200+ Recommitting for the New Year!



  • _Sarah_
    Good morning ladies. There isn't a lot to report from my end. The scale is still jumping back and forth and making me crazy. Grrrr!

    DOGS! I have a little black Pomeranian who thinks workout time is play time as well.

    Lacy- thanks for the advice on the vacuum. Mine just died and I need one that is good for dog hair.

    Well I'm off to try and get some sort of workout in with the little time I have before work. Have a great day guys!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Good Morning! It is a cold 24 degrees here but gorgeously sunny. I am hoping the wind holds off today so it will be nice outside. Yesterday it was cold and the wind was blowing and it is miserable.

    Can Vitamin D make you feel brighter eyed? If you get my meaning. I've been taking it for about a week and a half now and I just feel...happier and brighter eyed. Like no grey or something. I'm sure part of it is just getting away from tom, but I think it is helping. yeay!

    This morning I tried ont his sweater thing I bought at Nordstrom that was WAY tight in the arms and didn't zip up right because it was too small. Well the arms are still tight but not choke the fat tight and it could zip up! So even though it doesn't quite fit well enough to wear, it was a really awesome feeling to see that it is fitting better just after five weeks of working out. It makes me want to keep going!

    Victoria - YEAY for easy days!

    Amy - I personally think there are two ways to really really make it in the world. 1. Be a pirate (literally) like the S. Africans. 2. Take over a small third world country and milk it for all its worth. Those two options really seem to work for some people don't they? I loved Gabes photos on FB this morning with all his guns. LMAO! It reminds me of my brother and dad cleaning their (real) guns growing up and now I think a third thing can be added to the list...arms dealer. Guns don't scare me a bit. Maybe I should go into the business! LOL.

    My carpet always looks like ****e too. It is this really pretty thick and well made, with a great thick pad so you feel like you're walking on a cloud MINT GREEN carpet. WHO puts mint green carpet in a house? Thankfully its on the living room but damn....it is a disaster. We've lived in this house for three years and it is thrashed with stains, etc.
    I have to say that Bissel picks up everything. YOu do have to be religious about cleaning out the filters and washing the foam parts, but Jeff does it regularly and the thing kicks major *kitten*! I looked at a Dyson and I am sorry, I canNOT bring myself to spend $500 on a vacuum!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm with you Sarah....not much to report.

    I did cardioX last night.

    Still at 218 today.

    I'm ready for work to be over today.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm with you Sarah....not much to report.

    I did cardioX last night.

    Still at 218 today.

    I'm ready for work to be over today.

    Kendal! No weighing!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: Seriously girl, lock the scale up!!! And, dude....I'm so sorry about your broken shoe. That happened to me once - cracked right across the ball of the foot - they were my favorite pair and I STILL have not found a replacement pair I like as much as I liked those shoes. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Lacey: Oooh...I'm gonna have to tell Gabe that maybe he can grow up to be a pirate/arms dealer. He was seriously funny with all his Nerf guns spread out in orderly lines on his floor and he kept trying to "sell" me his weaponry. "If you buy this Uber-shooter 3000, you can get this pistol for free!" I gotta say that being home schooled has made him increase his creativity quite a bit just to keep himself entertained.

    _Sarah_: Hope you got a good workout in!

    Victoria: I got the wheel for a whole minute! I am STILL retardedly proud of myself. My lower back almost spasmed but I totally held it anyway. Take THAT Tony Horton!!!

    I quit playing those dumb facebook games and now find myself with a ridiculous amount of time on my hands. I better go read something. Have a great day!
  • KaeChelle
    Hey Ladies! :flowerforyou:

    I've been doing decent with my eating and exercising this week. Years ago I bought "Slim in 6" but never really used it. I pulled it out today. There are three stages... Start it Up, Ramp it Up, and Burn it Up... and they get more difficult as you go through each one. Well apparently I lost the dvd that has the first two stages, so I went straight to Burn it Up. I kept up as best as I could! I didn't do the full hour. I stopped at 40 minutes. Next time I will do the whole thing.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I am thoroughly exhausted. But it's the good kind of exhausted that comes from a good workout. I went a bit longer today and feel pretty good, although the HRM that comes with the system tanked on me for a few minutes. So for one section of my workout I had 0 bpm. That amused me.

    Just waiting on supper right now--homemade pizza, and I should be okay to have three whole slices! Yummy!

    I'm about ready for bed but I'm gonna eat that pizza and hang out with the hubby a bit before crashing... he had a rough day today at school/work.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello everyone...still digging out from all the snow that was dumped here in Indiana...snow, layer of ice, 12 inches more snow

    I really really am ready for spring....temps dropping way below zero next!

    Victoria...super jealous of your trip...have a blast!! Oh and my vote....do the class!!! Bring on the pole!!! ( that might of been from another group) :bigsmile: , I would so do that with you !!!!!!!
  • _Sarah_
    Good morning everyone! I only got in 20 min of the shred yesterday in the morning before work with the intention of doing some cardio in the evening but it didn't happen. I'm hoping to get it all in today. Water intake wasn't so great either.

    Kendal- NO WEIGHING!

    Lacy- I've thought about being a pirate. I'm just not enough of a bad a** ;). I guess the same goes for being an arms dealer.

    Sarahthes- Great job on the work out!

    Karen- Keep it up and push for the full hour!

    Well ladies I'm off to start my day.....
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hey ladies. I spent a good portion of my morning making samoa look-a-like cookies. I won't be doing that again. It took WAAAAYYY too long and didn't come together exactly right. Happily enough, they are tasty and Trav will be taking them to work tomorrow to foist them off on his coworkers. I also did my dog walk, a 40 min tempo run and P90X Back & Biceps and Ab RipperX. I also went through my underwear/sock drawer and got rid of anything that was too big/old/or ugly. I feel like I need a nap now. But my scale seems to be treating me well and I may even be down to 211 if my weight holds for the weigh in tomorrow. The Hubbs said that I can get a bodybugg when I get down below 200, so I'm really stoked about that!

    _Sarah_: Drink your water!!!!

    Debra: Is that a pole dancing class you are talking about??? I would TOTALLY be down for that if'n I was anywhere near a gym that offered it. It would be H-O-T!

    sarahthes: Make sure you get enough rest so you can recover from your workouts. I hope you aren't feeling exhausted all the time.

    Karen: Way to go with the Slim in 6. I've got that program around here somewhere. I don't think I ever really gave it a chance.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey girlies! One more work week day! Woohoo!!

    Decided yesterday that I am going to do three days working out, one day off, etc. etc. etc. That will still put me at 300 work out minutes per week and my body might have a bit more time to recover. So today is a rest day. Now I have to keep my eating on track all day.

    Victoria - I found zipline under the Freemont St. Experience for $20 at night, $15 during the day in Vegas.....look it up!!
    You have NO idea how much I am looking forward to my trip down there...well maybe you do, lol. Let us know if you find anything cool down there that is off the strip. Jeff is all about geting into the "heart of vegas" this time and off the strip.

    _Sarah_ - what is that movie I think with Nicholas Cage (when he was hot) about him being an arms dealer? I could be that, lol. I think it was him...maybe it was somebody else lol. Anyways, good movie.

    Deb - digging your way out of snow is good exercise at least!

    Saranthes - good job pushing your work out a bit longer. Every time you do that you will feel so much stronger!

    Karen - keep it up lady! You are doing great!

    Amy - way to go on getting closer to the bodybugg. I am still thinking about the fitbit in June. I guess it really depends on if I think I need something like that by that point or not. However, I am going to need running shoes at that point since I plan to hit it outside. I have some trail running Puma shoes, for about a year now, and I can feel my toes sinking into the bottoms and my heels are hurting once in a while but I am trying to hold out till then.

    I really think taking vitamin D is helping me..though I forgot to take it last night. DUH!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I have to go to Target today after work for a few things. Do I try on clothes today to see how they fit? Or do I wait till next weekend when the challenge ends? Ohhhhhhh choices choices.

    I think I'll try it. And no matter what, I won't be bummed with the outcome. Can't afford to buy anything anyways!
  • sarabaumgarth
    Hi girls! Hope everyone has a good week so far! This week has been tons of fun...but in the process I fell off the wagon for a couple of days :( OH well I am back today! I just got done with my workout and I even did some really fun slim down yoga. I am getting ready to try my hand at some clean eating homemade bread...I have never made a loaf of bread in my life but the recipe looks very yummy! Tonight I am going to make Orange Chipotle Chicken with rice. It looks so good...I can not wait to eat it and it is CLEAN too :) Doesn't get much better then that!

    Tonight is book night at our house...no tv...no phones....just good books and good food! I LOVE BOOK NIGHT with my boys...Im such a nerd bc I still get excited! I need to get all my stuff done now so I don't have to worry about it tonight.

    Hope everyone has a great evening and keep up all that hard work ladies! OH I hope you all are surviving the SNOW STORM of 2011! I think most people are with me when I say HURRY THE HECK UP SPRING!!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Happy Friday Peeps! I am totally happy cuz I lost 2 pounds this week! I haven't lost 2 pounds in one week in FOREVER!!!! So I'm down to 211.2 (watch out 210, cuz I'm coming for you!!!).

    Sara: Book night is such a great idea. We don't really watch much TV as we only have the Armed Force Network TV channels (which are pretty worthless) but I LOVE to curl up with the fam and good books! Orange Chipotle Chicken sounds delish!

    Lacey: How did the clothes fit? Zip lining sounds fun! I think taking a rest day in between your workouts is a good idea since you are upping the intensity of your workouts. I really looking forward to my rest day this week (Monday) as my body is sooooo sore! Vitamin D is awesome! I started taking 2,000 (is it IU or mg?? I don't know) a day last year and it has improved my mood/energy/outlook on life, etc.

    I did the P90X back & biceps DVD yesterday and my arms are so-freaking-sore. I have to do YogaX today, we'll see how my wimpy arms stand up to THAT today. Hope you all have a wonderful Friday! Tschuss!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey gals - WOWSA did I have a busy day yesterday!!! I burned 3200+ cal... 5 mile run, working with 7 clients and power shopping Walmart then putting groceries away... Yes, shopping burns calories. Since wearing the Bugg, I'm averaging 2600 cal burned a day. That means eating 2100 cal a day on average... Yep - I'll need to up my intake when I get back from Vegas. I'm back down to 187.5 - YEAH!!!! That's only 5 pounds over my lowest weight... I feel like I'm getting back on track. 1 more day till Vegas... I can't wait for sunshine and good food. I haven't made a decision on taking a pole dancing class but it really sounds fun. I'm looking at the Zip Line too... I just need to play things by ear. Sorry I don't have time to respond to everyone but with packing and work - I need to get moving. Hugs and good thoughts to all... As far as Bugg vs MFP - if I log the task as low impact aerobics, the numbers are within 25 cal of each other. For running on treadmill, MFP way off but the treadmill number is within 25 of Bugg... I haven't had time to try Zumba, snowshoeing, or walks outside yet.

    Congrats on the loss Amy!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Amy- congrats on the loss this week. You totally deserve it with all the crazy amount of exercise you do!!

    Sorry I haven't checked in this week. It's been sort of crazy, and I've not been good on the food front. Totes falling off the wagon on that end, and the scale was incredibly unfriendly. And now TOM is supposed to show up any day, so I shouldn't venture on the scale again any time soon.

    Even though Emma and I are doing two relatively long power walks a day, I don't feel like I'm getting enough exercise (though it's certainly better than nothing!!), but I just don't want to go out to the gym when I know I have another long walk to do, and I feel guilty for leaving her at home for so long already. I'm sure I'll get over that, but I'm feeling like a lazy bum! The scale is going in the wrong direction, and the clothes definitely are feeling that way. I'm several pounds now away from my lowest (175) and I'm super frustrated with myself. I need to kick own butt into gear. There's no way I'll be ready for the half in April, though I'll totally come and cheer you on Victoria! I just need to get back in some sort of routine. I'm not even as worried about the exercise as I am about the eating, because that's where most of the loss needs to come from. Again, back to similar old habits of not eating bad stuff, but just entirely too much food, so I need to get myself back in line. Hello--- get back to the good 'ol term "service size" Kristina! Plus, I feel bad about not being on the site, as y'all definitely help me with motivation! Usually if I'm not on for more than a couple of days, it's cause I'm cheating like whoa.

    Anyways, now that I have that out, I am looking forward to the weekend. My goal is to get to the gym at least once this weekend. I also need to sleep in a bit, because lack of sleep is making me also more grumpypants than usual.

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kristina: Get back in gear girl!!! Can Emma substitute a bit of a run for one of her walks? Maybe then you'll feel like you're getting more of a workout. I hope you get some good sleep/decompression time this weekend. Then you can come back more focused and ready to rock this joint!!! You can do it!

    Victoria: Wooo Hooo for Vegas and for being on track. I'm soooo glad the bodybugg is helping you figure out where you need to be with your eating. I'm sooooo ready for one of my own. 11 more pounds lost and I'll have it! Have a wonderful time in Vegas.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning everyone! Let's see....I will NEVER be able to wear skinny jeans or those new jean/tight thingy's...my body is just not made for them, so I have to stop trying. Really. LOL. I tried on a two pairs, 16's and 18's of a low rise boot cut jean at Target - the 18's were loose and the 16's were form fitting. So that is a step in the right direction. I can wear an XL dress comfortably from Target. And I can wear a L shirt, although if it is a billowing one at the hips I can't because my hips are wider.

    I should go to Old Navy and try on clothes there, but will wait till I need to buy some at the end of next challenge for Vegas.

    I'd say over all that this challenge I've lost more in my waist line than I have in years, my forearms are way smaller too. The watch that Jeff bought me a year ago at Christmas, it was tight then. Now I can get my pointer finger up to the base of my hand in between it and my wrist. My calves at the mid-bottom are also smaller...and I've obviously lost a bit on my hips and upper arms too but not as much as I'd like of course. I tried on an XL dress I have from Macys last night when I got home...it fits in the arms so much better and through the top. AND it altually billows a bit around the waist and hips where it was kindof fitted before. Its an a-line dress, so its not meant to fit like that.

    I am frustrated that I have seen anything on the scale happening since I tried that bootcamp class the third week of this challenge. And my sodium intake is killer where I never had issues with it before, so that has got to stop too. I've also increased what Iv'e eaten here and there and let it slack slightly, so I really have no one to blame but myself. Though even if it was perfect I don't know if I would see huge drops on the scale right now anyways.

    Here's to hoping that next challenge the scale treats me better - I've decided to weigh every two weeks. I'm also going back to vegan till dinner starting Monday.
  • izzycoyote
    Hi, Everyone!
    It's been a good week--but does anyone else find the weekends are their Achilles heel? Last wknd was my wedding anniversary, and we actually enjoyed each other's company (!)...while we ate out and had drinks etc etc. I'm kicking off this weekend by meeting some friends to use an expiring Groupon...at a local bar. There's no end to the weekend challenges! How do you all work around this?

    It looks like it's been a busy week for all--I'm definitely going to have to check in more often, 'cause I had a million comments and "hoorays", etc etc for everyone as I read this week's posts!

    Laceylala -- I want to do the Warrior Dash in September, too! Have you already signed up? Have you done it before? It sounds so fun!

    Good luck this weekend, everyone!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hi ladies! sorry i have been away lately. its been crazy at work and home. my puppy came through surgery just fine. thanks for all the well wishes for her. i have been doing really good lately with my eating although exersize is another story. i have not worked out in about 3 weeks now but my weight is still going down. yesterday morning i was down 3 more pounds. its not official but still good to see. i will weigh in monday as usual.

    izzy~ the way i keep from going overboard every weekend is by weighing in on monday or sunday. that way i have to be good over the weekend. it has worked so far

    well i just wanted to pop in and update you all. talk to you later!