Worst Pizza Toppings



  • aethre
    aethre Posts: 150 Member

    I've seen it all

    Dude, pizza fiorentina is my favourite!

    Having said that, the only pizza topping I can think of that I really don't like is artichokes (ick). I love olives. I love anchovies. I even, every so often... maybe once every two years... really really want a ham and pineapple pizza.

    Oh and squid. Squid on pizza. Just no.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I had someone try to feed me a low card flat bread with peanut butter and crushed pecans and called it pizza. It was the driest, nastiest "pizza" I've ever had.

    yeah...eww...I'd call that a sufficient breakfast with a big mug of tasty coffee, but not pizza ;-)

    So much pineapple-pizza hatred in this thread!!! I'm now wondering if my coworkers think my pizza order is disgusting when they insist on Dominos...I always get a thin crust pineapple & (white) onion...haha
  • BarbieFromHellx
    BarbieFromHellx Posts: 758 Member
    Onions or any kind of fish eww eww eww EWWW
  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Worst: pepperoni (makes it extra greasy)

    Best: pineapple and jalapeno (I just discovered this last week)...give pineapple a second chance (with jalapenos)
  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    I"m just gonna leave this here:


    I actually love pineapple and ham on pizza.:blushing:
    I know, I know....I should be shot

    I like you...


    Pineapple, ham, and onion on pizza... delicious!!
  • express1975
    express1975 Posts: 16 Member


    this is just a crime against nature LOL

    I was in Portland OR back in '96 and went to a brew pub. I had pizza and beer and when I got the pizza there was no sauce at all. First I thought that I was drunk and seeing things, then I thought that maybe the cook was drunk and forgot the sauce and then I thought maybe they don't put sauce. I had to ask and I was informed that they put sauce by request. Never heard of that before or since but it was still good stuff
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    brocolli, asparagus, pineapple.. basically anything that makes the crust mushy
  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    Well I was going to say jello - but instead I'll go with any kind of meat except for chicken. Pepperoni makes me gag. I love lots of veggies, and yes I will admit it, I kind of like pineapple especially combined with olives. Can only eat home made now so I can put whatever I like on lt.
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    I think I have a much longer list of pizza toppings I do not like than those I do.

    I will gladly eat peppers, onions, spinach, eggplant, and clams (yes, clams)...I will tolerate broccoli, chicken, sundered tomatoes, and ricotta. I don't eat pork or beef, so that rules out sausage, pepperoni, any sort of ham or bacon, and meatball. I don't like olives or mushrooms anywhere. Anchovies are too salty...I don't mind them melted into a sauce or salad, but keep them off my pizza. Eggs and corn fall into the category of perfectly good foods that don't belong anywhere near a pizza. Most other vegetables (aside from those mentioned above) also fall into this category. And pineapple pizza is just wrong. Although my negative associations to this topping, may come from the one and only time I tried pineapple on pizza and left the restaurant to find a parking ticket on my car.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member

  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Pizza topping choices are seemingly limitless, but some are not a good idea.

    Many will disagree, but I HATE pineapple on pizza. It just does not do anything for me.

    Well, what are your least favorite toppings?

    I don't really have a least favourite topping, for i'm not a food diva or a picky eater. For me, food is food and following MFP, I've become a Macros-junkie. Having said that, the worst ever pizza I can recall eating was at my friend's house, back when i was 16. Her mother had just returned from the US and had wanted to make dinner for all her daughter's friends. The gesture; I appreciated. BUT the pairing of her toppings on top of her pizza dough, was slated to fail from the get go.

    If you can all imagine a pizza, with an extremely sweet Hawaiian roll taste, ONLY as the pizza dough, topped with ketchup as a pizza sauce ~ I'm not too sure whether she'd added any herbs or whether the ketchup flavour drowned it. This was followed by a thick layer of sharp cheddar cheese and then the clumps of corned beef <~ This was baked off. Once she'd removed it from the oven, she'd topped the pizza with raw tomatoes. Now the cold vs hot juxtaposition, chilled some of the corned beef, so you could actually see the fat on the corned beef where the tomato slice hit.

    Other than this one experience, I've yet to encounter a pizza I'd detested. From raw vegan ~> Meat loaded; Bring it on!!


    ETA: typo