Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - January Challenge!!



  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Full fat is the way to go with the butters as only 2g of the 16g of fat in 2 tbsp is saturated and the rest are poly and mono fats which are SO SO SO GOOD for you. Plus in order to remove the fat, they have to process it more:grumble: And during the process antioxidants are removed as a result. I am certainly not on the PB2 or powdered anything train. Love my full fat natural unsalted peanut and almond butters:heart:

    Crap, now I wish I hadn't finish the jar of peanut butter that I keep in my desk :noway:
  • seripha
    seripha Posts: 92
    I like the low fat stuff to be honest. It doesn't taste any different to me than the full fat one and it has less sugars. I tend to eat a lot of fish anyhow so I get my fat that way :)

    Mmmm... orange and ginger salmon.... *drool*

    BTW I have to share my favourite work snack right now - Artichoke Layered Crackers

    1/4 cup of marinara (I like anything Paul Newman's)
    1 tbsp of low fat herb and garlic cream cheese
    5 Dare Breton Basil and Olive Oil Crackers
    5 artichoke halves

    I basically just create little layered crackers by spreading some cream cheese on the cracker, add a little marinara sauce, and top it off with half an artichoke heart. So delish and healthy and I've found it to be really good for tiding me over between breakfast and lunch. (I eat my lunch a little later - around 1 or 2). The whole things is around 225 calories too, so it's also good for a pre or post workout snack .

    Here's a picture from one of them that I made for lunch today :) Color is a bit off because of the overhead fluorescent lighting but it still tasted just as good.

  • Jill--I'm glad your interview went well. I hope you get the job because I really hate your boss! :smile: Sounds like you have a lot of options which is nice! Seems like interviews always come in clumps....feast or famine.

    Guam--Hope you have so much fun this weekend on your trip!

    Meag--I honestly think your body just isn't done losing weight, and there is nothing wrong with that! I wouldn't stress about it. You work out a TON, and you eat healthy, so it's not like you're starving yourself! Just keep doing what you're doing and when you body is at the place it wants to be you will settle at whatever number that is and then you will know where you should strive to maintain.

    mkingraham--I so hear you about your hubby having a day off totally throwing you off your routine! I'm not working at the moment, but I do remember facing that exact dilemma and it would drive me crazy! I'm glad you powered through and got your workout in.

    Seripha--I should definitely look into hosting one some time. Right now I am trying to sell a bunch of clothes on ebay and apparently I am getting rid of them for a reason because no one is bidding! I'm impressed with all the races you have lined up! Feel better soon!

    Nadine--Geez I can't believe what that girl said to you about not eating a slice of pizza! I can't imagine not caring about my health, but I suppose there are people out there just the opposite. And yes, you're right, some people are just jealous and say mean things to make themselves feel better.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    OMG I was just eating natural organic almond butter for my lunch snack with an apple! Soooo Goood!! I love Nut Butter! I have gotten into buying it at the natural food store its a little more expensive but I know it is completely natural and delish!

    BTW- I have a doctor's appointment for the 17th, should give me an idea if it is caffinee related if I stay off it till then. I decided I am going to stay home with the boy and make a healthy meal at home maybe even have a little vino.

    Anyone know any recipes that involve sweet potatoes for a romantic meal at home??
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    TONS of great stuff on here today ladies and gents!!! I swore I would post to everyone today before I left for work but looks like I am closing the shop early- road are getting really nasty. Im going home!!!

    So just a semi-quick selfish post! Took tomorrow off so that the ladies and I can go check out bridesmaid dresses for the wedding. Hopefully the snow stops by the am so we can get there. Its kind of early to be doing this for an October wedding but my cousin lives about 5 hours away and this is the one window where she can get down here and everyone else is available for a few months. I am just looking forward to hanging out and having fun with everyone. It is going to be SOOOO great :)

    Didnt get a chance to run last night :( Stinks when real life gets in the way. Oh well. Not going to beat myself up over it. Going to enjoy some quality girl time with the cousin tonight and then have a rocking good time tomorrow! Probably will only be on to log food tomorrow.

    Have a great weekend everyone and keep kicking *kitten*!!!!!!
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    Welcome Silver, Angels & Nadine!!

    Cait – I’m sure you’ll catch up with me soon with C25K since I’m repeating weeks and you are doing so well! Enjoy your weekend. Wedding shopping is so much fun. I wish I could do the whole wedding thing again :D

    Aly – Looks like we have lot of things in common – my hubby’s the one who cooks too!! And though I don’t recipes, I approve what is to be cooked everyday :) Also, with your headaches & dizziness, make sure you eat enough.

    Stuartme – thank you :) Yeah, after each day of C25K you feel a sense of accomplishment. It makes you push yourself harder than you normally would & that is what makes me love the program. I’m sure you’ll start enjoying it soon enough. And, you are really doing great. Keep it up :)

    SkipToMyLou – Congratulations on reaching your goal. You are doing great!!

    Roobean – You are right…we will look amazingly hot in those bikinis!

    Jil – Awesome as usual! Good luck for your interviews. You’ll get what you want :)

    Guam – you should definitely try the C25K program. I absolutely love it and am looking forward to be able to run 5k at a stretch. Enjoy yourself at the wedding!

    Seripha – Like you idea of doing a race every month. I’d love to do that too but I need company & have none :( though I’m trying to get hubby started but it’ll take a long time…and even then I don’t know if it’ll happen!
    The Artichoke Layered Crackers look good & are easy to make. Will try them! Just realized, I always intend to try recipes that people post here but never end up doing that :( I think one of these weekends I’m going to get into the kitchen!

    Meag – the bread looks delicious. You are making everyone crave bread now!!

    Sorry if I missed anyone. There were too many posts to catch up with :)

    AFM – Last night we went for dinner to an Indian restaurant. So no point counting calories & I didn’t even go to the gym :(
    But like I said earlier, I’m back on track starting today. I’ll be doing Week 6 of C25K again and will continue counting calories. That’s it for now. Have a great weekend all of you!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-dark chocolate is good for ya!! and i most def feel ya on that skin!!!

    stuart-i dont know what your gym offers...but i would def consider getting a trainer just for 1 or 2 sessions to help you learn the appropriate way to do each exercise and what machines to stay away from!!

    amy-great job on the loss!

    Lou-great job on reaching your goal already...and way to take a chance and up it!! you are going to do great!

    Jill-you will know when you get there ;) and congrats in interview and good luck!!

    aly-way to quit coffee!! i drink like 3 cups a week and have stopped drinking any soda all togethor!! and i feel much better with headaches and stuff :) so its well worth it!

    Guam-that is so cool!!! my 30th is in May and I cant wait! you guys are gonna have a great time, although its kinda cold in March so you'll have to run in and out of the pools! lol you'll have to let me know when you are coming...maybe we could meet up for a drink :)

    mkingraham-WTG on getting to the gym! and good luck on Monday! and i would suggest measuring once a month!

    angel-i get 1200 calories per day, today i burned 360 calories on my workout, which put me up to 1560 calories that I may consume for the day...since I don't like burning the calories just to eat them and put them right back into my body...I will probably eat between 1200-1350 calories for the day :) you will find what works best for you as you go!

    spellbinder-dont worry bout the logging for one day!! you are really doing great this month so no worries!

    QOTD-my old fave food is and will always be Italian! my new fave food in Lebanese...gotta love hummus and pita, and dont forget the baba ganoush! YUM!!

    AFM- well stats for week 1 of January: 3/3 done on workouts, 1/8lbs loss so far, and 6/7 on 80oz of water (7/7 after i finish todays...which i will!)
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    Tara - you are doing great...keep it up!! I did well last month but haven't being doing well since 12/30 :( we've been eating out everyday. Anyway, I'm getting back to normal my life now.

    Workout was very good today. Did W6D1 of C25K & then burnt 395 calories on the elliptical in 1/2 hr. Normally I would burn anywhere between 300 - 350 on the elliptical. I think alternating my cardio days with strength training days is working well for me. Running has also become easier. Thanks to all of you for your inputs :)

    Dinner was not healthy since I was craving cheese sandwich but I managed to stay within my calories.

    Good night everyone!!
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    Oh & QOTD: My all time favorite --- Italian!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Well my lovely boyfriend is finally fixing my computer once and for all so I am taking time on his laptop to reply (he brought it to keep me entertained - what a sweetheart!).

    Seripha - Snacks look great :) I never buy artichoke hearts but I totally should! Maybe Ill try to use them next week in something... Love experimenting with new ingredients. Although Ive eaten them before I have actually never cooked with them... Could be fun! Also never had them raw :blushing:

    Skip - it better be done soon - 126lbs at 5'7" is really getting low. I want to be fit and firm looking and I am still looking pretty flabby but very thin. Not ideal. I still don't feel 100% confident in my clothes and I wish I did because I know how hard Ive work - I deserve to feel good!

    Aly - Romantic sweet potatoes? haha I'm all out of ideas on that one girl. I don't do romantic one bit. But sweet potatoes are incredibly versatile! Let me think about it and get back to you tomorrow...

    Cait - Have fun with your bridesmaids and don't beat yourself up!! :flowerforyou: You're kicking *kitten* :happy:

    Spellbinder - Oooo Indian food is SO worth it though... My mom always joked that I should marry into an Indian family for the food at family functions (yea we're awful like that). One day of deliciousness will be alright though. Back on track and back on C25K tomorrow! Hmm... Maybe Ill take the boy for Indian this week...

    Tara - dark chocolate is SO good... and sort of OK for you, too :smile: haha Like I cared! It was yummy!

    Thought I'd be over today but I took a long walk and I'm actually still under. Maybe i'll have some chocolate later and push myself over anyway. The days not done yet.

    Bread turned out incredible and I really recommend it. Super easy and fast, and really a crowd pleaser. My whole family loved it and the boy encouraged me to try other kinds. Of course, he never turns down a free meal :laugh:

    My body (knees specifically) are super sore and I feel kind of off today. I think Im going to take a test on Sunday and end the suspense once and for all. This is really eating me up inside and could explain my mega weight-loss this week...Because I definitely haven't been eating very well. Who knows :ohwell:

    Have a great night everyone! :heart:
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Full fat is the way to go with the butters as only 2g of the 16g of fat in 2 tbsp is saturated and the rest are poly and mono fats which are SO SO SO GOOD for you. Plus in order to remove the fat, they have to process it more:grumble: And during the process antioxidants are removed as a result. I am certainly not on the PB2 or powdered anything train. Love my full fat natural unsalted peanut and almond butters:heart:

    Crap, now I wish I hadn't finish the jar of peanut butter that I keep in my desk :noway:

    MMMMMMM almondbutter....YUMMY!!!! eating it now with an apple!!!:happy: one of my FAVE snacks!!
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    spellbinder25 – Thanks for the welcome.

    SkipToMyLou32 – I can’t imagine it either, it’s been so important to me for so long. Not that there hasn’t been times when I’ve fallen off the wagon, but whose perfect??

    seripha – those artichoke crackers sound delicious! I used to get these grilled artichoke wraps from this health food deli all the time, but I’ve never thought to buy artichokes at the grocery store. Thanks for the inspiration!

    allislefttogain – definitely agree on the full fat! Fuel for the brain  Love my unsalted full fat natural pb too. With apple slices is my favorite snack at work.

    meag – all your recipes look amazing, can’t wait to have time to try some.

    angelsandwolves09 – I always eat all my cals including my exercize cals. I found if I tried to go under to increase my weight loss it would have the opposite effect and I would actually gain weight!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hey everyone!! sorry i've been so MIA this month, and i again apologize as this will be a selfish post, but i swear i'll catch up lol...
    i'm officially confessing to being a total slacker so far this year, as i have not exercised at all this week (with the exception of shoveling snow today), and have eaten like a total glutton.. for some reason i've had a massive craving for mexican food (def not pregnant btw!) and had it 3 times since last week, and tonight was pizza.. oh and not to mention the endless snacking as well.. today i really had no excuse not to do some Turbo, but just couldnt get my butt in gear, between having to shovel, and that was after spending 2 hours trying to set up our new computer. i ended up not setting the wireless up right so i was on the phone with 3 diff tech people before finally solving the problem. ugh! i'm resolving to get back on the wagon, and forcing myself to get back into the swing tomorrow, and not waiting til Monday..
    hope all is well with the rest of you all!!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    wow.. I def sat down and read the last three pages of posts so I can feel part of the group and write to everyone like you all do...I dont know if its cuz I am new and I dont know everyone as well as you know each other, or maybe Im a little ADD.. who knows.. but I am really lost now.. lol, instead of having something insightful and specific for everyone, all I can think about is how i feel like I will NEVER be able to run like some of you do... and I want to eat all of meags bread!... maybe i need to eat before i try to concentrate!

    i will try to come back later, hopfully less insane and more focused
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Morning! Even though its Saturday, I am forcing myself to wake up at a decent hour (its 8:45 am here) that way on Monday when I attempt to wake up at 5:15 for my work out I won't be dragging my *kitten* I'll be kicking some!!

    On a bright note I woke up to about 1/2 and inch of snow on the ground. I know this is not much and soon will be nothing I get excited about, but I am originally from Georgia, but I lived so close to Florida that I could walk there if I wanted to. Needless to say I can count the number of times I've seen snow on one hand- well I guess two now :)

    Like Kan I am really trying to read everyone's post and keep track of who is talking about what but its hard! There are so many wonderful people on here!! I am sure as time goes on I'll get better at keeping up with the thread without having to read it every 20 minutes . haha!

    So here is my general post to Everyone!- Thank you so much for all of your stories about delicious food, tough workouts, challenges and victories. It is really helping to keep me motivated. I know that if you all are going to come back here and openly talk about what you are going through, then all I have to do is try my hardest and you guys will be there to back me up and push me through it! So thanks for making me feel so welcome and doing such a great job yourselves :)

    AFM- the plan for today is to plan out the weeks meals, do some grocery shopping, and at some point I'm going to head into work so I can go to the gym. That's the only downside about having a gym at work is that I have to go there on the weekends, especially when its cold outside! I am sure once it starts to warm up I will be able to do a lot of stuff outside at my house instead of having to go into work. Not that I'm complaining because I know how lucky I am to have a super nice gym at work for free.
    My plan is to just take it really easy and light. I was going to bring my kindle and just read while I do the bike so that I don't get my heart rate to high but still move and loosen up those muscles! Then Sunday is my rest day, but I might try some yoga for the first time. My flexibility sucks.

    And here is my food tip to everyone. Have you ever had/tried collard greens? They are great for you, high fiber, and I think pretty tasty. They are a strong tasting green, but let me suggest how to cook them. If you look in your produce section at your favorite grocery store they will most likely have pre-cut and cleaned collards in a bag, just like bag salad. I normally get these. I would avoid canned collard greens as they add a lot of salt and other various seasonings that I just don't think you need. In a large pot dump in about a cup of your favorite broth. I typically use chicken. Then dump in the bag of collards and put a lid on it. If you let it simmer for about 30 minutes stirring occasionally all of the collards will have wilted down and be nice and tender. I believe the bag is about a pound of collards and my hubby and I get about 4 servings out of it as we like to have a nice heaping pile. If you are looking for a new and different vegetable with lots of fiber this might be one worth trying.

    Have a great Saturday, and my goal for today is to keep up with everyone's posts :)

  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Ok...catch up time (sorry for anyone that I miss!!!)

    First of all WELCOME to all the newbies!!! :flowerforyou: this is a GREAT thread with AWESOME women (and now men) who offer great support and motivation!!!

    Kan-don't worry! The thread does "fly" really quickly on here and sometimes I feel bad cuz I don't have time to sit and reflect on everyone's status but just checking in is just important-LOTS OF GOOD STUFF ON HERE!!!:happy:

    Allie-I had to shovel last night too!! Don't worry take a deep breath and restart again in the can do it!

    To all the "jiggly in the middlers"-that is totally me too!! I thought I was doing pretty good with the "muffin top" and on Thursday my dreams were shattered :grumble: after my run on the treadmill I did my strength (30 day shred levels 1&2 minus the cardio). side note: In the comfort of my own home I do workout in just a sports may not be the prettiest but I don't care!!! So I finished with plank twists and my oldest daughter walked in (5 yrs old-so very blunt) and said, "ew Mommy, what's all the skin there for?" I wanted to say, "Well that's from you and your sister stretching the crap out of my belly!!!" :grumble: but I didn't!!! I can't get rid of the extra skin!!! Any suggestions???

    AFM: Yesterday was my rest day and I needed it!!!! Arms and legs sore from strength and the running from the week. Signed up for my 1/2 marathon yesterday so NOW I HAVE to stay focused!!! On the agenda for today is a 3 mile run on the treadmill (snowed last night and VERY COLD!!! :angry: and then off to our LAST family Christmas!!!

    Have a GREAT Saturday everyone!!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Quick pre-workout post: Had a nice relaxing evening with the BF and now I am getting ready to do my Bike/run workout. I am really excited since my bike hasn't been used for a bit because of the rain. 2 hour bike ride planned followed by a 15 minute run.

    Dinner last night- Panko Crusted Halibut, sweet potatoe fries, salad. YUMM!! If you have not tried Panko you need to! Soooo yummy!

    I will be back with an update on the workout!
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    Selfish post for the meantime - be back later today to respond to you Kick *kitten* Crew!

    So an update on my temptations yesterday: I did well for lunch. My friend and I met at Cosi and I had a half sandwich and salad. They have menu and nutrition facts online, so I planned out what I was going to eat before I went (I rarely do this - and I'm kinda proud of myself for doing it). I got a half sandwich - half salad combo. I ordered a veggie hummus sandwich and a chicken caesar salad - and they gave it to me without chicken! Not sure what happened, if they assumed I was a vegetarian or something (I'm not, I just LOVE hummus) but they gave me a cup of grilled chicken to add back to my salad. But the football game viewing was pretty bad food wise - mostly because of the beer that we got from a local brewery. :drinker: I did munch on baby carrots more than the tortilla chips during the first half. And I brought some killer spinach dip, which everyone loved and complimented (and ate in about 10 minutes!) so that was flattering :smile: But.... even though I left myself about 1000 calories for the football gathering (which included dinner) I still went way over in calories. But I'm putting yesterday behind me, and I'll just work extra hard for a few days to make up for it.

    Completed D2 of c25k yesterday. It was flurrying for most of the time I was out there, but the snow started to pick up towards the end. I found it all really beautiful. So I'm feeling pretty good about it. My roommate and I decided that we would set up gym dates over the weekend. It's so tempting to take the weekend off - so we're trying to give each other that extra push to be active over the weekend. Hopefully it'll work...

    About bikinis - I'm super self-conscious about bikini bottoms. So I usually wear a bikini top with swim shorts as the bottoms. I bought the two pieces separately but they match pretty well. I also have had that same swim suit combo for as long as I can remember. I think buying myself a new one would be a great reward for the summer if I keep with my goals.
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    wow.. I def sat down and read the last three pages of posts so I can feel part of the group and write to everyone like you all do...I dont know if its cuz I am new and I dont know everyone as well as you know each other, or maybe Im a little ADD.. who knows.. but I am really lost now.. lol, instead of having something insightful and specific for everyone, all I can think about is how i feel like I will NEVER be able to run like some of you do... and I want to eat all of meags bread!... maybe i need to eat before i try to concentrate!

    i will try to come back later, hopfully less insane and more focused

    Never say never!!! My breaking point was last March when I was late for a bus and I couldn't run the two blocks to get there. I felt so defeated!! That day, when I got to work very very late, I signed up for a 1/2 marathon. Very ambitious I know! But I had 8 months to get there. My first run was 2 mins slow jogging, 2 mins walking for 20 minutes. And I mean SLOW jogging! I did that for a whole month. Christmas day this year I did my longest run ever, 23km! Back in March if somebody had asked me if I ever thought I could do that I would have said Hell No. The trick is to progress slowly and don't burn yourself out.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    spell-thanks! eating out is so hard NOT to do!! it is just easy and with how much healthy food costs...its almost even cheaper! you will be rockin it in no time i am sure!

    Meag-good luck on the test...fingers crossed for you :)

    allie-get back to it girly!! you have done an awesome job so far and need to get back to your workouts1 you got this!

    KanCrav-all of us have been doing this thread since about October I think...but you will def get into the groove of things and know who everyone is and how they are doing within a couple of weeks i bet :)

    Megan-sounds like you have some great plans in motion! so keep up the great work :0

    Melissa-i really dont think that there is anything...i have searched and searched for ways to get rid of lose skin and there just isnt any!!! you could try lotions, creams, ab targeted workouts...doesnt matter! personally, when i reach my goal i will have lost over half of my body weight and have come to the conclusion that i will need and will be getting a tummy tuck to fix it! sucks but no alternative!!

    Stuart-it was a great idea to plan and although you still went over, just imagine how much you would have gone over if you hadnt had planned!!! you did a great job and should be proud of yourself for the thinking ahead and eating healthy :)
This discussion has been closed.