Pooping at work



  • whovian67
    whovian67 Posts: 608 Member
    We call this chick MaryJane at work.. she always blows up the bathroom... twice a day....it makes you want to hurl... I wan tto yell at her: "Can't you POOP at HOME.. EVER?????" PLUS she is very obese and smells like she doesnt wash the netherlands..... if you know what I mean...

    I dont usually feel the need to poop at work.... I am a morning person... is that too much info????
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member

    Can't watch youtube at work - but I own poo-pouri. I bought it as a gag gift one year for all my sisters.

    It really works, and strangely enough - it smells like fruit loops.

  • wgaue
    wgaue Posts: 222 Member
    When you gotta go, you gotta go. If I have a "pain" hit me, I have to find a bathroom, and fast. If anybody is in there, I do apoligize
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    I do all my pooping at work because ....FREE TP!!

    Seriously. You never know how much TP you go through til you work at home full time.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    We have our restrooms and then the public restrooms. You always know when a co-worker goes to the public restrooms what they are up to. To be fair, though, our restroom is just off the kitchen, and that would just be too much.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    A co-worker shared with me yesterday (because I walked into her office and she had JUST farted) that there is a product called Just One Drop that, as she put it, will allow you to do "everything you need to do and walk away clean & fresh".

    Apparently it is eucalyptus oil. You put a drop in the toilet pre-poop and it keeps the room fresh post-poop.

    *Sigh* The *kitten* we talk about around here.
  • FitGal4ever42
    FitGal4ever42 Posts: 265 Member
    I don't poop.. I am a girl... :noway:

    But I also have a Barbara poo poo here at work.. but her 1st name is Cheryl... no shame.. no shame.. If I walk in and know she is in there.. I immediately walk out. I don't care if I am crossing my legs.. I wait til the coast is clear. It's loud .. stinky... ewwww.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    You gotta do what you gotta do.

    In the words of my favorite author, Everyone Poops.

    As for me, my weird bathroom pet peeve is when someone gets in the stall RIGHT NEXT TO YOU when there are others open. How about if we don't do our business like 5 inches from each other?
    This is particularly annoying at airports with a bazillion stalls in a row. You just HAD to pick the one next to mine? When I know for a fact that most other ones were empty... Thanks, made my day.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    At my current office we just have one HUGE, locked-door, disabled-accessible stall for each gender in the main office, so I share it with the only other female employee. It's always freezing in there with good ventilation and nice smelly soap. So even though I do prefer to go at home, I have no issues about pooping at work when I have to.

    In the past though...holy moly...I worked in an office with just gigantic restrooms with 10-12 stalls in each one, and there was one coworker in particular who felt the need to monitor everyone's bathroom visits and come into the restroom and talk or gossip with other ladies while they did their business (she considered me her BFF so it was even worse for me). So strange. She would even say to me, "Are you pooping?" and cackle with laughter. So of course that made it so I COULD NOT poop at work for a very long time. I usually managed to go on my lunch break if necessary (at home or in a restaurant restroom) but more than a few times I would have the urge to go in the afternoon and actually get in my car and drive SEVERAL miles to a truck stop (!!) to do my business. We had an off-site storage unit located across from the truck stop so I pretended to need a file from the storage unit. I was actually paid mileage for my poop trips LOL, a few times I took the company car.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    This one's great.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    2 employees and 2 bathrooms in separate rooms, on separate sides of the building. :bigsmile:

    This only sucks on days when we have a big meeting or class and we can't use the training room toilet. This also happens to be the only time I NEED to poo at work.
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    A co-worker shared with me yesterday (because I walked into her office and she had JUST farted) that there is a product called Just One Drop that, as she put it, will allow you to do "everything you need to do and walk away clean & fresh".

    Apparently it is eucalyptus oil. You put a drop in the toilet pre-poop and it keeps the room fresh post-poop.

    *Sigh* The *kitten* we talk about around here.

    Poo-pouri is the same. It creates some oil 'shield' that is supposed to trap any stinkiness from escaping. I imagine you could create your own with some essential oils.
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    Eff anyone who's going to give me the side-eye for pooping at work. It's a TOILET. I have biological functions like everyone else. How can you expect me NOT to poop in there?
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Yup, make sure the bathroom is completely empty before I do my business.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    This morning, I was in there so long that the auto lights turned off. I was pooping at work...in the dark.

    ^ That is so awesome!
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    I work in Safety at an Asphalt company, so unfortunately poop is common. Many times a day I will hear the guys go, "I gotta take a *kitten*!" And come out ten minutes later, having destroyed the whole place. My office is only two rooms down from the bathroom, and I curse myself every day for getting into this industry.

    I am a nervous poo-er, so I make myself wait until I can drive home on lunch and comfortably do my business or I will muscle through until the end of the day.
  • everyone-poops-2.jpg

    I haz sadz if i don't poop at work.
  • RabbitLost
    RabbitLost Posts: 333 Member
    I used to measure the time by how many screens of Angry Birds I could clear. Then one time my legs went numb and I could barely walk out. Now I just read the forums on MFP.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    You gotta do what you gotta do.

    In the words of my favorite author, Everyone Poops.

    As for me, my weird bathroom pet peeve is when someone gets in the stall RIGHT NEXT TO YOU when there are others open. How about if we don't do our business like 5 inches from each other?
    This is particularly annoying at airports with a bazillion stalls in a row. You just HAD to pick the one next to mine? When I know for a fact that most other ones were empty... Thanks, made my day.

  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Thanks for the reminder. Off to powder