

  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    Hi all, Today was my first day of the Lean program. I feel like i did really well on Core Synergistics but some things were really hard. First off, i couldn't take it serious whenever Tony says "BANNANA". It just sounded really funny to me but i do think i will get over it.

    I also have a question for anyone who might have an answer. Does anyone have tips or suggestions on how to dreya rolls. I was having a bit of an issue getting up once you get down. i tried pushing with my arms but no luck yet. Hopefully it will improve in time.

    the banana thing has me laughing at 12:20 AM over here. i find him super cheesy in the classic videos too
  • epeebes
    epeebes Posts: 89 Member
    Got my DVD player yesterday! Will be starting today!


    SW: 204.5 lbs

    Waist: 34 1/2"
    Hips: 44 1/2"
    Chest: 36"
    Right arm: 14"
    Left Arm: 14"
    Right thigh: 28"
    Left thigh: 28"

    Additional Stats:

    Belly (across the belly button): 43 1/2"
    Bust: 43
  • maexxy
    maexxy Posts: 15
    How do you feel today after having survived day one? I actually feel pretty good am am just about to start my day two workout. Hope that everyone else is doing fine and still motivated.
    I also have a question for anyone who might have an answer. Does anyone have tips or suggestions on how to dreya rolls. I was having a bit of an issue getting up once you get down. i tried pushing with my arms but no luck yet. Hopefully it will improve in time.

    For me, it helps reaching my arms all the way out to the front and imagining a rope or sth like that and then lift myself up by virtually pulling on the rope.
  • Melisha82
    Melisha82 Posts: 243
    My husband and I just did Legs & Back + Ab Ripper. I have to say I have a LOOONG road ahead of me because some of those sets are so hard for me!! I am excited for this, though!! I have my calendar on my fridge marking each day off with a smiley face lol
  • ClaireElanB
    ClaireElanB Posts: 94 Member
    I just did Chest & Back and it was super hard. I kept taking breaks & drinking water, so I took 2 hours to do the one hour :) and there's kinks also to work out, like I need some heavier weights for the lawnmower.
    I feel really good about starting this because I know it's going to be thrilling to see the improvements from my numbers today!
    Yaaay us!
  • maru09
    maru09 Posts: 7
    ok , me too
    I'll be starting on Monday , here we go!!!!
  • epeebes
    epeebes Posts: 89 Member
    Did my first day of Core Synergenics, boy did I sweat! I'm also gonna go to the gym for an hour later to get some more cardio in!
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    I wish I could be in ...
    I have to put P90X on hold until after my half marathon.
    But I have ordered my resistance bands and my pull up bar...
    And I am planning on starting February 14th....

    Oh, what is the difference between the classic and the lean program. How do you know which one you want to do? How can I still fit in my running 3 days/week with P90X?

    To my knowledge the difference between the classic program and the lean is that lean is more geared toward weight-loss and cardio while the classic is with muscle definition but there is cardio as well. If you are already running 3 times i week, i would recommend the classic because you are already getting in alot of cardio in with your running.
  • asj0901
    asj0901 Posts: 141
    Starting Weight: 154
    right arm:
    left arm:
    right thigh:
    left thigh:

    I will update the other measurements shortly.... I am so glad you started this group. I have P90x but need some support to be consistent. This is going to be awesome! I did only the AB ripper yesterday....(just being honest)
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    How do you feel today after having survived day one? I actually feel pretty good am am just about to start my day two workout. Hope that everyone else is doing fine and still motivated.

    I definately feel pretty good and am still motivated. I am also still on my high from seeing Wicked the musical 2 days ago. I am so Defying Gravity. On the 2 dvds i have done so far (core synergistics, and cardio x) i have been able to get through the entire dvd but the dreya rolls i am still having issues with. But i am hoping for the best, right now i am comparing it to me never being able to do a push up until this fall. I've always had a really weak upper body and i never thought i would be able to do 1 real pushup but now i can do 15 in a row off my knees. That is a real accomplishment for someone who couldn't do a push up for 20 years. So i am hoping the same thing that happend with my push-ups will happen with the dreya rolls as well.

    P.S. Tony said Bannana again today and it cracked me up :)
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    My husband and I just did Legs & Back + Ab Ripper. I have to say I have a LOOONG road ahead of me because some of those sets are so hard for me!! I am excited for this, though!! I have my calendar on my fridge marking each day off with a smiley face lol
    Maybe you should try lighter weights to get into the groove. You might be starting to high and that could be why it feels so hard right now. I would play around with it
  • sixpackgoal
    I did plyo this morning. It was tough. I am glad I have a 10x10 wrestling mat too soften the impact.
    This program is great. I really enjoy Tony's style of coaching. This reminds me of combination of wrestling practices and boot camp.
    It's been a long time since either, Lucky I have my base of conditioning from running a half marathom last fall>
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Starting Weight: 237.8
    waist: 48
    hips: 49
    chest: 48
    right arm: 16
    left arm: 17
    right thigh: 27
    left thigh: 27

    Completed day 2, Sculpt 1-2 and also threw in some zumba for 27 minutes! It's been a good day. I'm already feeling the burn! :o)
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Thank you for the reply -- can I join in when I start P90X?
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    My Jan 1st start date got delayed, so I will be starting week #1 on Monday (tomorrow!)...just in case it got lost in the previous thread...I am doing the Lean program....good luck all!! :happy:

    Starting Weight: 169.8
    waist: 41
    hips: 43
    chest: 40
    arm: 13.5
    thigh: 22.5

    Rather embarassed to post my measurements and initially I wasn't going to, but I'm sure it'll keep me accountable!
  • jUsTdOiT31
    I am new here and starting p90x tomorrow! I will post my measurements in the morning! I know my current weight is 150! SHEEEEEEEESH! Looking forward to being skinny and ripped! :)) BRING IT PEOPLE!
  • jUsTdOiT31
    P.S. I'm doing the lean program!!
  • kappy2hot
    hello, I am doing the classics and my measurement are as follow;
    chest: 43
    hips :42
    righ thigh: 24.5
    left thigh: 24.5
    right arm: 12
    left arm 11.5

    I am really excited about this!!
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Hey everyone! I am just starting my second round of the X today! I'm doing doubles this time.... started this morning with the fit test... I had a HUGE difference from the first time around.... I'm ready to bring it!!!
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Oh and then this afternoon I'll be doing Chest and Back... hopefully week 1 of round 2 isn't as rough as my very first week in my frist round.... that was probably the worst week ever!!!!