Eat Stop Eat 20-24 Hour Fast



  • cem789
    cem789 Posts: 231 Member
    If i try i think i will do a whole day of fasting, have my dinner say tonight at 6pm, then not eat anything tomorrow and my next meal would be breakfast the day after tomorrow?

    I would be sleeping the last 8 hours so how bad can it be?


    The rule I have been following is stop eating at 6PM and don't eat again until 6PM the next day. I will be interested to hear how it goes if you wait an additional 12 hours.

    i will let you know, dont think i will be doing it until after christmas now, i have a few nights out so i dont think fasting with alcohol is a good mix! id imagin my body will be thankful for a fast after xmas day... think i will do it one day next week!
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    I am going to track this for a bit and see how everyone is doing. Don't know if it is for me at this point. But it is interesting. Like the idea of de-toxing after a splurge period like Christmas!
  • ontheheap
    ontheheap Posts: 12 Member
    Like many people I've always heard that fasting is bad for your metabolism and is counter-productive to losing weight. However, the discussions on MFP about Eat-Stop-Eat pushed me to take another look. I found that the information in the Eat-Stop-Eat book made sense intuitively, and his ideas appear to be backed up by research. I decided to give it a shot. I'm currently 17 hours and 40 minutes into my first fast. I had my last meal last night at 6 pm. I felt hungry before going to sleep, but when I woke up this morning at around 6:30 I felt fantastic. I've been drinking about 1 or 2 cups of water ever hour or so and so far I've felt great all morning. I can feel the hunger starting to sneak up on me, but I expected this since a lot of people seem to say the last 4-6 hours are the most difficult. We'll see how it goes!

    I actually started dieting and exercising on November 12th (lost 20lbs so far =)). Actually, on November 12th I joined the YMCA and started working out without really changing my diet at all. Just working out I lost about 10 lbs in the first 2-3 weeks (which I'm sure was mainly water weight). About a month ago (1 month into working out) I started to pay better attention to my diet, and for the past two weeks or so I've been using MFP to count calories. I've lost 20lbs total so far, and feeling pretty good. I think that the gradual change in increasing exercise and eating better has made today's fast incredibly easier than it could have been!

    One thing I'm wondering about the program is how it will affect my workouts. I do resistance training and cardio 6 days/week. My workouts usually consist of 45-60 minutes of cardio, and 30 minutes of resistance (usually machine weights at the gym). I know that resistance training is important when fasting, and I just plan to stick with what I'm already doing. My cardio has improved so much in the past month and a half that I decided to start the Couch to 5k program. This is week 1 for me, and today should be day 2. I'm going to attempt to workout today as if I wasn't approaching the end of a 24-hour fast. I'm curious to see how it goes!
  • you have all inspired me to give this a go, have been thinking about it for a while...a bit aprehensive about wether i will be able to do it but i need to try something new as my eating has been out of control lately...need a boost i think and the research on this is all positive so why not.

    I am fasting from 6.30pm today untill same time tomorrow :smile:
  • ontheheap
    ontheheap Posts: 12 Member
    I only have 30 minutes left in my fast! I'm actually not feeling terribly hungry, but I am definitely ready to eat. My workout went well, did 15 minutes on the cross-trainer, 30 on the treadmill (day two of couch 2 5k down =)) and lower-body resistance. I think this is definitely doable once or twice a week.
  • vandy29
    vandy29 Posts: 39 Member
    When you fast do you still workout?
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    When you fast do you still workout?

    Yes I did. The first time I did a lighter workout.
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    I only have 30 minutes left in my fast! I'm actually not feeling terribly hungry, but I am definitely ready to eat. My workout went well, did 15 minutes on the cross-trainer, 30 on the treadmill (day two of couch 2 5k down =)) and lower-body resistance. I think this is definitely doable once or twice a week.

    Great job! I have found this to be another option in the quest for weight loss. No ill effects for me yet.
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    you have all inspired me to give this a go, have been thinking about it for a while...a bit aprehensive about wether i will be able to do it but i need to try something new as my eating has been out of control lately...need a boost i think and the research on this is all positive so why not.

    I am fasting from 6.30pm today untill same time tomorrow :smile:

    How did you do?
  • My fast went well, I stuck with milk, water, and coffee with 1 creamer and no sugar. :D I'm thinking about doing this again a little bit after Christmas.
  • hey, it went well, it just shows you how much of hunger is really physcological and or other things like thirst!.the next day it made me concious of eating more for hunger instead of bordom etc.I am going to do my second one tomorrow...ive eaten way to much over christmas..hopefully this will help me get back on track!
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    I'm thinking it is time to do another "FAST". It might have to wait until after the new year at this point. Anyone in?
  • evelazquez78
    evelazquez78 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in! I was going to go from 1pm today until 1pm tomorrow, also. I should be due for another on Tuesday-Wednesday. It's still going well for me, although I did indulge during the holidays a bit. It felt good to fast after all of that food, lol! I am still seeing results on the scale, another 1.5 lbs last week, for a total of 4 lbs. in two weeks (4 fasts total)! I think this is just what my body needed for a kick start to lose the last "few".
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