"All About That Bass" Rant



  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    They didn't ask me to be a poster child for STDs for nuffin.

    You're such a little pitbull - I'm rather enjoying this.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    yes, and the context (other than the song) was a guy said he said he said it to a girl in a club... no different to my husband saying it to me...

    its the answer and what goes on after that thats the issue, not a man saying 'you know you want it'... that statement doesnt make him a rapist.
    Your husband saying it to you in the context of understood consent is VERY different from a random guy uttering it to a woman that he doesn't know at the club. No, the statement alone does not make a man a rapist. Yes, it is problematic, especially in the context of the song. Go back and read the link that I provided.

    i'm not trying to be argumentative but what is 'understood consent?'
    It's an enthusiastic "yes" to sexual contact. There has to be absolutely no doubt that you wish to engage. It doesn't mean that your partner has to ask permission and receive expressed consent every time they want to kiss, touch, etc. you, but that consent must be implied by you. Not just willingness, enthusiastic agreement.

    Here's an awesome, on-point video by Laci Green on the topic of consent:

    i'm at work so i cant watch your awesome video, but i really dont get why someone cant say 'you know you want it' without consent....
    Then you're part of the problem. No amount of glossing over the facts and over-simplification is going to make it okay. You've been provided with resources to educate yourself further. At this point, it's up to you to decide you care and check those links out or you don't care and remain ignorant.

    Vlogs from biased people that use terms like "mansplain" aren't really educational tools.
    She didn't use the term. I did. For the record, she's done work on behalf of Planned Parenthood. Yes, her videos are educational tools.

    I've done work for major oil companies, that doesn't mean if I made a video online explaining something that has nothing to do with it that it would be an educational tool. SO no, hers aren't. They're opinionated.

    And I know she didn't, but her mentality seems to be the same as yours, so the shoe fits. Social justice warriors will find a reason to be upset with everything.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member

    A blog that pits women against men? Your opinions became less relevent with that posting. So I probably won't reply again. Have a good one.
  • BraveNewdGirl
    BraveNewdGirl Posts: 937 Member
    yes, and the context (other than the song) was a guy said he said he said it to a girl in a club... no different to my husband saying it to me...

    its the answer and what goes on after that thats the issue, not a man saying 'you know you want it'... that statement doesnt make him a rapist.
    Your husband saying it to you in the context of understood consent is VERY different from a random guy uttering it to a woman that he doesn't know at the club. No, the statement alone does not make a man a rapist. Yes, it is problematic, especially in the context of the song. Go back and read the link that I provided.

    i'm not trying to be argumentative but what is 'understood consent?'
    It's an enthusiastic "yes" to sexual contact. There has to be absolutely no doubt that you wish to engage. It doesn't mean that your partner has to ask permission and receive expressed consent every time they want to kiss, touch, etc. you, but that consent must be implied by you. Not just willingness, enthusiastic agreement.

    Here's an awesome, on-point video by Laci Green on the topic of consent:

    i'm at work so i cant watch your awesome video, but i really dont get why someone cant say 'you know you want it' without consent....
    Then you're part of the problem. No amount of glossing over the facts and over-simplification is going to make it okay. You've been provided with resources to educate yourself further. At this point, it's up to you to decide you care and check those links out or you don't care and remain ignorant.

    Vlogs from biased people that use terms like "mansplain" aren't really educational tools.
    She didn't use the term. I did. For the record, she's done work on behalf of Planned Parenthood. Yes, her videos are educational tools.

    I've done work for major oil companies, that doesn't mean if I made a video online explaining something that has nothing to do with it that it would be an educational tool. SO no, hers aren't. They're opinionated.

    And I know she didn't, but her mentality seems to be the same as yours, so the shoe fits. Social justice warriors will find a reason to be upset with everything.
    99% of SJW posts = "Hey, when you do x and/or y, people are harmed. Here's some evidence to support that. Can you please stop doing that?"
    99% of butthurt responses from insufferable turd faucets that use terms like "Social Justice Warrior" = I AM UNCOMFORTABLE WHEN WE ARE NOT ABOUT ME. I WANT TO DO/SAY THAT AWFUL/GROSS/PROBLEMATIC THING, SO I'M GOING TO. ONLY MY HAPPINESS MATTERS.

    Laci Green has been recognized as a peer sex educator by colleges and universities across the US. Yes, her videos on sex are educational tools, whether you consider her to be opinionated or not.
  • BraveNewdGirl
    BraveNewdGirl Posts: 937 Member

    A blog that pits women against men? Your opinions became less relevent with that posting. So I probably won't reply again. Have a good one.
    Dude, you've been aggressively irrelevant since you jumped into the thread. But please don't punish me by not making more poorly reasoned statements.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    yes, and the context (other than the song) was a guy said he said he said it to a girl in a club... no different to my husband saying it to me...

    its the answer and what goes on after that thats the issue, not a man saying 'you know you want it'... that statement doesnt make him a rapist.
    Your husband saying it to you in the context of understood consent is VERY different from a random guy uttering it to a woman that he doesn't know at the club. No, the statement alone does not make a man a rapist. Yes, it is problematic, especially in the context of the song. Go back and read the link that I provided.

    i'm not trying to be argumentative but what is 'understood consent?'
    It's an enthusiastic "yes" to sexual contact. There has to be absolutely no doubt that you wish to engage. It doesn't mean that your partner has to ask permission and receive expressed consent every time they want to kiss, touch, etc. you, but that consent must be implied by you. Not just willingness, enthusiastic agreement.

    Here's an awesome, on-point video by Laci Green on the topic of consent:

    i'm at work so i cant watch your awesome video, but i really dont get why someone cant say 'you know you want it' without consent....
    Then you're part of the problem. No amount of glossing over the facts and over-simplification is going to make it okay. You've been provided with resources to educate yourself further. At this point, it's up to you to decide you care and check those links out or you don't care and remain ignorant.

    Vlogs from biased people that use terms like "mansplain" aren't really educational tools.
    She didn't use the term. I did. For the record, she's done work on behalf of Planned Parenthood. Yes, her videos are educational tools.

    I've done work for major oil companies, that doesn't mean if I made a video online explaining something that has nothing to do with it that it would be an educational tool. SO no, hers aren't. They're opinionated.

    And I know she didn't, but her mentality seems to be the same as yours, so the shoe fits. Social justice warriors will find a reason to be upset with everything.
    99% of SJW posts = "Hey, when you do x and/or y, people are harmed. Here's some evidence to support that. Can you please stop doing that?"
    99% of butthurt responses from insufferable turd faucets that use terms like "Social Justice Warrior" = I AM UNCOMFORTABLE WHEN WE ARE NOT ABOUT ME. I WANT TO DO/SAY THAT AWFUL/GROSS/PROBLEMATIC THING, SO I'M GOING TO. ONLY MY HAPPINESS MATTERS.

    Laci Green has been recognized as a peer sex educator by colleges and universities across the US. Yes, her videos on sex are educational tools, whether you consider her to be opinionated or not.

    lol is all I can say.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member

    A blog that pits women against men? Your opinions became less relevent with that posting. So I probably won't reply again. Have a good one.
    Dude, you've been aggressively irrelevant since you jumped into the thread. But please don't punish me by not making more poorly reasoned statements.

    Aggressive? Yup, you're definitely one of "those" girls. I've been pretty polite, so I'll say again, good day.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i just have blurred lines stuck in my head now...
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    i just have blurred lines stuck in my head now...

    Me too. Want to aggressively rub against each other in a club?
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i just have blurred lines stuck in my head now...

    Me too. Want to aggressively rub against each other in a club?

    i know you want it...
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    i just have blurred lines stuck in my head now...

    Me too. Want to aggressively rub against each other in a club?

    i know you want it...

  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    My biggest problem with that song is the fact that "hug me" doesn't rhyme with anything I would do to him. Rug him? Thug him? Be all brave and slug him?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    My biggest problem with that song is the fact that "hug me" doesn't rhyme with anything I would do to him. Rug him? Thug him? Be all brave and slug him?

    Mug him...

    be one of those girls who texts all the time, and bug him?????
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i just have blurred lines stuck in my head now...

    Me too. Want to aggressively rub against each other in a club?

    i know you want it...


  • Maitria
    Maitria Posts: 439 Member

    Foot people shaming. :angry:

    (Not poking at you OP. I had never heard of the song before this thread, and reading the lyrics, I can see a couple of spots that could be insulting. At least in my area, the skinny b phrase is usually a compliment, both in giving and receiving. I have no idea what the singer's intent was. I didn't really see anything else offensive-she didn't call anyone a silicone barbie, and I think the argument could be made that our perceptions of what women really look like is warped by sometimes ridiculous photoshop and the like. Sometimes photoshopped women do look like Barbie dolls but look nothing like that usually. So she could be saying, "Yep, I'm a real human, I don't have photoshop, I have imperfections, as do all people." I can see it from your point of view too.)
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    That chick has some hairy armpits.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    My biggest problem with that song is the fact that "hug me" doesn't rhyme with anything I would do to him. Rug him? Thug him? Be all brave and slug him?

    As a guy, a little rub and tug doesn't sound so bad.
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member

    Maybe get a little kinky and plug him?
This discussion has been closed.