found my husband on an onlne dating site



  • bb_lose_weight
    bb_lose_weight Posts: 103 Member
    I caught my ex wife on a dating site and she convinced me that she was just "chatting" with the guys. We worked on our marriage and then low an behold she did it again and I found out that she wasn't really just "chatting". We have been divorced for 5 years now but should have been divorced for 8. If he took the step to go online and find dates he will do it again and believe me you may think you are checking all his "access" methods but it is very easy. My ex bought a "go phone" took the sim card our threw the phone away and would then simply swap the sim in her phone. I figured this out when I called her once being silly when I was sitting next to her and her phone didn't get the call.........cause she had the "other" sim card in the phone.

    I hope it works for you I really do but if you are doing the "super" check up on him all the time you will never learn to trust again.

    makes note ..

    Would you like to know more of her secrets... LOL

    Not for me to use dear.. for ways to catch then next fooker who plays dat way

    I can help out there too...but honestly if you don't trust someone enough to where you have to use things like keyloggers, cell phone spys, GPS trackers or other things then you should just dump them. Even if they aren't doing anything wrong the fact that you suspect they are doing something is enough. Just my 2 cents after going through it all myself.
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    I met my ex(as of last week)-boyfriend of 5 months on a dating site. We agreed to only see each other, be exclusive, what have you. It was a really pleasant 5 months. Last week I discovered his other girlfriend of 18 months, who lives about an hour away. He is now out 2 girlfriends. I don't know, maybe he has a few spares we haven't found out about.' He definitely presented himself as completely single and available for a long-term relationship.

    I found that this unexpected event has been very beneficial to my weight loss efforts. Stress-puking everything I ate for a number of days (less cool), exercising a bunch to keep myself distracted (more cool). This is wildly surprising to me, since I'm usually an emotional eater. Weirdly motivating.

    Anyway, the lying was intense,and he was good at it. It took a very long, step-by-step conversation, to get him to admit to everything. There were maybe signs, but I certainly didn't pick up on them. After 5 months, the right thing was simply to walk away. There would be no way for me to ever trust him. After years of marriage, I don't know. But, you probably already know what you should do even if you don't realize it. You're probably feeling a crap ton of weird emotions - love, fury, hurt, confusion. I suggest counseling for you both, together and separately, to work through the emotions and decide on the appropriate course of action.

    (Also, SO MUCH THIS: You're not putting it off because you don't want to hurt her. If you were really worried about not hurting her, you would take care of business before engaging other women. You're putting it off because you are avoiding the inevitable confrontation. Man up. -Paige682)
  • JoyeII
    JoyeII Posts: 240 Member
    Perhaps you should read the other 613 commandments in your Bible (Old Testament) and then the 2 additional laws in the New Testament.

    Once again, I was just saying the 10 Commandments say adultry is bad, where in any of my posts have I said it was my bible or that I believe in it? Once AGAIN don't put words in my mouth. I know there is stuff about slavery in the bible. Look at the time period it was written, they had slaves then so that was the way of life.

    Maybe actually read the person's post before you comment.

    First, since you're naming commandments it's pretty logical to assume that it's "your Bible."

    Second, where exactly did I put words into your mouth?

    Third, and most importantly -- Sorry but, "it was OK at the time," doesn't give slavery a pass. It's wrong to own another person as property, period, no matter what point in history it's occurring.

    One might think that an all-knowing, all-loving god would know that and might include it in his "top ten." Rape and child molestation didn't make the "top ten" either. So, you'll excuse some of us if we don't really give a **** about the "top ten."
  • jstewa40
    jstewa40 Posts: 27
    Trust me when I say this, the cheating had NOTHING to do with your weight... As someone once said, "Find me a beautiful woman, and I will show you a man who will cheat on her". His cheating is HIS issue, not yours. But congrats on your weightloss so far! That is awesome! Just make sure you are doing it for YOU and not him... P.S. You can lose a whole lot of weight real fast by losing him... If you want to give him another chance, then that is your business though... And I would definitely be secretly checking everything too. But just the fact that you have to do that, speaks volumes... I hate that you are doing this to yourself... You deserve so much better... You seem to feel that it is partly your fault and oh no it is NOT... His cheating was HIS doing, not yours. Having issues in a relationship does not give someone a free cheating pass. If you aren't happy in a relationship you don't cheat, you leave it. Anyhow, as I said, that is your business so do as you wish... I just couldn't help but respond to it is all. Add me as a friend if you like. I promise I won't bring up the cheating ever again now that I said what I needed to say. Again, congrats on the weightloss. You seem to be doing FANTASTIC! :)
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Get caught cheating, convince your wife it's her fault and she needs to lose weight.

    Some guys have all the moves.


    DAMON!! :D

    seriously though I don't think I could stay with him after that.

    All we have is one side. There is always two sides to every story.

    There are 3 sides-- his, hers and the truth and all vary ever so slightly, or sometimes, a lot.

  • jennifurballs
    jennifurballs Posts: 247 Member

    Ooh with this we might go from 14 pages to rolling the thread entirely!!

    And bro, you're not using Tinder to boost your confidence enough to ask for a divorce. You're using Tinder to get laid. Here's how you ask for a divorce, "I want a divorce."

    We're not your wife, save the lies for her.

    Love! Love! Love!
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