Anyone starting Turbo Fire in January?



  • mari9706
    I started on January 13. I like it but feel uncoordinated since I've never done anything like this before.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    I started on January 13. I like it but feel uncoordinated since I've never done anything like this before.

    You can do it! It will take a little practice, I know I still am doing my own "flail" version:laugh: :laugh: I just laugh at myself and keep moving anyways! Hang in there:flowerforyou:
  • mari9706
    Thanks for the encourgement! I laugh at myself too. : )
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Choco - that's why Chalene purposely puts Fire 60 in the later part of the schedule. You're supposed to be working to build your endurance so the length is less overwhelming. Good for you for previewing it all of the Turbo Fire workouts, it may take a couple of attempts to get all the moves down to the point where it all flows together seamlessly. You'll get there, Girl. Just keep pushing play!!!

  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Good Morning!

    Today was HIIT 20 and Fire 45, I really like doing the HIIT workouts first, seems I have enough energy. When I was doing the Fire workouts first, my HIITs were a bit lame lol

    What a burn between those 2 workouts ~ phew! I wish I would have had more time to do the Stretch 10 to cool down, instead I ended up taking a cold shower with the bathroom window open just so I could cool down enough to get ready for work. Mind you I live in NY and it was 13 outside this morning!! My heart rate was between 165-175 the whole time, hubby called me Lobster girl when I was done lol

    I have the next 4 days off, so take care everyone if I don't get a chance to pop in!

    Keep pushing play:bigsmile:
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    I just weighed in this morning and i'm gaining weight , i'm finishing up my first week from the class sheldule , i know it can't be muscle cause i haven't even started doing sculpt, any advice anyone, i am getting very discouraged here, thanks
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    NO NO NO please don't get discouraged!!! A couple of things to keep in mind...

    1. Your body may be in shock from the new exercise program. Shock can cause your muscles to retain water, salt, etc. which may be what you're seeing on the scale. Give it a couple of weeks before you give up entirely...AND DRINK A TON OF WATER!!!

    2. Are you tracking your food and staying within your daily calories??? If you're not paying attention to every morsel you put in your mouth then you may be over eating (or under eating)...neither is good.

    3. Are you using a HRM or Bodybugg to provide your calories burned and are you eating back all of those calories in addition to the allowance MFP provided? You may be eating more calories than your body needs.

    I'm no nutritionist or doctor but these 3 questions seem to come up often whenever a member posts that they're gaining weight and they don't know why.

  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Great advice Sharon!

    Cookie, did you measure before you started?? When I did ChaLean Extreme, I didn't lose much weight, but I did lose a bunch of inches!! Hang in there!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Choco - that's why Chalene purposely puts Fire 60 in the later part of the schedule. You're supposed to be working to build your endurance so the length is less overwhelming. Good for you for previewing it all of the Turbo Fire workouts, it may take a couple of attempts to get all the moves down to the point where it all flows together seamlessly. You'll get there, Girl. Just keep pushing play!!!


    That Chalean is one smart lady....she knew I was going to need some time to get it together....LOL One thing about me even if I don't know the routine I'm doing something to keep the calorie burn up.....when it's all said and done it's not the choreography as much as the intensity. I try to stay in the same family as what she's doing but sometimes I'm straight making up stuff....LOL
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afteroon all. I really don't know why I'm posting so late considering I've been up since 8 am and the workout's been completed since around noon. Anyway, today I completed Burn Intervals and instead of Ab Burner I did Fast Abs from the Kettleworx series. All the ab exercises are performed while holding a kettlebell. I was able to burn over 550 calories in 65 minutes so I'm happy w/today's effort.

    I will say that my shoulders are extremely sore from yesterdays increase in shoulder weights and today's Burn intervals. It's a good sore so I'm not going to complain too much.
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Turbo Fire 55 EZ Class done, thank you all who replied to my post, i will continue with this program i did notice that i wasn't eating anything over 1,200 calories, i would eat like 1,185 so i will up my calorie uptake and see where it takes me , again thank you:happy:
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    What a morning! I completed HIIT 20 and followed that up with P90x shoulders and arms. I was feeling pretty drained after this session, in a good way. It has been one year since I joined MFP and I am happy to report that I have lost 65 lbs in this time and many inches. This morning our school nurse took my blood pressure and it was 121/84. I am feeling good and ready for the weekend.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone and HAPPY FRIDAY! No real plans this weekend other than to get the errands taken care of. I may head to the redbox today to pick up a movie or two otherwise, it will be very low key.

    Today I began my workout by completing the Insanity warm up, then easily moved right into Push Circuit 3. I don't really have a favorite workout but I'm starting to lean more towards Push Circuit 3. I think I am favoring this workout because it's were I feel the strongest. I lifted 20 lbs for every exercise but felt I could still go heavier when completing the Sumo Squat, Bowler Lunge and Single Leg Suma Squat. Since I will not be purchasing heavier weights right away I tried to exaggerate the movement like Chalean says in order to create more resistance. I will say I did reach failure at 6 reps for the Chest Fly, Double Arm Bent Over Row and Bench Press so there's no need to increase weights in that area. I concluded the workout w/a 10 minute stretch w/Stretch 10 from the Turbo Fire program. I burnt over 550 calories in 60 minutes and I feel awesome.

    Since I felt great and was STARVING I made some homemade french toast (whole wheat bread, egg beaters and a tad bit of fat free milk w/cinnamon), turkey sausage and a boiled egg.

    What a great way to end the work week and begin the weekend.

    Coach: Happy 1 year MFP anniversary and KUDOS for all the weight you've lost in the process. How much weight are you trying to lose? What workout programs did you use to help you lose the first 65 lbs?
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Choco, I began by joining the local gym. I remember doing the elliptical the first time for 20 minutes and my legs were jelly. In fact, I almost quit after 5 minutes and now I can do it for an hour. I stayed with the cardio, lifting weights and logging my calories in MFP. I was a 3 sport athlete in HS and played college football. I also competed in powerlifting meets so to come to this point and realization was a tough time for me. I have been on a lot of websites throughout the years and this is by far the best one around.

    I tried to join the trend with P90x and realized pretty quickly that would be rather difficult. The pullups was a huge obstacle for me, plus I needed something with lower impact, as I tore an ACL about 2 yrs prior. I purchased Chalean Extreme in March and the rest is history. I think the number one benefit to CE and TF is the modifier that helps when you need low impact. Low impact doesn't mean low intensity. I love that quote by Chalene. I do see myself completing a round of P90x in the future as well as Insanity. As far as how much more I would like to lose 30 (my wedding wt) and then an additional 20. I am excited about the future and appreciate your support.
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Hey Guys, i have core 20 and stretch 40 tomorrow , i really don't want to be doing stretch for 40 min , can i substitute it for something else, like say i do core 20 and HIIT 15 and 10 stretch , thanks guys
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Cookie ~ I do not like the Stretch 40 much either, I find it to be boring:ohwell: Yesterday I did the Core 20 and just for fun and the fact that I've had the finale song stuck in my head all week, I did Turbo Jam Cardio Party 1:drinker: I bet HIIT 25 would be a good one to do with the Core workout also:happy: It's your workout ~ enjoy!

    Soooo, BB sent me a package, I opened it all excited just to find that they only sent me 1 DVD and it wasn't one of the ones that wouldn't play:sad: :sad: I emailed them and I see they are sending another package, wonder what they are sending this time?:huh:

    Happy Saturday!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Jeez Amy that is frustrating!!! :angry:

    Hope it gets fixed soon.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon all. It's going to be a lazy Saturday for me now that the workout and the house cleaning has been completed. I wanted to post before I started watching the movie "Salt" w/Angelina Jolie. I heard pretty good reviews about it while it was in the theater so decided to check it out.

    Today I completed the Fat Blaster dvd that came as a bonus w/the Chalean Extreme program. I burned 275 calories in 30 minutes. I may add a hula hoop workout later but will make a definitive decision as the day progresses.

    Cookie: while I try to stick to the schedule provided I do improvise. I never did P90X yoga b/c it was entirely too long so I substituted it w/a 30 minute Yoga dvd. As Be_Light has stated, it's your workout so you make changes as necessary. Hope you find a workout that fits your needs better.

    Be_Light: Hope the right dvd comes this time.
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    How would i log core 20 for my exercise , thanks guys for your helpfulness :flowerforyou:
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Cookie, if you have a heart rate monitor then I would create a custom entry and log whatever it says you've burned.
