Why is MFP so mean??

Because many users have been around for a while and get frustrated giving the same answers over and over again while the OP gets defensive because the responses were not what they expected. No, you do not need a cleanse. Diet supplements do not work. Sugar is not the devil. You do not need to go on a 1200 cals, low-carb, low-fat, all fruit, no fruit diet. You signed up on this website for a reason, use it properly.

Now, I was never obese. I started off wanting to lose 10-15 lbs and wanted to look “toned”. I started off on this journey confused and knew nothing about calorie counting, BMR, TDEE, IIFYM, etc. I “tried” losing these last few pounds for YEARS. I spent too much time reading those girly fitness magazines that put you on a 1200 cal diet, high cardio, and low-weight/high rep “strength training”. I got nowhere with this and ended up yo-yo dieting, trying cleanses and diet teas. Maybe I’d lose a pound or two but would gain more of it back because I’d go crazy and binge on the weekends. I started reading the forums on MFP (thankfully never posted any stupid questions and got attacked or else I’d probably rage quit) and saw there are some pretty knowledgeable people on here who had great success, and yes mostly with a sense of humor and a bit of sarcasm. I learned about the TDEE method, lifting heavy and started seeing great progress within months. I learned to have a healthier outlook on food and still enjoyed my pizza, hamburgers, and ice cream in moderation. I had to do this twice, once when I first started and then again after I gained 60 lbs with my pregnancy. Now I am the lowest weight I’ve been in my adult life, the most fit, and the healthiest I’ve ever been.

So to the meanies of MFP out there, thank you. You’ve opened up my eyes and have given me many laughs. Most of you are my friends, some have been since before my pregnancy, and maybe some of you I am too chicken to friend request.

Oh, and for the newbies, here some links that I found helpful and written by some pretty awesome people



