The "NEVER been thin/ in-shape" Club



  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    This is definitely me! I've never been a healthy weight my entire life. I was an overweight kid, overweight teen, and a really overweight adult until now.

    Starting weight: 215 lbs in Summer 2009
    Starting weight on MFP: 200 lbs in February 2010
    Currently weight: 151.3 lbs
    Goal: 135-140 lbs

    I'm starting with being a healthy BMI as my goal. I'll see how I look when I get to that weight and see how much further (if anything) that I want to take it. Right now I'm already just about a size 6 in pants and a small/medium in tops and I'm 151 lbs. So if I can get to a solid size 4 or 6 and flatten out my stomach, I'm not gonna push my weight too low. I want to be able to maintain it. Only 11 lbs to go! I'm the smallest adult weight I've ever been by at least 20 lbs at this point. No one has ever seen me this thin, I love it!
  • sweetie89207
    Welcome new "er" comers haha

    @ leandread- im glad u find this group as just what youve been looking for...thats why i made it...for all of us who just dont fit everywhere else...i feel the same way...i just wanna c the 100's that would b beautiful...even though my goal is 200...thats just me giving myself a goal i can reach sooner....we'll c when we get there right...cant remember 100's since middle school haha...Welcome!

    @ Delicate- yup...being a thin 7 yr old again would b nice lol...great job losing most of ur sure youll get to the end soon...congratz on that ...and yea if 130 doesnt look totally sexy- u go until u get there!...Welcome!

    @ Ward- nice to c my group adding a few more gentlemen...for balance lol...nice to have u and i look forward to reaching goals and sharing them with u also!...Welcome!

    @ doublehelix- hoping that after this journey we can become the "in-shape/ thin/ sexy girl" instead haha...and hey if 120 sounds better GO 4 IT! hahaha i have my ocd moments too :-) ...Welcome!

    @ Trayn- nice to have u here...ur loss will b greatly encouraging to the rest of us! so congrats on that sure it feels amazing to c this thin person for the first time...we are all here to encourage eachother to the end...getting those last 10 or persistent belly fat off!...Welcome!

    welcome friends! we can do this together!

    Happy Weight Losing!!!!!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Hi all I am sooo in. I have always been the big kid in the group. I am a 31 year old female truck driver from central Alabama. I would love to be in a group with people that know what it was like growing up being the big kid. I did play some softball when I was in junior high and loved it. I still love going to the batting cages with my hubby

    Right now I am so tired of being fat and am desperate to be thin

    I think my current and heaviest weight is 175
    My goal weight that I think might work for me is around 140 but I will judge it better when I get closer to it
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    sweetie89207... You rock! I love you AND your wicked awesome post. You made the rest of my year! :drinker:

    I would love to join your club!

    * You can see my various "start weights" in my signature. My highest was 245 when I was in early high school. At some unknown point in mid high school it dropped to 225 (and I worked for it), and I've stayed at 195 for a very long time.
    * I started at MFP in February, and my current weight is 184.
    * My supposed GW is 135. I think that would be not to low for me and my general body size, and not too high.

    I'm really hoping... (EDIT) I WILL MAKE SURE that 2010 will the the last year I spend not knowing what being thin is like.

    When I finally hit 179.5, it will be my lowest weight EVER!!! (Well, not **EVER** but you know what I mean.)

    goalseeker1988... thanks for your post.

    tarapin... I ditto most of what you said.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Oops, sorry, double post, I was so excited!
  • WhitneyW78
    WhitneyW78 Posts: 186 Member
    Am I disqualified if I was a normal weight baby? :P But, then I hit 2 weeks old and it's been all downhill since then!

    Highest weight: 530 pounds...
    Starting weight on MFP: 380 pounds...
    Current weight: 340 pounds...
    Goal: Right now it's just to be below 200... I'll change when I finally get there!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    WhitneyW78... Congrats on your progress so far! It seems a lot of people have already made some large strides.
  • sweetie89207
    Thanks for all the support new friends!!! great to have you all here joining this life-changing group...we will get there- and we'll do it together!!!!

    @ WhitneyW- haha that was funny- i think i was a normal weight baby too lol! loosing 189 are truly inspirational! and i am so glad to have you in this group...wont we both be so happy to be past the 200 mark!!! (btw saw your pics- you look amazingly beautiful- congrats on the progress!)... Welcome!

    @ Steph- Thanks! im glad i could make your next--- 13 days hehe lol :-) ...glad to have u here with us and i know what its like to have sooo many start weights haha...i just picked one lol...i love your enthusiasm- it will be gladly appreciated here in this club!!! i totally agree- i want this to be the last year i ever call/consider myself fat...EVER!!!! hahaha...thanks new friend...Welcome!

    @ Smadag- truck driving huh? that must b super interesting...but hard to eat healthy-i think on here u will be able to get sum great advice from people as to what u can do to keep the lbs glad u will be starting your journey here with us! and yes- thats what this group is all about- going toward our goals without knowing if thats them- and learning to fall in love with our newselves! thats what im looking forward to!...Welcome!

    thanks everyone...hope u are all doing well on your water intake for this week!!!! gotta flush out that sodium--at least i do hahaha
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member

    @ Sweet princess- i know exactly what u mean because i remember those pictures where every year seemed twice as big as the year before, and even though my mom got on me- she is also over weight and has been since i was born (she blames me! haha) and my name is shannon too haha...welcome!

    It must be something with mom's that have kids named Shannon. My mom says she wasn't fat until she had me too. Ha ha!*LOL*

  • sweetie89207

    @ Sweet princess- i know exactly what u mean because i remember those pictures where every year seemed twice as big as the year before, and even though my mom got on me- she is also over weight and has been since i was born (she blames me! haha) and my name is shannon too haha...welcome!

    It must be something with mom's that have kids named Shannon. My mom says she wasn't fat until she had me too. Ha ha!*LOL*


    hahaha....TOTALLY!!!! lol even just today a few hours ago my mom was like, this is all your fault...she said it jokingly but still- wont take responsibility- im like "mom i dont make u eat all those fries" hahaha...but she was super thin before i was born...then down hill for 22 years lol...i keep trying to get her to get on here and lose weight with me...SHES SO STUBBORN!!! crazy lady...gotta luv them tho.
  • JustForMe27
    I definitely belong in this club!! The lowest weight I ever actually remember was 194 and that was in the 6th grade!!! I can't wait to see what I will look like thin! I chose my goal weight by the bmi chart which says I should be between 94.7 and 128 (i think).... So I have chosen 120 - 125 but really I would be happy to just see something below 200 lol
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    GOAL WEIGHT: 135
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    This is so the group for me. I'd love to join if you'll have me! I'm Nam from London, England, 30 years old!

    I was always a big kid. I shot up in height when I was really young to 5'6" and I've stayed there since I was about 10. I have always been the 'bigger' friend in the group despite the fact that I used to play a lot of sports when I was younger and did martial arts. Whilst my weight did always get me down I tried hard not to think too much about it and just got used to being the big one. When I finished school and went to college and then university I stopped any form of exercise and my weight went up and up and then eventually I had some sort of a realisation on 14 August 2010 when I started on here. I've never really done any real diets but have 'watched what I ate' for various events over the years (without much success). On my day of realisatioin I weighed 192 and got quite scared that the number would soon have a 2 at the beginning if I didn't do something. I was in the top end of the overweigh category at 192. When I signed up here and it asked for my goal weight I had no idea what it should be because I have never been a 'healthy' weight apart from on the way up!! I had a guess at 140 so I'm sticking with that for the time being and I guess I'll see what I look like when I get there!

    So over 4 months in and I have lost 36 lbs and now in the top end of the healthy category. I know I still have quite a way to go but I KNOW IT IS POSSIBLE! People have started to tell me I am disappearing and that I look too skinny but I can see my lumps and bumps!

    I still have a long way to go in my journey and know that the maintenance is probably going to be the hardest but with some dedication and faith in yourself reaching your goals are possible. It is funny the changes in friends' reactions to weight loss when you are not necessarily the 'biggest' in the group anymore!

    I am finding it hard to accept that I am not as big as I was because I have been overweight for 30 years! I still don't know what I will look like at goal weight because I don't remember ever weighing that before!

    If I can help motivate you guys then I'll definitely try. Shall we set up some challenges and maybe report back. I am trying to exercise at least 4 times this week because the excesses of the festive season will play havoc otherwise!!
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    Not soon, slow and steady ! lol about 1 and half stone being shifted each year, im in it for the long haul!

    I'm 3lb off being in 25bmi, all excitable but with xmas will be somewhat hard to stay completely on track.

    Dont want the body of a 7 year old, i want a body of a woman who knows how to use it ;D (Zumbas helping!)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    thanks everyone...hope u are all doing well on your water intake for this week!!!! gotta flush out that sodium--at least i do hahaha
    That would almost work as a weekly challenge/goal/idea for everyone who's joining, if you are still thinking about doing little weekly things. Or is that what this is? :laugh: My water has been slipping (and not down my throat) this week. I'm going to fill my water bottles right now!
    she was super thin before i was born...then down hill for 22 years lol...i keep trying to get her to get on here and lose weight with me...SHES SO STUBBORN!!! crazy lady...gotta luv them tho.
    Same. I hope my weight loss will be inspiring for my mom, so much that she will decide to finally get healthy with me to.

    nam14uk... Your results are inspiring!! You've really made a commitment. Keep that healthy attitude!
    i want a body of a woman who knows how to use it ;D (Zumbas helping!)
    Delicate... That's AWESOME! I might write that out and post it on my "wall of inspiration". And ZUMBA is sooo fun! I want to do it everyday! I should buy the DVD, but I've heard mixed reviews. I love this one class I've found, but I rely on my friend to drive me, and she only goes 1x/week, sometimes only every other week. I think I might still buy some classes in bulk though. Do you take a class? I find it so much more exciting with a group of people. :happy:
  • undercover
    undercover Posts: 138 Member
    Count me in! I have never been thin or in shape. I played soccer when I was young (age 9-15) but even then I was always the biggest one. If it hadn't been for my stubborn mind I'd probly been off the team, since my shape and form wasn't that good.
    I've been at around 85 kilos/187 lbs for the last years. No matter what I ate, I kept at the same weight. The inches have definately not stayed the same though.

    I started on MFP late August, but had a break in September (trip to the US). I've been logging for about 85 days now and I've lost 8 kilo/17 pound. The only goal weight I've put down is 165, that I would like to reach before 2011. My real goal weight is to be in the healthy range of BMI, but honestly, I am not sure I'll ever be able to reach that. For me it seems like a tall order to reach 62 kilos/137 lbs... that is what I need to reach 24.9 in BMI (I am 158 cm/5 ft 2). But who knows... I see all the success stories on MFP and I hope that one day, I'll be able to publish one of my own :)
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    hahaha....TOTALLY!!!! lol even just today a few hours ago my mom was like, this is all your fault...she said it jokingly but still- wont take responsibility- im like "mom i dont make u eat all those fries" hahaha...but she was super thin before i was born...then down hill for 22 years lol...i keep trying to get her to get on here and lose weight with me...SHES SO STUBBORN!!! crazy lady...gotta luv them tho.

    I say the same things. She said she pretty much lived off those square Brach vanilla carmels when she was pregnant... those were all she craved. One of her favorite stories is that her doctor told her to eat more fish. She'd go to McDonald's, order a fish sandwhich, eat a few bites, pull out the fish and eat a tartar sauce sandwhich.*LOL* No wonder I have eating issues....:-P

  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    I'd like to join too! I've always been heavy... my whole families heavy too! Always had people make comments about my weight through pretty much my whole life.

    Heaviest :261 (a few yrs ago)
    Starting weight: (august 2nd) 255
    Current: 227(ish - bad food week)

    This is awesome!!
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    Oh my goodness this is so me. I was always "the fat friend". I too stood looking in the mirror picturing what I'd look like at various weights.
    My highest weight = 186
    My current weight = 140.5
    My goal (as of right now) = 120
    *I say "as of right now" because my doctor says with my build and my height I should be around 98 - 120. So I'm gunning for the 120 but I don't think I'll ever be the 98.. it seems TOO low.
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    I'd like to join too! I've always been heavy... my whole families heavy too! Always had people make comments about my weight through pretty much my whole life.

    Heaviest :261 (a few yrs ago)
    Starting weight: (august 2nd) 255
    Current: 227(ish - bad food week)

    This is awesome!!

    I'm thinking my goal is about 170. we'll see how I get when I'm around there... :)