200+ Recommitting for the New Year!



  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    sooo on sat i was 188.6lb...

    but today im at 190lb and its TOM eh well..
    im tired and going to bed..
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I need to either get sick or get better pretty quick because this whole sick-limbo thing sucks! I got my exercise in for the day (walked the dog, ran for 45 min, did P90X Chest, shoulders & arms). My run was really crappy. It should have been easy (steady runs are pretty easy for me and I usually look forward to them because I can kind of "zone out") but by the second mile, it was pretty apparent that zoning out wasn't going to happen. My calves felt soooo heavy and achy. It too a TON of effort just to keep plodding along for the duration of the run. I'm putting my compression socks on now, but it really wasn't a "hard" run and there was no speed work or anything. I guess bad workouts happen...sux though.

    Bethany: I completely avoid weighing during my TOM - I've gained as much as 5 pounds during that time and I'd rather not see it.

    Amber: Congrats on the loss! I hope you're feeling better.

    sarahthes: What is your new workout? Cardio, weights, a DVD, a program at your gym?

    Lacey: I have some NikeID's I got for Christmas a few years ago. I don't run in them anymore as they are too old and smooshed for running but I will still wear them for cross training and cycling. I loved them but they were quite pricey. I currently run in Asics Gel 1150's on the treadmill and I got some North Face trail runners for my birthday in October that I use on the trails near my house. I love them both (the tread is getting really worn on the Asics so I'll probably replace them with another pair of Asics soon)

    Izzy: I bet that isn't a REAL gain of 2 pounds. Drink your water, do your exercise and log your food and I bet it comes off pretty quick.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey Super Pals - I'm still around but not much time to post. We saw Fremont Street last night - very cool. I won $110 on slots which off set loss from the past few days. Is it really a loss when free food and drinks are included? For playing $20 each video poker we got lunch and 22 ounce great beer. I kept $10 of 20 and DH kept $5. We tipped $5 so I'd call it a $30 lunch for 2 people plus gambeling fun. I hear DH getting out of the shower - lookout strip, here we come. I've already gotten my 5 mile run in. Have a great day.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm still alive.

    Last week was a horrible week. Joey sent a text message and it freaked me out. He lives 3 hours away and implied he was stalking me or having someone spy on me....or he wasn't doing either and just wanted to harrass/scare the $h!t outta me. It worked. I was terrified. I've blocked his number now. I don't know if he's tried to contact me since, but I think if he does, it'll just get sent back as undeliverable.

    Work was also absolutely awful last week. We had managers in the office and one of them is doing everything in her power to prove that what we are doing is wrong and she's also trying to steal our work for her team. We're new to the department but we're absolutely blowing her team out of the water as far as production goes. No one liked her.

    And then Taylor got me sick this weekend. I can't get off work, but at least they are letting me work from home. I got to sleep later than usual and I'm still in my pajamas (its noon). I'm ready for a nap.

    I'm haven't been weighing myself lately. I don't care. Maybe thats just the cold talking.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Girl, you need a hug! ((((((HUGS))))))) Feel better!

    Victoria: You are a machine!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal - double hugs to you girl!

    Victoria - look at you working out on your vacation! woohoo!!

    Amy - I hope you feel better soon. Sick limbo blows. Good job keeping up on the work outs!

    Bethany - that will go away next week.

    Well I've hit my usual 4-6 week weight loss road block. This time though I have to just flat out push through it and come out on the other side. Generally this is when I give up. Not this time. It may take me a while to get there but I just have to keep going. Stuporbowl Sunday and yesterday going out for drinks and food after work has put me into a downward tailspin but I know I can pull out of it and get going again.
    So. To make my 1800 minutes of exercise goal for this challenge, the next four days have to be 75 minutes of exercise. I can do that. It won't kill me, will probably make me feel better. I swear I am having depression. I look back at my posts and its up, down, I feel great, I feel like I'm under a cloud. I'm terrified of considering any medication for it because it seems like people really have a hard time going off of it once they are on it but I might make an appt to see my doctor in the next couple of weeks if it continues. I am not sure if it is hormonal or what, but it seems to get worse and worse and it is no way to function.

    I am also really considering going vegan during the day and vegetarian at night...cutting out ALL remotely processed foods and going for it. I feel so much better and I can tell even the slightest changes in my personality and feelings when I eat crap food and drinks. I need to do some more research for recipes and get some sort of meal plan together, but I am thinking that by February 20th I am going to do it for four weeks. That would put me to my Vegas trip..and it will probably help my mood.

    So....off to the foodblog world for inspiration and food ideas!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    To the gym I m headed. I have to do 300 minutes in the next four days, yikes!! It works out to 75 minutes per work out!!!! I will be a calorie burning machine tonight!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Tweet tweet Chirp chirp. Ghost town up in here!!

    I guess I'm an MTV junkie and always will be. My Life As Liz is back on and I loved it last time!! Lol

    Got thru my work out and kept under cals tonight. YEAY! My eating choices weren't great but they were under YEAY!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I *heart* my Bugg!! I'm at 3595 burned and we have a trip to the strip planned yet this evening. We went to Gordon Biersch Brewery for dinner - awesome. The rest of my family arrived this evening. It's going to be much harder to do things with this large group. Oh well...

    Great job getting the workout in Lacey!!

    Hope you feel better soon Kendal!!! Loved Lexi's pic warming your feet.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Thought I'd pop by and check in since it's Tuesday. Work was super crazy. Every 2 minutes someone needed to ask me something, plus I was doing a new task for the first time and worried about screwing it up. Anyway, it felt like I got nothing done, including the presentation for the training seminar I'm giving on Thursday. Plus I checked the sign-ups for the seminar and only about a third of the people who need it have signed up. Hopefully a bunch of them are just going to show up, otherwise I'll have to lead a second session and I'm not sure when I'm going to slot that in.

    The weather isn't terribly nice either. While it was bright out today, it was a chilly -23C/-9F when I headed in to work this morning, complete with ice fog. Blah.

    Amy: I'm using EA Sports Active 2 on PS3 for my workout program. The current program I'm doing is a 9-week strength, fitness and flexibility conditioning program. I'm doing it on Easy right now, which is appropriate to my current fitness level. Right now the workouts are ~30 minutes long but by the end of the program they'll be up to 45-50 minutes. It's a nice mix of strength and cardio training. I use a resistance band but there are options for using weights instead. The program calculates calories based off of its own HRM, which is fairly accurate vs 'real' HRMs. The only issueis it doesn't count calories burned between sets (about half the time I jog in place between sets).
  • Can I please start this week over?? Well, the eating and exercising part anyway. I've been close-but-no-cigar on my calories so far, and haven't made time for a run. Kicking myself...

    @Kendal - I've been there. Heck, I've recently had years like that, and it sucks. But everyone here is pulling for you!

    @Amy - Yep, the NikeiD's are expensive: I COULD have bought the Nikes that were $75, but then they wouldn't be lime green, fuschia, and blue :) Last time I got iD shoes, I made sure they'd match any of my clothes. This time my shoes won't go with ANYTHING! It's time to shake things up :) LOL :)
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Geez, I fall off the face of the earth, and I don't see nearly enough weigh-ins with you all! These are the only ones I found while trolling:

    Kristina 184 (TOM... don't talk to me)
    Karen 256.6 (0)
    Victoria 187.5 (-1.5)
    Amber 239 (-1.0)
    Bethany 188.6 (?)
    hmfishy 232 (-3.0)
    Sarahthes 243 (-1.0)

    Last week of the challenge. *CRACKS WHIP ON EVERYONE* I'll update later today about how I've falling off the eating wagon HARD and need to get back on that, like whoa.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kristina - I'm not weighing myself. Forget it..not worth the agony. I'll weigh in on March 7th. You can get back on track!! You can do it!!

    Izzy - Once you start eating more it takes some hard knocks to stop doesn't it? At least you are cognizant of it and are trying to get back on....after Stuporbowl where I gave myself free reign its been super hard, but that work out last night did it and now I am back.

    Victoria - that is awesome about your cals...makes it so much easier to keep track. I know the BB is much more accurate than the fitbit, but I am still considering getting one sooner rather than later. New shoes have to come first. i'm not a fan of Gordon Beirsch beer at all, but I bet that pub was fun! I want to go to the Brazilian Steakhouse when I'm there this time...can't wait!

    Saranthes - I hope the people sign up too, can you send them a reminder or something?

    When I told Jeff I wanted to go vegan during the day and vegetarian at night for four weeks he wasn't so thrilled about it. I mean he could eat anything he wanted during the day...and usually he is all about it, but maybe he is just tired. I told him I'd work in some meaty dinners during the week for him, but that we were cutting back on all stuff like that.

    I think another way I can manage my mood is to get up earlier in the morning and find some sort of DVD or wii or xboz kinect 1/2 hour work out to do before I start my day. Get those endorphins going and all. And swap out my cup of coffee I normally drink while getting ready for freshly juiced green juice.
    So I'm going to read some kinect exercise game reviews and pick one up I think. I don't awnt to buy the wii fit. But I do have a golds gym boxing one that is fun for the wii.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Afternoon ladies! Time for an actual update. I just want to get the chart out there for you all to see. I apologize for the tardiness of it.

    So yeah, things haven't been going terribly well on the health front. I feel like just when I am getting the motivation, I somehow get out my the routine I set for myself. Example: I finally developed a training schedule for myself for the half-marathon in April and then I get sick the first week, and it throws me for a loop. There's no way now I'll be ready for that half, so I need to think about what to do now. I'm thinking about doing the Dexter-Ann Arbor half-marathon in the beginning of June. It'll be warmer for the race (boo), but that also means there will be more time when training will have some non-snow-on-the-ground runs. I'm still getting two long walks a day with Emma, but am not exercising otherwise, which is not enough for me. I need to figure out how to fit additional exercise into my new routine.

    I'm sort of going to put that on hold though. I'm going to try and get to the gym or get some DVDs in, but what I really need to work on is the eating. I tell you, you would think a year after keeping myself mostly in check, it wouldn't be so easy to slip back into old habits, but they totally creep up on you! I need to start diligently logging my food and get back to appropriate portion sizes (always has been an issue in the past). I know that's what works for me. This week the double whammy of bad eating and TOM hit at once and yesterday my scale was at 184. ACK!!! 9 pounds higher than my lowest. I about fainted. This morning was 181, so I'm hoping that loss was TOM issues and I'm really only up a couple of pounds since my last weigh in. I know this challenge won't have a good weight loss outcome, but at this point, I just want to get back into track with my eating habits. I'm hoping for this last week of the challenge to get myself back on board, and that can then translate into our new challenge.

    Anyone have thoughts on the next challenge name?
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kristina: I weighed in at 211.2 on Friday (down 2 pounds). Get the eating in check, girl!

    Lacey: I just ordered an Am/PM yoga DVD - my plan is to do it every morning and night to help improve my flexibility and mood. So I am definitely an advocate of an AM workout session. It makes the day better.

    Today was a crap day but I got my P90X in and my eating is more than under control (I probably should eat another several hundred calories but I just don't care). I've been way blah all day. My scale says I'm up a pound from last week (which pisses me off as I have been WAY on program) but I'll only get uber-irritated if it affects my weigh in this week. My everything hurts and I'm soooo tired.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hey gang...sorry I have been missing, just really busy with family stuff and feeling really really tired! I am giving myself a down week this week, just going to focus on core stuff and yoga with some walking thrown in, my body is telling me to take a break!
    I did weigh in ....I do it way to often and I made it back down to 215.... miffed that I do that, but happy it went back down.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Amy...we must of posted at the same time...I'm tired to...I hear ya!! lol
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - it sounds like the JM 30 day shred videos are good 1/2 hour ones so I am going to pick one of those up and maybe that AM/PM yoga video too...do them every other day or something.

    Deb - good to hear from you!

    Kristina - I think it isn't a bad idea and take it back to the basics for a bit, focus in on getting the eating under control and then move forward.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    bored ba-bored bored ba-bored bored bored
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