50 lbs by June 1st Challenge Part 3



  • ellisor1230
    Lost 2.4 this week! Finally out of my rut! Current weight is 231.6!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Question....I bought a new scale yesterday cause mine was going bonkers I use to have to weigh a million times until I had the same reading for 3 consecutive times....now it looks like it was off by about 3-4 pounds....so this morning I weighed in at 180 instead of the 177lbs I was yesterday bummer

    So should I change all my previous weigh ins...leave them or just go from now one
    I would start clean from now on ... but that's just me. I love clean starts.

    Thanks...I think I'll do that....just a bit sad cause i work so hard to be under 180 and now I'm back at square one
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Question....I bought a new scale yesterday cause mine was going bonkers I use to have to weigh a million times until I had the same reading for 3 consecutive times....now it looks like it was off by about 3-4 pounds....so this morning I weighed in at 180 instead of the 177lbs I was yesterday bummer

    So should I change all my previous weigh ins...leave them or just go from now one
    I would start clean from now on ... but that's just me. I love clean starts.

    Thanks...I think I'll do that....just a bit sad cause i work so hard to be under 180 and now I'm back at square one
    You're doing great, nothing to be sad about at all...and now that you have this new scale there'll be no more messing around at weigh in time. Woo Hoo
  • bhonniered
    UUGGGHH - In the course of a week and a half I went from 194 back up to 197 and now back to 195. I am thinking that it took a couple of days to recover from the Turbo Kick I did on Saturday. Ok... feeling better for venting! :ohwell:
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    203 today :)
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    still hangin out at 177.0 ... i've gotta step up my (running) training routine and cut out some of the garbage food. I've decided i am about 17 pounds from my goal of 160 --- i am 5 10 --- i think 140 will be too low AND unrealistic. So basically what i'm saying is i am not shooting for 50 lb loss anymore, but 30 overall since the start of our challenge.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Question....I bought a new scale yesterday cause mine was going bonkers I use to have to weigh a million times until I had the same reading for 3 consecutive times....now it looks like it was off by about 3-4 pounds....so this morning I weighed in at 180 instead of the 177lbs I was yesterday bummer

    So should I change all my previous weigh ins...leave them or just go from now one
    I would start clean from now on ... but that's just me. I love clean starts.

    Thanks...I think I'll do that....just a bit sad cause i work so hard to be under 180 and now I'm back at square one
    You're doing great, nothing to be sad about at all...and now that you have this new scale there'll be no more messing around at weigh in time. Woo Hoo

    Very true...thanks for showing me the silver lining...this monring it said 179 so I'm down 1 pound so atleast I know I'm going in the right direction again....I went back and edited my check-ins from the past 2 weeks and I'm gonna keep plodding along
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing well today. I'm off of work on another sick day ... what a waste of my time. They don't want my germy self near them. Oh well. As for me ... my lower abdomen is a bit sore from all the sneezing I've been doing ... I may have to count it on my exercise diary. How many carories do you burn sneezing? Things that make you go hmmmm.

  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    :laugh: Let me know when you figure that out.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: FEEL BETTER!
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    no weight loss :o(

    Do you guess with all the P90 workouts that you have been doing maybe the reason? You may be building muscle and your weight loss won't reflect on the scales but on the tape measure.

    Probably...I have measured just for kicks and have lost 4 inches off of my arms :o)

    That is awesome....We can't always pay attention to the number on the scale...That tape measure will tell more!! Keep it up!!
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    Well, Ill be honest. Ive had a terrible week. I gained 10 pounds according to my scale. I feel so lost. I hate this. 269 is my weigh in for January 24

    So sorry!!! It will get better. We all go thru those times when it is really hard to keep your mind in the "game"! That is why I love being part of this group, there are so many motivating people in here...
    Hang in there though!
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    Question....I bought a new scale yesterday cause mine was going bonkers I use to have to weigh a million times until I had the same reading for 3 consecutive times....now it looks like it was off by about 3-4 pounds....so this morning I weighed in at 180 instead of the 177lbs I was yesterday bummer

    So should I change all my previous weigh ins...leave them or just go from now one

    I would just go with your new scales that way you are not having to keep up with extra numbers. LOL
    But don't let that get you down, you will get back under 180....
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    Well, I anticipated a weight gain. I gained 1.8 pounds. I have been working with weights a lot more and have been told since muscle weighs more than fat that I would actually see my number on the scale rise slightly. So that's fine. I can deal with that since I know that I have kept my eating under control!! :happy:

  • AmandaR910
    Finally broke through 190. Been there for like 2.5 weeks. 188.8lbs this morning!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Good morning,
    Is anyone short on motivation besides me? Maybe a small weekly challenge. Like 20 pushups a day ect. Any ideas?
    Lets kick the in the rear and get going again.
  • MartyDiller
    MartyDiller Posts: 48 Member
    Good morning,
    Is anyone short on motivation besides me? Maybe a small weekly challenge. Like 20 pushups a day ect. Any ideas?
    Lets kick the in the rear and get going again.
    Yes I like the idea of a weekly challenge it will keep me more on track. I hate pushups, that just means I need to do more of them right? Crunches could be an option sometime too. Drinking water, etc. just a few ideas!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Good morning,
    Is anyone short on motivation besides me? Maybe a small weekly challenge. Like 20 pushups a day ect. Any ideas?
    Lets kick the in the rear and get going again.
    Yes I like the idea of a weekly challenge it will keep me more on track. I hate pushups, that just means I need to do more of them right? Crunches could be an option sometime too. Drinking water, etc. just a few ideas!
    I have to do wall puhups when I do them. :wink:
  • billybed
    billybed Posts: 90 Member
    but lets keep the faith and keep going forward!
  • billybed
    billybed Posts: 90 Member
    Not a great week for most of us!

  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Good job this week:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I have not been pulling my share but you guys are awesome. Lets just keep this going. Some of us(me ) will probably not reach 50 but anything we lose is a big plus.

    I for one have added 25 wall pushup a day for this week. I challenge ya'll to join me.
    Besides being very out of shape, getting off the floor is a challenge. So I just do wall pushups. :laugh: