Pet Peeves



  • lizzybathory
    People with oddly specific grammatical pet peeves who think they're ~*special snowflakes*~ for policing everyday interactions drive me batty. Seriously. I get it; I do my best with the English language. I use "Johnny and me" and "Johnny and I" correctly, I don't use the word "irregardless", I know my their/they're/there differences. But flipping a lid because someone on a message board used the wrong spelling of a word is so tacky and pointless.

    The only time I point out someone else's grammatical mistakes is when they're being a **** about grammar, but making mistakes anyway.

    My pet peeve is with people who get annoyed with people with specific grammatical pet peeves who are annoyed with people who misuse grammar.

    So, there!

    Oh yeah? Mine is pedantism! *sticks tongue out*



    Part of me wants to point you to the dictionary definition of pedantism I looked up to verify before posting. However, unfortunately for me, people who copy and paste dictionary definitions, pronunciation, part of speech and all, are also high on my list of pet peeves... I have really painted myself into a corner here, haha.

    Another of my pet peeves is really long quote chains.

    Me too.

  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    People who "hashtag" everything.

    And while we're at it, # is the flipping number sign or the pound sign! I can just see the confusion on kids faces when they come across a sign that says "We're #1!"

    I'm old. It was always a pound or number sign when I was growing up. Why did they change it to "hashtag"? Irritating.

    hash is what the symbol is called outside America. It's used the way it is because old school chat software used it to group chats together. Twitter started using it similarly. As Twitter got popular this usage became more widely known than using it as the number or pound sign. #Time_Marches_On
  • ImBlackMamba
    ImBlackMamba Posts: 5 Member
    People who make everything a competition or, even worse about them.
    People who need help and refuse to seek it out of pride
    Selfish a**holes
  • Icandoityayme
    Icandoityayme Posts: 312 Member
    1. Slow people in Walmart that think because they have all day, so does everybody else
    2. People who cook but don't clean up as they go
    3. People who sit trash on top of the can rather than put it inside of the can
    4. People who slam doors and cabinet doors, especially when you are sleeping
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Those stupid Indian astrology spam posts " black magic love advice varashnikanwhatever" that crop up every few days no matter how often the moderators take that junk down. You'd think the poster would get the idea that such nonsense is not allowed here.

    ^^ this!!

    People who ask me how I'm losing weight and they aren't. I answer that I count calories and exercise they respond "Oh, I don't count calories".
    The loosing vs. losing thing.
  • gopgirl425
    gopgirl425 Posts: 140 Member
    Slow people in the fast lane...that just won't get the *kitten* over...

    YES!! There are three other lanes....use one of them to drive slow in. UGH!
  • WhatAnAss
    WhatAnAss Posts: 1,598 Member
    people that read out loud when typing or texting
    Parents that bring their kids to R rated movies cause they can't find a sitter
    noisy eaters
    people who sit in the seat right next to you when there are empty seats all over the place
    Someone standing over my shoulder reading the computer screen
    People who habitually need favors
    When you're eating candy and someone asks if they can have a red one...hell no you can't it's my favorite
  • brayman1701
    brayman1701 Posts: 76 Member
    People that turn up late to a movie. Its so annoying because they always seem to then have to get the seats in the middle of the aisle.
  • bezerkus
    bezerkus Posts: 79 Member
    When people use the word "literally" in the wrong way.

    "Come down to the Mattress Warehouse right now! Where our mattresses are literally flying out the door!" - Do these mattresses come with a propeller and wings?
    "I literally died from embarrassment." - How are you able to tell the story
    "I'm literally starving." - No you are just hungry
    "I am literally grasping at straws here." - I doubt it, I am just grasping one straw to finish my Diet Coke here

    I literally can't wrap my head around why people use it like this. I really can't wrap my head around many things.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    People who "hashtag" everything.

    ^ This drives me insane as well. It's even more annoying when people on Facebook use it to tag their pictures or even in their Facebook status.

    #irritating #stopit #goaway
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I have road rage:

    I really, really, REALLY hate it when I'm driving along with cruise control on (which I do almost religiously since I work over an hour from my home), and some jerk decides to pass me (I especially like the ones that pass me like they're driving the Indy 500) and then pull over in front of me and drive SLOWER than I was with cruise control on. We should be allowed to shoot those people.

    Or to add to this, people that cut me off to turn right in front of me when there is not a car behind me for miles.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    People with untrained out of control ankle biter dogs on retractable leashes who do nothing when the dog tries to bite me or my dogs when I'm running on the trail. And then yell at me for running past.

    Cars that don't yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk. Do they not teach that in drivers ed anymore?

    Kids that wear their pants below their hips showing their boxers or who knows what else.

    Drivers that don't give runners, people on bikes, or people on horses enough space on the road when they pass. Or worse honk at them.

    People at work who can't do anything without running it past a supervisor first, can we not think for ourselves anymore?
  • rsandem
    rsandem Posts: 16 Member
    I hope this hasn't been said already, but "could of" or "would of". It's "could have" or "would have"!

    I'm not sure how grammatically wrong it is, but I also hate hearing/seeing "anyways". "Anyway" seems to get the point across just fine.
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 729 Member
    People who decide that the best time for their smoke break is at the gas pump next to me. I'd say it goes beyond a pet peeve to a mortal fear. ;)
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    I hope this hasn't been said already, but "could of" or "would of". It's "could have" or "would have"!

    I hate this!

    Also, when people say things like, "7 am in the morning", and "Is the meat dethawed yet?"
  • mamaoftwins9197
    mamaoftwins9197 Posts: 142 Member
    My biggest pet peeve (although there are many), is the saying "if I can do it, anyone can". I HATE that! We all have different abilities/capabilities, we are not all able to do the same thing. I don't know why, but it drives me crazy.
  • free1220
    free1220 Posts: 416 Member
    I hate it when a coworker keeps yakkin at me when I'm clearly ignoring him!
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    One. Word. "Sentences".
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    I hate it when a coworker keeps yakkin at me when I'm clearly ignoring him!

    this :p
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    People with untrained out of control ankle biter dogs on retractable leashes who do nothing when the dog tries to bite me or my dogs when I'm running on the trail. And then yell at me for running past.

    Cars that don't yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk. Do they not teach that in drivers ed anymore?

    Kids that wear their pants below their hips showing their boxers or who knows what else.

    Drivers that don't give runners, people on bikes, or people on horses enough space on the road when they pass. Or worse honk at them.

    People at work who can't do anything without running it past a supervisor first, can we not think for ourselves anymore?
    My boss was warping on that last one the other day. :laugh: "I get 15 calls a day asking questions for things that should be common sense, by people that have worked here longer than myself!"