

  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    W1D6 & W1D7 complete!

    -Kenpo X & Stretch X-

    Done over the weekend. In all honesty, I was quite disappointed in the Kenpo X. With all the remarks and reviews I'd read I was expecting something really hardcore...something that would make me BRING IT!!

    I mean, I sweat, I get a good workout, but not at all nearly the hardcore workout I was expecting or hoping for. Perhaps had I never done the original, I would be more impressed with the 'X' version. I think the only disk that impressed me (so far) & left me feeling absolutely spent was the legs & back disk. I am going to stick with it and continue to workout hard since it's my nature to do so....but I am hoping to get some of these great results everyone raves about.

    And so, today.......begins W2D1.....here we go!! :bigsmile:
  • 321Detonate
    X Stretch for me today. It was absolutely heavenly!! I am one seriously hurtin' unit after this week, haha!

    Also, I'm wondering who is following the nutrition plan... last time I did Phase 2 of the diet for the first two months, and this time I'm trying Fat Shredder. It's only been one week, but holy moly, I am so sick of protein!! It feels like too much, and I think it's making me a little ill, like feeling nauseous and icky stomach-wise, but I'm trying as best I can. There is no possible way I could eat as much protein MFP recommends if I customized my numbers according to P90X's plan - I'm Level 1 at 1800 cals/day, and at 50% protein MFP says that's 225g a day!!! The best I've done is 150g which sounds like plenty enough. Anyways, I was just curious what everyone's eating and how that's going! :happy:

    I am trying to follow the fat shredder plan... however it really is A LOT of protein.... I'm doing the best I can with it and I'm kinda using the portion approach to things.... just eyeballing my 5 proteins.... 2 dairy....1 carb.... etc. and following the chart the best I can!! I have been adding some extras in... often I'm having an extra fruit... or an extra dairy ... I will say that I'm NOT doing the diet perfectly... but I am doing my best!! :-)

    Week 2 for me today already!!!! Here's to a great week everyone!!!
    Yeah, I use the portion approach too and measure everything, I'm slightly anal retentive about it, haha! Except for weighing proteins, I eyeball it as best I can since my scale broke and haven't bothered yet to get a new one... so I kinda know how big a portion is. It's hard to follow the diet exactly, and I'm modifying a bit too... I go for 4 proteins and add an extra snack with protein, like some cheese or nuts, that way I'm still bumping up those protein numbers. Even on the days when I managed to eat 5 my numbers never got above 150g so I'm wondering how accurate MFP is. Also, I MISS CARBS!! :sad: I'm counting down the weeks until Phase 2!!
  • 321Detonate
    W1D6 & W1D7 complete!

    -Kenpo X & Stretch X-

    Done over the weekend. In all honesty, I was quite disappointed in the Kenpo X. With all the remarks and reviews I'd read I was expecting something really hardcore...something that would make me BRING IT!!

    I mean, I sweat, I get a good workout, but not at all nearly the hardcore workout I was expecting or hoping for. Perhaps had I never done the original, I would be more impressed with the 'X' version. I think the only disk that impressed me (so far) & left me feeling absolutely spent was the legs & back disk. I am going to stick with it and continue to workout hard since it's my nature to do so....but I am hoping to get some of these great results everyone raves about.

    And so, today.......begins W2D1.....here we go!! :bigsmile:
    You could substitute Plyo for Kenpo if you want a more intense cardio workout. I think I might actually do that myself on Cardio X days starting next month... I don't know what it is but I really dislike that video! IMO The only good thing about it is that it's only 43 minutes long!
  • tuduis
    tuduis Posts: 67
    So Week 2 begins today for me... Any Arrested Development fans out there!? I swear, every day Tony reminds me more and more of Jobe. Anyhow, great work and lets keep it up!!!
  • chelsiburnett
    W2D2 for me!!!i haven't got the workout in yet today but I think I might change it up and do it this afternoon since there is like 4 inches of snow and I have nothing to do and can't go anywhere!!! i actually am looking forward to working out!!

    Does anyone else exchange another dvd for the yoga??? I am sorry I just get so bored, and for an hour and a half!!!!! Any suggestions??
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    W2D2 for me!!!i haven't got the workout in yet today but I think I might change it up and do it this afternoon since there is like 4 inches of snow and I have nothing to do and can't go anywhere!!! i actually am looking forward to working out!!

    Does anyone else exchange another dvd for the yoga??? I am sorry I just get so bored, and for an hour and a half!!!!! Any suggestions??

    I sometimes do the Tony One on One: Fountain of Youth Yoga (two of these dvds came with my program) and the yoga is about 45 minutes.... I have a hard time doing the 90 minute one... i try to do it fi I can... if not i'll do the 45 minute one and add some extra cardio in!
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    W2D2 for me!!!i haven't got the workout in yet today but I think I might change it up and do it this afternoon since there is like 4 inches of snow and I have nothing to do and can't go anywhere!!! i actually am looking forward to working out!!

    Does anyone else exchange another dvd for the yoga??? I am sorry I just get so bored, and for an hour and a half!!!!! Any suggestions??

    I agree completely! Others had mentioned using other yoga dvd's, or using the Stretch X dvd instead. For me personally, I am finding it hard doing so much toning and not much cardio...I usually add a bit of running on the days I don't do Cardio X or Kenpo. For the yoga, my issue is the arthritis in my wrists makes it extremely hard to do SO many of the SAME moves throughout much of the dvd....I may replace it with Stretch X.
  • JWALL101

    The soreness is CRAZY! Gotta love the BURN!
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Hi all, Just finished W1D3 Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X

    Today i switched from my 5 pound weights to a resistance cord and it wasn't that great. I barely got any resistance on the "Two Arm Tricep Kickbacks", "Static Arm Curls", "Flip Grip Twist Kickbacks", and "Crouching Cohen Curls". I ended up switching to my 10 pound weights and writing a note about it in my book. On Ab Ripper X, I can definately tell that i am getting stronger. I still can't hit the 25 reps that they want, but i can do a couple reps with proper form. Around 8 at a time than a 10 second break, sometimes 5. I am very excited about yoga coming up.

    P.S i saw that we had some more weigh-ins and i will update the list tonight
  • chelsiburnett
    Wow just got done with cardio X!!! i love that I actually know what I am doing this round, and it makes the work out that much more hardcore!!! The sweat is dripping off me and it feels good!!!
  • pghatc41
    pghatc41 Posts: 18 Member
    W2D1 is done, did Pure Cardio of the Insanity DVD's. Brutal. Just wanted to do a bit more cardio and less weights this go-round so I will try this instead of the Legs/Back DVD. Really going to concentrate on the diet as looking at the chart many of the challengers lost a bit of weight so I want to get that down a bit as well.
  • maexxy
    maexxy Posts: 15
    Hey guys! I really had a great weekend with 5 workouts (including running - but without the overcrowded gym :smile:). I really feel kind of sore today - but it was totally worth it - I am so proud of myself! And I still managed to do Kenpo X today. I love Kenpo X - especially the beginning, but it gets too easy (for me) towards the end of the workout - although I still struggle with my coordination when they accelerate the movements...

    I actually try to get a little ahead of schedule because I will take my mom to an extended shopping-musical-sightseeing-girls-weekend in New York on Thursday. And I am so excited about it - but I guess, I will not find much time to do the P90X workouts according to the schedule. I still hope to be able to go running in Central Park - I love that place!
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    So i was a little discouraged after weigh in this week. I actually gained one pound. Hopefully just water weight.

    SW: 161
    CW: 162
  • tuduis
    tuduis Posts: 67
    So i was a little discouraged after weigh in this week. I actually gained one pound. Hopefully just water weight.

    SW: 161
    CW: 162

    I also gained, but it's okay, it's normal!

    http://www.thefitclubnetwork.com/community/showthread.php?147-Frustrated-w-P90X-Weight-GAIN">P90X Weight Gain
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Here's the chart Updated, We had some more weigh-ins

    Lean Program SD SW CW

    sarina87 - Jan 1 - 172 - 170.8
    chelsiburnett - Jan 1 - 143.2 - 139
    bethvandenberg - Jan 3 - 197.6 - 197.1
    epeebes - Jan 2 - 204.5 - 203.5
    AidaR - Jan 5 - 158 - 159
    cdngrl81 - Jan 3 - 161 - 162
    Melisha82 - Dec 28 - Lost 0.2 pounds
    melterp - Jan 3 - 163
    Aintnet - Jan 3 - 229.8
    Jsnbabb1 - Jan 3 - 168
    CombatVet_Army - Jan 3 - 169.8
    jUstd0iT31 - Jan 3 - 150
    Mello_Jello - Jan 2 - 123.4

    mschelle - Jan 1
    quentien3 - Jan 3
    quadrun250 - Jan 5
    amnski - Jan 1

    Classic Program SD SW CW

    maexxy - Jan 1 - 178 - 176.6
    pghatc41 - Jan 3 - 191.2 - 192.8
    newman84 - Jan 1 - 125.4 - 124.8
    bohochick Jan 1 - 166 - 163
    kappy2hot - Jan 2 - 175
    healthy_is_best - Jan 1 - 165
    mschelle - Jan 1 - 168
    kc4173 - 128.6
    jordan1221 - Jan 3
    tuduis - Jan 3
    sixpackgoal - JAN 1

    Doubles Program

    Raplaa88 - Jan 3 - 183.2 - 185.4
    JWALL101 - Dec 27 - 299 - 297

    Other Programs (Insanity and P90)

    happinessblossom - Jan 1 - 237.6 - 235.6
    heabear - Dec 31 - 143 - 139
    shellync - Dec 31 - 207

    Unknown Program

    asjo901 - Jan 2 - 154
    andreab84 - Jan 10
    aweigh2go - Jan 4
    maru09 - Jan 3

    Just so you guys know
    SD - Starting Date SW - Starting Weight CW - Current weight
  • ehartmk
    AHHH - I *NEED* to do this but I'm currently 10/11 days behind!!!! ANYONE starting a new one or any way to catch up!?!? :)
  • 321Detonate
    Core Syn done!! I love this workout, mostly because it challenges me the most. Sphinx and Walking Pushups, Bow to Boat, Plank to Chatarunga Run... the list goes on! Feeling the burn and drenched in sweat = AWESOME :bigsmile:
    AHHH - I *NEED* to do this but I'm currently 10/11 days behind!!!! ANYONE starting a new one or any way to catch up!?!? :)

    Start tomorrow and join us! :happy: All of our start dates are about 10ish days apart anyway.
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Anyone have any suggestions for some extra cardio dvds??? We've been doing cardio x for our double.... we tried a couple other dvds (they were all too easy) I just think doing cardio x all the time i'm going to get bored.... i have an elliptical and i do use that, however my husband and i have been working out together most of the time and we're looking for some more intense cardio..... anyone do the biggest loser cardio max workout?? I put it on my netflix Q.... any other suggestions (especially something rather inexpensive please!) would be great!!!
  • quentien3
    quentien3 Posts: 134 Member
    Anyone have any suggestions for some extra cardio dvds??? We've been doing cardio x for our double.... we tried a couple other dvds (they were all too easy) I just think doing cardio x all the time i'm going to get bored....

    Actually, If you have access to the insanity programs, I would suggest "PURE CARDIO" from that program. I think it'll give you that spice and burn you are looking for. Its anything but boring I kid you not!...

    On another note I just completed W2D2 Cardio X and I truly feel like I may have to step up this program also. Don't get me wrong, its not like I can do the Dreya Roll or anything, LOL. but once I truly master the YOGA X I would have completely OWNED the cardio portion. but I feel good, I recommend just exhaling on most impacts, it really does save energy.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Hi All,

    Just Did Yoga X and didn't get through the whole think. I had 20 mins left but i really gotta start getting ready for work. I think tomarrow i will finish the last 20 mins before i start the Legs and back/ab ripper tomarrow. It will be an extra warmup. Even though i didn't finish the yoga, my body is still pretty shaky, It was a good wake up for my muscles.