Anyone starting Turbo Fire in January?



  • RMX82
    RMX82 Posts: 172
    I'm considering starting up tomorrow. Either TF or P90X. Haven't chosen. Guess I better choose soon!
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Day 1 ~ Fire 30. Great workout! Wasn't feeling the best, so certainly did not give it my full out, I'll be back tomorrow though :D
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Day 4-Week 1 TF 55 EZ. I am getting the moves down and it is really upbeat. I hope we can keep this thread going and support one another. I still wonder how many men are doing this program.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I have officially started the Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid program. I started w/the transition week, so, today I completed Fire 45 and Stretch 10. Since I decided to jump right into it I bypassed the "new to class" option which was pretty interesting. It took a minute for me to get the moves but I was eventually able to catch a stride. On moves that took a little longer I improvised so that I could stay moving. I'm sure it will get better as I become familiar with the moves but I was happy with the end result. I burned 444 calories in 45 minutes and then another 71 by completing the stretching. I added 5 minutes onto the stretch so i could have a solid hour of working out.

    I believe tomorrow will be my first HIIT workout.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Is anybody actually going to do all the stretch workouts?? I'm afraid that 40 minutes of slow stretching at 5 am is going to lead to me being sound asleep on the floor:yawn:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Is anybody actually going to do all the stretch workouts?? I'm afraid that 40 minutes of slow stretching at 5 am is going to lead to me being sound asleep on the floor:yawn:

    My plan is to complete the workouts as designed but since I've not previewed all of the dvds I really don't know how much improvising I'll be doing. I know I couldn't do the 90 minutes of Yoga for the P90X program but I could actually do the 60 minutes of stretching once a week. I bore easily so it's going to be a day by day process for me.
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    Well today I did TF 55 EZ Class for the first time and whoa.....................I thought I was prepared for it after watching the new to class but Im not coordinated enough to do it. It is going to take a little time getting used to all the feet work and fast paced movements, but with that being said it was sooooooo much fun. I am actually looking forward to tomorrows workout.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Is anybody actually going to do all the stretch workouts?? I'm afraid that 40 minutes of slow stretching at 5 am is going to lead to me being sound asleep on the floor:yawn:

    My plan is to complete the workouts as designed but since I've not previewed all of the dvds I really don't know how much improvising I'll be doing. I know I couldn't do the 90 minutes of Yoga for the P90X program but I could actually do the 60 minutes of stretching once a week. I bore easily so it's going to be a day by day process for me.

    That's my problem! I have a really short attention span, guess that is part of why I love Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire :D

    I did Fire 30 today and HIIT 15, they were intense! I tried to do the stretch 10, made it about 2 minutes.......Maybe tomorrow I will be sore enough to try it again?? I've never been a yoga fan, I need to get up and move or forget it!!

    Keep pushing play! Day 2 complete!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I did it....I did it....I did it....after just completing today's workout I have done some type of exercise EVERYDAY for an ENTIRE YEAR! It was a goal I wanted to accomplish and because of all the support I received here on MFP I was able to do it....WOO..HOO!!!!!!

    Today I completed my first HIIT workout from the Turbo Fire program and am I glad it was only 15 minutes. I absolutely loved the music and the routine but it kicked my booty. I am so glad that I will only being doing HIIT 15 for the first month of this hybrid program because I don't think I could hang with HIIT 20, 25 or 30......just the thought of it is making my body hurt....LOL. I know by the time I'm done with the first month I'll be able to rock out the rest of the HIITs but glad I don't have to worry about that right now.
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    Yesterday was TF 55EZ/Stretch 10 but I will admit that I only did about 2 minutes of the stretch 10 and let me tell you what a mistake that was. By the end of the night I was soooooo sore and when I woke up this morning I wasn't sure if I would be able to workout, but I pushed through it and when it came time to do the stretch 10 again I did everything she asked plus a little more. I will not make that mistake again thinking I dont really need to stretch like that. Chalean obviously knows more about physical fitness than I do so I will take her advice and do what she says.

    question for those that workout with a HRM, what is your average calorie burn when doing turbo fire?
  • Monisfit4life
    Monisfit4life Posts: 228 Member
    Yesterday was TF 55EZ/Stretch 10 but I will admit that I only did about 2 minutes of the stretch 10 and let me tell you what a mistake that was. By the end of the night I was soooooo sore and when I woke up this morning I wasn't sure if I would be able to workout, but I pushed through it and when it came time to do the stretch 10 again I did everything she asked plus a little more. I will not make that mistake again thinking I dont really need to stretch like that. Chalean obviously knows more about physical fitness than I do so I will take her advice and do what she says.

    question for those that workout with a HRM, what is your average calorie burn when doing turbo fire?

    My average calorie burn is like 10 calories a minute. So Fire 45 I burn 500 or more calories. Fire 30 is about 350-400 calories, etc.
  • Monisfit4life
    Monisfit4life Posts: 228 Member
    Is anybody actually going to do all the stretch workouts?? I'm afraid that 40 minutes of slow stretching at 5 am is going to lead to me being sound asleep on the floor:yawn:

    LOL I have done every workout except the Stretch 40
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member

    question for those that workout with a HRM, what is your average calorie burn when doing turbo fire?

    I've only completed two workouts thus far but it appears that I'm averaging about 10 calories a minute. I think I burned 445 minutes from Fire 45 yesterday and today I burned 173 calories with HIIT 15 (which is actually about 17 minutes w/cool down)

    I've done the stretch 10 dvd both times and am learning to appreciate the down time. It seems soooooo slow after completing something so intense but I'm sure it will help my body recover nicely. Thank for sharing your experience of not having completing it.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Well today I did TF 55 EZ Class for the first time and whoa.....................I thought I was prepared for it after watching the new to class but Im not coordinated enough to do it.

    Is the "new to class" option for you to just watch and get the movements and then complete the workout or is it designed for you to actually complete the workout but just at a slower pace?
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    Its the complete work out but before she starts the next set of movements she breaks it down the movements so you can learn it but I just watch it the night before so I can get an idea of what I will be doing because it takes a little longer to finish if you have to stop to get shown how to do it. I have 2 kids at home so I do my workouts in the morning but I dont really have the time to watch it get broken down when my kids are awake.
    Well today I did TF 55 EZ Class for the first time and whoa.....................I thought I was prepared for it after watching the new to class but Im not coordinated enough to do it.

    Is the "new to class" option for you to just watch and get the movements and then complete the workout or is it designed for you to actually complete the workout but just at a slower pace?
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi All - I started my INSURBO 30 day hybrid today and let me tell you doing 20 weeks of Turbo Fire definitely prepared me to get through the Insanity Fit Test without much problem. I'm glad to see you all are pushing through the workouts...the first couple of times you do them are tough but I promise they will get easier!

    Keep at it!
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    I missed Stretch 40 today :( Tomorrow is my scheduled TF "rest day" so I'm just gonna do it tomorrow morning and then after work do Mondays running intervals (which I didnt do) and tomorrows also. Yesterday I did my Fire 30 + Stretch 10 but had a hair apt after work and didnt get home til 10ish and was EXHAUSTED and had no energy for the gym. Today I woke up late and had to work then had sorority meetings all night, so tomorrow will be Stretch 10 & running :)

    So far I love TF though! Monday I burned about 550ish cals with Fire 30 and Stretch 10!!! Love it ;)
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    EZ 55 and Stretch 10 today ~ loved the EZ 55, it was so much like good old TJ :love: But there sure wasn't anything EZ about it!! The second fire drill had me pretty much flailing!

    Keep pushing play ~ congrats to everyone that is still here:drinker:
  • mrshoffman07
    i will be starting today and running at least 4 times a week for 30 minutes. This should do the trick.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I completed Week 1 this morning. It was a good week and a great way to start the New Year. I am excited about the next 11 weeks as I prepare for my trip to Maui in April.

    Tomorrow I will do TF 45. This is probably my least favorite. I feel like I have most of the moves down for the other workouts, but this one is a little more difficult for me. I plan on going to bed early tonight so I can get a good nights sleep before attacking this workout with everything I have.