

  • quentien3
    quentien3 Posts: 134 Member
    Day 2 down @ as of 5:10 A.M. I really feel like I could have continued a bit but didn't want to get over zealous! Looking forward to tomorrow morning!
  • pghatc41
    pghatc41 Posts: 18 Member
    Here are my measurements:

    Weight: 191.2
    Body Fat (approx): 22%
    Waist: 39.5
    Hips: 40.5
    Chest: 41.75
    Right arm (relaxed): 13.25
    Left arm (relaxed): 13
    Right thigh: 20.75
    Left thigh: 20.5

    Also for accuracy sake, I changed from lean to classic program...will be doing shoulders and arm program today...
  • maexxy
    maexxy Posts: 15
    So, I actually made it to the gym and on the treadmill to action-off my yoga session from earlier this morning. And - wow :noway: - the gym was over-crowded! Every single treadmill was taken (and there are around 30 treadmills). When I was there last week, there were only a couple of guys working out, but now... Where do all these people come from - and where do they hide the rest of the year? I wonder for how many weeks this phenomenon will last....
  • epeebes
    epeebes Posts: 89 Member
    So, I actually made it to the gym and on the treadmill to action-off my yoga session from earlier this morning. And - wow :noway: - the gym was over-crowded! Every single treadmill was taken (and there are around 30 treadmills). When I was there last week, there were only a couple of guys working out, but now... Where do all these people come from - and where do they hide the rest of the year? I wonder for how many weeks this phenomenon will last....

    I'm afraid of this too! I really hope my gym isn't crowded tonight with a bunch of new people!!
    I mean I wish them luck on their journey, but an overcrowded gym really blows!
  • maexxy
    maexxy Posts: 15
    Oh, I hope you didn't get me wrong - I wish everybody luck and persistence as well. Guess I will just have to figure out another gym schedule for myself.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Oh, I hope you didn't get me wrong - I wish everybody luck and persistence as well. Guess I will just have to figure out another gym schedule for myself.

    They will disappear again by March. Happens every year...
    Glad I have P90X.
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    Day 2...done!

    -Cardio X-

    For anyone doing P90, you'll be glad you started there! I have found that many of the movements for P90X originate from P90, which makes getting the hang of things much easier. PLUS it provides a great foundation to build on for strength and endurance. So far, I have found the 2 disks I've done much easier than I was expecting. After reading SO many reviews, I was nervous about just how difficult P90X would be. It's been a great relief! :)
  • tuduis
    tuduis Posts: 67
    I'm IN! I started classic yesterday, 1/3, due to the chatoic new year. Measurements to come!
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    So, I actually made it to the gym and on the treadmill to action-off my yoga session from earlier this morning. And - wow :noway: - the gym was over-crowded! Every single treadmill was taken (and there are around 30 treadmills). When I was there last week, there were only a couple of guys working out, but now... Where do all these people come from - and where do they hide the rest of the year? I wonder for how many weeks this phenomenon will last....

    I'd also like to mention about my grocery shopping experience this week!! OMG!!! I shop at a couple different stores while on my weekly shopping... the fist store... completely out of turkey bacon and 2% cheese.... i was like oh ok well it's the new year whatever i'll get it at the next stop.... i go there.... they are also out of 2% cheese (ok they weren't out entirely but they were out of the kind that i like and that is the least expensive!) SO then I'm in the fruit and veggie section... and they were out of bananas!!! I was getting so frustrated because all of the things i like i couldn't get!!! Grrr.....

    Ok i'm done ranting now but I was really frustrated by the whole thing!!

    On a happy note... just got my rear end handed to me in plyo x and I'm feeling great!!!!
  • Melisha82
    Melisha82 Posts: 243
    it's been 2 days since Legs & Back, but my butt is still sore LOL... I have to make sure I sit on soft surfaces for now!!!
  • epeebes
    epeebes Posts: 89 Member
    Oh, I hope you didn't get me wrong - I wish everybody luck and persistence as well. Guess I will just have to figure out another gym schedule for myself.

    No worries I knew what you meant!:happy:

    My gym was a little more packed than usual too. But thankfully not for the cardio machines. Everyone was waiting to take classes. My roommate was happy, he's like new faces! Hot mama's! He crack's me up.:laugh:
  • futureMrsOrasit
    I'm working on getting the DVD's and some of the workout equip needed to start. I'm hoping I'll be able to start next week Monday (Jan 10th). I'll only be a little over a week behind everyone then!
  • melterp
    melterp Posts: 9 Member
    I'm IN!! W1D2 DONE! :)

    Lean program

    Starting Weight: 163
    waist: 34 in
    hips: 43.5 in
    chest: 38.5
    right arm: 12 in
    left arm: 12 in
    right thigh: 24.5 in
    left thigh: 24.5 in
  • quentien3
    quentien3 Posts: 134 Member
    quick question to whomever has feedback, How do you log the shoulder and Arms / Ab /ripper X workout?... I used circuit training but it displays a massive amount of calories. I believe the total workout time is 78 minutes!

    I don't want to cheat myself you know.

    Feedback please.
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    quick question to whomever has feedback, How do you log the shoulder and Arms / Ab /ripper X workout?... I used circuit training but it displays a massive amount of calories. I believe the total workout time is 78 minutes!

    I don't want to cheat myself you know.

    Feedback please.

    I use a heart rate monitor that tracks my total calories burned for the workout... and then i add a new exercise to my exercise log and put in the time and how many calories burned.... if you don't have a heart rate monitor i highly suggest you look into getting one!!!
  • quentien3
    quentien3 Posts: 134 Member

    I use a heart rate monitor that tracks my total calories burned for the workout... and then i add a new exercise to my exercise log and put in the time and how many calories burned.... if you don't have a heart rate monitor i highly suggest you look into getting one!!!

    Yes! I do have a HRM, I wasn't thinking regarding the calorie tracker. I guess I'm am overly dependent on the exerciese tracker although I always deduct 10%
  • jordan1221
    jordan1221 Posts: 58 Member
    Week 1, Day 2 dunzo!!! I did Plyo last night and it kicked my behind. I finished the regular exercises...couldn't do the bonus round though. Next week, I'll try to do at least the first part of the bonus round.
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    I need some advice. I just finished W1D2 (lean). It starts off with some Yoga moves (Warrior One, Two, etc) and during all of these moves my feet are in pain. So I usually end up getting up and walking around and then trying to keep going but halfway through the next move it happens again. Does anybody else have this problem?
  • mandyreadsbooks88
    I did it! DAY one complete. It wasn't pretty but I finished. Im not going to put up measurements because I am sure I will GAIN inches in all areas besides waist and its just best if I dont know. When I work out I always bulk a little but it still looks and feels better being toned.
  • AidaR
    AidaR Posts: 28 Member
    Hi All I started P90X this morning and I decided to go with the Lean program... I am so glad there is a support group here since I am still unsure about some things. I opted to stay with my own diet plan and log it in to MFP since I'm not cooking for myself alone lol.
    I will post my measurements tonight since I haven’t taken them yet other then my starting weight which is 158 lbs

    Good luck to all and I hope we all reach our goals :)