So when people see a weight loss site that was a range of body types. Seeing someone not willing to put out there picture you do not think people wonder. Especially with your above comments. The first two comments were ok. It is that last part.

    Yes, look dumb. Look vain. The op asked about our preferences, I stated mine and why I don't like it. I wasn't aware I needed to provide a picture for people to then comment on... especially given that I wasn't commenting on anyone's picture, not yours or anyone else's. I was answering a question that asked about preferences on physical appearance, and I don't think my preferences were malicious in the least, and no one has made a case that it was apart from setting up strawmen. You took what I said very personally, clearly, and seem upset that I don't have a picture to take out some vindictive aggression on.

    You do realize that not putting up a picture can say a lot more. I really do not care about your comment. It does not sway my goal in anyway whatsoever. I was just getting you to see that you are passing judgement.
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    Someone is looking a little green with envy.
  • Phoenix__Rising
    Phoenix__Rising Posts: 9,981 Member
    All that matters here is that he is *hard*.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    You do realize that not putting up a picture can say a lot more. I really do not care about your comment. It does not sway my goal in anyway whatsoever. I was just getting you to see that you are passing judgement.

    Uh, I wasn't trying to sway your goal. (??) And the cartoon is just something I put up so I wouldn't have the blank grey box. I may put up a real picture in the future, but I fail to see why I should be compelled to to do so just because I posted on a thread requesting preferences about physical appearance. I also still fail to see the relevance of my picture or lackthereof in this thread/conversation. Other than, as I said before, you want to lash out at my appearance because you took what I said very personally. To teach me a lesson...right?
  • pinkledoodledoo
    pinkledoodledoo Posts: 290 Member
    after reading a topic about if guys prefer girls with curves it made me think about girls i know who go on about guys being 'too big' in a muscular way!!! behave lol so i wanna know when is a guy too big/muscular or do girls prefer bigger guys?

    No such thing as too muscular... unless the guy is skinny and muscular and it looks odd, like John Basedow.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    You do realize that not putting up a picture can say a lot more. I really do not care about your comment. It does not sway my goal in anyway whatsoever. I was just getting you to see that you are passing judgement.

    Uh, I wasn't trying to sway your goal. (??) And the cartoon is just something I put up so I wouldn't have the blank grey box. I may put up a real picture in the future, but I fail to see why I should be compelled to to do so just because I posted on a thread requesting preferences about physical appearance. I also still fail to see the relevance of my picture or lackthereof in this thread/conversation. Other than, as I said before, you want to lash out at my appearance because you took what I said very personally. To teach me a lesson...right?

    What does me attacking you have any benefit for me.
    big traps is to person looks dumb like not your picture on a weight loss site is to [insert basically anything negative can go here].

    Should I break it down even more.
  • sinker59
    sinker59 Posts: 130
    Butter-pecan is my favorite!!

    I love you.

    Salted Caramel is the new butter-pecan
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Like most things, there are fewer people with a taste for extremes.

    Women like a man who is fit and healthy. Most women like what is attainable naturally; if you are not competing there's no point to using steroids and risking their potential negative health effects. If you are competing and using steroids there are also women who like that look, but it is a smaller fraction of us because at that level you start to get out into the extremes of appearance. (You also wind up wearing shorts most of the time because your thighs are too big for pants that fit your waist, but I digress...)

    The right bulk is whatever makes you feel most confident in your own skin. If you can be happy and self-confident in your looks and masculinity so that you don't even think twice about wearing pink, or a sequined jacket, or a kilt if you want (and not on Halloween), then you are the right bulk to attract women.

    Please yourself with your appearance. Women's tastes in the physical are flexible, but true self-confidence is attractive to almost everyone.
  • summer92008
    I think guys look good when they look athletic, toned, and some muscle. Most guys aren't "too big" in my opinion. A guy's size tends to be too big when their ego gets big, too. There's nothing more disgusting to me than an egotistical muscular guy throwing his weight around. If you like how you look, good, just don't let your ego get big too!

    But, like I said, this is just my opinion. I think guys look good when they are toned and muscular, but tastefully done.
  • eomuno215in541
    eomuno215in541 Posts: 201 Member
    When is there too much? Not when you're with me. Muscle, not too much muscle!
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    Lol @ "cloud". I've never heard that term...but yeah, yucky. I bet you can't even wipe when you're that big.
  • Dad_of_3
    Dad_of_3 Posts: 517 Member
    Lol @ "cloud". I've never heard that term...but yeah, yucky. I bet you can't even wipe when you're that big.

  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    When you cant have fun + your interests dont mesh because you're too concerned with being big.

    I love the topic name...
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    When it doesn't fit in my macros. I must be ovulating, don't mind me. :wink: