
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Lean Program

    sarina87 - jan 1st
    bethvandenberg - jan 3rd
    epeebes - jan 2nd
    cdngrl81 - jan 3rd
    mschelle - jan 1st
    CombatVet_Army - Jan 3rd
    quentien3 - jan 3rd
    amnski - jan 1st

    Classic Program

    maexxy - jan 1st
    jordan1221 - jan 3rd
    kappy2hot - jan 2nd
    healthy_is_best - jan 1st
    bohochick - jan 1st
    newman - jan 1st
    Raplaa88 - Jan 3rd

    Other Programs (insanity and p90)

    shellync - Dec 31
    happinessblossom - jan 1st
  • jordan1221
    jordan1221 Posts: 58 Member
    Reesepc, I would just start from Day 1 of the classic version :smile:
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    Lean Program

    sarina87 - jan 1st
    bethvandenberg - jan 3rd
    epeebes - jan 2nd
    cdngrl81 - jan 3rd
    mschelle - jan 1st
    CombatVet_Army - Jan 3rd
    quentien3 - jan 3rd
    amnski - jan 1st

    Classic Program

    maexxy - jan 1st
    jordan1221 - jan 3rd
    kappy2hot - jan 2nd
    healthy_is_best - jan 1st
    bohochick - jan 1st
    newman - jan 1st
    Raplaa88 - Jan 3rd

    Other Programs (insanity and p90)

    shellync - Dec 31
    happinessblossom - jan 1st

    I'm actually doing Classic (just for the sake of accuracy :tongue: )
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    W2D1 done! Chest & Back w/ Ab Ripper X.

    I think I pulled a groin muscle this weekend (do women have groin muscles?? :laugh: ). It hurts to pull my legs in for most of the ab exercises, but I tweaked by crossing my legs where I could.

    BTW For anyone following the diet - I'm trying to by just adjusting my intake to the 50/30/20 Level 1, but am having a heckuva time getting anywhere close to the protein requirements. I can't just chew on a chicken all day!!

    I found these great protein bars called Think Thin that have 20g of protein in them, along with a lot of the other stuff the recovery shake has. I've been eating those instead of the P90x drink and bar. Any other suggestions for getting massive amonts of protein or is 100-150g/day enough (or too much) for a non-athlete?
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    Today was my day 3 of the lean program (shoulders and arms and ab ripper). I did very well and think i should be using heavier weights. But for ab ripper x, omg, very hard. Hopefully in time it will get better. well, i am not looking forward to 92 mins of yoga tomarrow, but i will suck it up and get through it. Also do we have any biggest loser fans in the board. I am completely estatic that it is starting up again tomarrow. Can't wait to see the new trainers

    I am with ya girl! SOOO excited! I've heard some 'secret details'...so I'm anxious to see what's the deal-y-o!! :happy:
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Lean Program

    sarina87 - jan 1st
    bethvandenberg - jan 3rd
    epeebes - jan 2nd
    cdngrl81 - jan 3rd
    mschelle - jan 1st
    CombatVet_Army - Jan 3rd
    quentien3 - jan 3rd
    amnski - jan 1st

    Classic Program

    maexxy - jan 1st
    jordan1221 - jan 3rd
    kappy2hot - jan 2nd
    healthy_is_best - jan 1st
    bohochick - jan 1st
    newman - jan 1st
    Raplaa88 - Jan 3rd

    Other Programs (insanity and p90)

    shellync - Dec 31
    happinessblossom - jan 1st

    I'm actually doing Classic (just for the sake of accuracy :tongue: )

    I will fix it later tonight, sorry about that
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    W2D1 done! Chest & Back w/ Ab Ripper X.

    I think I pulled a groin muscle this weekend (do women have groin muscles?? :laugh: ). It hurts to pull my legs in for most of the ab exercises, but I tweaked by crossing my legs where I could.

    BTW For anyone following the diet - I'm trying to by just adjusting my intake to the 50/30/20 Level 1, but am having a heckuva time getting anywhere close to the protein requirements. I can't just chew on a chicken all day!!

    I found these great protein bars called Think Thin that have 20g of protein in them, along with a lot of the other stuff the recovery shake has. I've been eating those instead of the P90x drink and bar. Any other suggestions for getting massive amonts of protein or is 100-150g/day enough (or too much) for a non-athlete?

    I have heard great things about those think thin bars. I might try them myself
  • Well, I got off to roaring start this round... I've been beat over the head with the migraine from hell today and I'm FINALLY feeling some relief now at quarter to ten. Sigh. I'm too weary to workout tonight. So to make up for it, I think I'll do Cardio X as planned for Day 2 and just tack on Core Syn from today at the end, so that will be my Day 90. I'm soooo mad, but my head feels like it weighs 600 pounds. Ain't a damn thing inside either :tongue: I MISS YOU TONY!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    woo hoo was thrilled that I got through the Core Syn. program today. It went way better than I thought. :) On top of all of that I went to the gym with my friend and ran a mile and did arms. :) Total burn of over 700 cals. I'm happy to hear about the think thin bars will have to look for them. I don't know how else I'll get all that protein in. Wow.

    So excited that you started this thread and that I joined.

    Thanks and good luck to all.
  • maexxy
    maexxy Posts: 15
    Oh my - I just finished yoga and have to say: I still don't like yoga - at all. I just hope, that I somehow can find a way to still push play next week....I think I will have to go running this evening, I need the action :-)
  • i knoW I am a few days late. my p90x just came in. I am joining lean group
  • epeebes
    epeebes Posts: 89 Member
    Just completed Day3 Shoulders & Arms and Ab Ripper X. I must say Ab Ripper is 16 minutes of pure ab evil!:devil: :laugh:

    But I feel good!

    I will be going to the gym later tonight for an hour of Cardio as well!
  • Selma_82
    Selma_82 Posts: 13 Member
    Can I join? Or am I too late ?
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    W2D1 done! Chest & Back w/ Ab Ripper X.

    I think I pulled a groin muscle this weekend (do women have groin muscles?? :laugh: ). It hurts to pull my legs in for most of the ab exercises, but I tweaked by crossing my legs where I could.

    BTW For anyone following the diet - I'm trying to by just adjusting my intake to the 50/30/20 Level 1, but am having a heckuva time getting anywhere close to the protein requirements. I can't just chew on a chicken all day!!

    I found these great protein bars called Think Thin that have 20g of protein in them, along with a lot of the other stuff the recovery shake has. I've been eating those instead of the P90x drink and bar. Any other suggestions for getting massive amonts of protein or is 100-150g/day enough (or too much) for a non-athlete?

    I have been eating the cliff builder bars.... they are very tasty and have 20g of protein in them as well! They have a mint chocolate chip flavor that is yummy!! I feel like I'm eating a candy bar!! Also for the recovery drink I use a drink mix from GNC called Endourox 4 (spelling may be off...) and it has everything in it that the beach body recovery drink has with the execption of the creatine (spelling again..) it's pretty good and i swear by it!!! I notice a huge difference in how I feel the days I don't have it after a workout!!! I also drink protein smoothies for snacks... i use the EAS chocolate protien powder... I've just started mixing it with almond milk... very yummy!!! Hope that helps!!
  • Aintnet
    Aintnet Posts: 12
    Well i am doing Lean. started Day 1 yesterday with my Husband.

    SW 230lbs
    Neck 14.75
    Waist 40.5
    Hips 47.5
    Chest 41.5
    R arm 14.0
    L arm 14.0
    R leg 26.5
    L leg 25.0
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Today was my day 3 of the lean program (shoulders and arms and ab ripper). I did very well and think i should be using heavier weights. But for ab ripper x, omg, very hard. Hopefully in time it will get better. well, i am not looking forward to 92 mins of yoga tomarrow, but i will suck it up and get through it. Also do we have any biggest loser fans in the board. I am completely estatic that it is starting up again tomarrow. Can't wait to see the new trainers

    I know what you mean about the yoga... it's probably my least favorite!! I am a huge biggest loser fan.... however it's on too late for me (especially when I'm getting up at 5 am to work out!!) I usually DVR it and watch it later! I am interested in the new trainers... however I really am going to miss Jillian!!!
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Completed W1D3 last night. Finally remembered to wear my HRM. I burned 295 in 36 minutes. I keep trying to go to the gym to get the elliptical in...but it hasn't happened yet. Maybe next week! :o)
  • Melisha82
    Melisha82 Posts: 243
    My start date was Dec 28
  • aweigh2go
    aweigh2go Posts: 164 Member
    I would like to join as well. Will post vitals this evening.

    Did day one this morning and day 2 tonight. Should be on track tomorrow. Do we have to do all the workouts or can I substitute cardio for plyo or kenpo?

    Is 1800 calories the goal for everyone?
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    W2D1 done! Chest & Back w/ Ab Ripper X.

    I think I pulled a groin muscle this weekend (do women have groin muscles?? :laugh: ). It hurts to pull my legs in for most of the ab exercises, but I tweaked by crossing my legs where I could.

    BTW For anyone following the diet - I'm trying to by just adjusting my intake to the 50/30/20 Level 1, but am having a heckuva time getting anywhere close to the protein requirements. I can't just chew on a chicken all day!!

    I found these great protein bars called Think Thin that have 20g of protein in them, along with a lot of the other stuff the recovery shake has. I've been eating those instead of the P90x drink and bar. Any other suggestions for getting massive amonts of protein or is 100-150g/day enough (or too much) for a non-athlete?

    I have been eating the cliff builder bars.... they are very tasty and have 20g of protein in them as well! They have a mint chocolate chip flavor that is yummy!! I feel like I'm eating a candy bar!! Also for the recovery drink I use a drink mix from GNC called Endourox 4 (spelling may be off...) and it has everything in it that the beach body recovery drink has with the execption of the creatine (spelling again..) it's pretty good and i swear by it!!! I notice a huge difference in how I feel the days I don't have it after a workout!!! I also drink protein smoothies for snacks... i use the EAS chocolate protien powder... I've just started mixing it with almond milk... very yummy!!! Hope that helps!!

    I'll have to try the cliff bars....I know I'll get sick of the Think Thin's if I don't mix it up. I used to drink some kind of choco protein powder from GNC - I forget what it was called though. It was yummy. I mixed it with skim milk and a banana to make a smoothie/milk shake type thing. Came in a big black tub...but I think 80% of their stuff does LOL I'll hit GNC up some time this week and see what they've got. Thanks for the suggestions!
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