Anyone starting Turbo Fire in January?



  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Completed Week 7 this morning. Week 8 is recovery week and I have 45 EZ the next two mornings. The last time I did this one was Wk 3 so I guess I have something to look forward to.
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed Fire 30 and 13 minutes of jump rope, burned 421 calories in all:smile:
  • Completed Fire 30 and 13 minutes of jump rope, burned 421 calories in all:smile:

    Good job, Cookie! How are you liking your HRM?
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    I really love it, my weight loss was at a stall as i never ate my exercise calories, now i know it is important to eat them or at least half of them and my weight is going back down , hope u guys have a great night :flowerforyou:
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I started Week 8- Recovery Week of Turbo Fire this morning with 45 EZ. I actually thought it would be EZ, but that was not the case. :smile: In fact, I haven't done this workout in about a month, so being unfamiliar with it, I kind of struggled. I have it again tomorrow, so I feel better about it.

    I am mentally trying to gear up to do the 3 day shakeology cleanse this weekend. I now have 6 weeks before I go to Maui and I want to finish this TF strong.

    Keep up the good work and have a Great Thursday!
  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    Got TurboFire for Christmas and have been doing it every day since... First week was hard, but now I find the set TF plan is not enough of a burn (especially days with only a HIIT/stretch planned).

    I skip "recovery" weeks (and rest days for that matter), and Cardio weeks' planned workouts turned into running 3 days/weight training 2 days/HIIT at least 3 times a week. After that, round 2 HIIT schedule seemed WAY too light, so now I'm doing HIIT days plus a Fire workout every day and lifting in between... Need to find some space to rotate running days back in (Oi, how do you find time to keep your running schedule in tact while you do TF?!?). Not a fan of the Sculpt/Tone workouts, so I do P90x instead. .. and HOLY core 20 kicks my butt every time.
  • Monisfit4life
    Monisfit4life Posts: 228 Member
    Go buy the new Greatest HIITs dvd...only $19.95 for a 20 minute program. Chalene combined the last segment from each of the 4 HIIT workouts to create an all out program that lasts 20 minutes. You do each HIIT segment twice and she includes a short warm up and cool down. I did it yesterday after Fire 30 and OMG it was so much fun!!!


    Yup Sharon I am going to buy that next!!! Right now I am doing the Chalean Extreme/Turbofire Hybrid.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Got TurboFire for Christmas and have been doing it every day since... First week was hard, but now I find the set TF plan is not enough of a burn (especially days with only a HIIT/stretch planned).

    I skip "recovery" weeks (and rest days for that matter), and Cardio weeks' planned workouts turned into running 3 days/weight training 2 days/HIIT at least 3 times a week. After that, round 2 HIIT schedule seemed WAY too light, so now I'm doing HIIT days plus a Fire workout every day and lifting in between... Need to find some space to rotate running days back in (Oi, how do you find time to keep your running schedule in tact while you do TF?!?). Not a fan of the Sculpt/Tone workouts, so I do P90x instead. .. and HOLY core 20 kicks my butt every time.

    Having completed 1 round of TF and then a hybrid of Insanity/TF I too have found that the first month of TF schedule is way too light. I'm working on doing 60 minutes of workouts a day so if that's a short Fire and then a HIIT that's what I do. I then do a CLX lifting workout plus an Ab or Core workout and then Stretch 10 to round out the time. I'm trying to make my TF/CLX hybrid 3 60 minute cardio days and 3 60 minute strength training days. This is the end of week 1 of this plan and I'm hoping to see some good muscle definition after the first month.

  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed fire 55 today, burned 541 calories, i might go for a jog later, i hope everyone is having a great day:flowerforyou:
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Fire 60 today, I LOVE that one, especially now that I've "beat" the shin splints, I can jump like a maniac, it's so much fun:drinker: :love: :love: :love: :bigsmile:
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Great job cookie. It's supposed to be 80 here today and we only have school for half a day, so I believe I am going to find a golf course this afternoon. Be light, you have me excited about TF 60.

    I completed 45 EZ this morning. Wow, it is a good one. There is definitely nothing EZ about it. I was able to do much better this morning than yesterday. Saturday is a rest day (actually I'll be working in the yard) and I am trying to decide if I need this Recovery Week or continue on. I have the chance to get in 3 HIIT weeks and 3 more cardio weeks before I go to Maui so that is the direction I'm leaning to.

    Everyone have a great weekend.:bigsmile:
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I did Fire 60 with my weighted gloves this morning. Bodybugg said I burned 608 calories! What a workout!

  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Excellent Job , be light, coach and sharon, today was fire 45 today burned 461 calories , whoo hoo , tomorrow is 20 core and stretch 40:smile:
  • mobosco
    mobosco Posts: 180 Member
    Great job cookie. It's supposed to be 80 here today and we only have school for half a day, so I believe I am going to find a golf course this afternoon. Be light, you have me excited about TF 60.

    I completed 45 EZ this morning. Wow, it is a good one. There is definitely nothing EZ about it. I was able to do much better this morning than yesterday. Saturday is a rest day (actually I'll be working in the yard) and I am trying to decide if I need this Recovery Week or continue on. I have the chance to get in 3 HIIT weeks and 3 more cardio weeks before I go to Maui so that is the direction I'm leaning to.

    Everyone have a great weekend.:bigsmile:

    Coach Reyes,
    I am in the same situation, I am supposed to start a recovery week next week before I go into my final four weeks of the Advanced TF and I am debating on whether or not to just push through since I have my cruise at the beginning of April I don't really want to go "light" next week. However, they call it "recovery" for a reason....I guess I will just see how I feel on Monday and decide then.:smile:

  • mobosco
    mobosco Posts: 180 Member
    Today I really pushed it with HIIT20, Fire55ez and Abs felt great!!!

    Everyone, have a great day and keep pushing play!!

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hello ladies and coach, I'm sooooo sorry I've been MIA lately but please know I'm definitely here in spirit. I really miss my workout buddies and the daily posts. I have to admit that I think my lack of posting has derailed a little bit of my progress. I've still been exercising daily and for the most part eating pretty good but lately i've been getting derailed on the weekend. While I generally have more time to post on the weekends I'm so mentally drained from the work week that I don't want to look at a computer. As a result of not posting daily and the stress of trying to complete this project by it's deadline I've been eating ALOT more candy and junk on the weekends than normal. I've been trying to use my upcoming trips as motivation but it's not as helpful as usual.

    I hope all my workout buddies are still doing well. I apologize but I have not had an opportunity to read through posts. The second part of the project will begin late next week and i'm hopeful that the stress will subside (at least temporarily) and I will be able to be a little more active on the boards. Time will tell.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Choco it was good to hear from you. I understand about the work thing. In the fall during football season I'm putting in 14-15 hr days and when I get home the last thing I want to do is get on the computer. The important thing is that your workouts are continuing. Monique, I believe I am going to skip the recovery week. I am feeling good right now and against my better judgement, I feel the urge to proceed. I am going to Maui April 2 so that is only 6 weeks away. In a sense that will be my recovery week.:laugh:

    Today is my rest day. I kind of need it. Yesterday morning I did TF 45 EZ and abs and yesterday afternoon I was able to get in 18 holes of golf. Sharon, I'm still haven't worn my gloves due to my golf game. I am trying to play on the weekends because my goal is to play a course in Maui. It is a beautiful weekend here and today I am going to work in the yard.

    Have a great weekend.
  • Olona
    Olona Posts: 70
    I'll be doing my second round of Turbo Fire starting January 3rd. Anyone else doing it?

    Whats turbo fire?
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    - on most days the class consists of high impact aerobics with choreographed moves
    - 2 days per week you do a HIIT class, High Intensity Interval Training...which is crazy fast Turbo Fire on, but really its pretty basic moves (including plyometrics) done at a very fast pace for a short period of time (max 60 seconds) then repeated
    - the music in TurboFire is great and makes me work hard
    - the moves are sometimes hard to get right away but after a few times you know them by heart and can really give it your all, even if you don't get the moves perfectly you can still get a great workout
    - Chalene is a fantastic motivator
    -There are a lot of high impact moves, be careful if you have joint problems...there is a modifier who demonstrates how to keep these moves low impact

    Today I completed HIIT 15, Tone 30 and abs. It was a pretty good workout. I have skipped the recovery week and progressing to week nine. Tomorrow is Fire 55 EZ which is my favorite.

    I received TF 60 and the rest of the advanced dvd's this weekend. It was like christmas, so I hope I have a chance to preview it.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Great job CoachReyes! I hope you love Fire 60 and HIIT 30 as much as I do! Try Fire 60 with weighted gloves and your calorie burn will go through the roof!!!!! I keep forgetting you're not using gloves on purpose...I can't wait to hear about your trip to Maui. I'm so thrilled for you that you'll get to play golf while you're there. Can't wait to hear all about the trip!!!

    You ladies are doing so well. I'm so proud to be part of your daily accountability log. Turbo Fire really does bring people together! :laugh:

    Today is my rest day and my body is grateful for the time off. Planning to hit it hard tomorrow with Fire 55 EZ and my weighted gloves. My goal this week is to get my eating tighter so I see a bigger loss at the end of the week. June will be here before I know it and I refuse to go to Coach Summit not feeling my best.:grumble:

    Have a great Sunday everyone!
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